Top choices will be available for the Deluxe Tier this coming month! Looking forward to what you choose!
Epilogue Choices:
Alien Space Babe: An Slice of Life Alien Space Babe epilogue 10 years after the end of the original Serellis and Derek have to deal with there troublemaking half-alien child and make sure no one finds out Serellis and their kid are half alien
Employee of the Month: What if Francine's dad Percy caught Lumins Syndrome not long after Francine did? His rival on the board sees this as the perfect way to remove him as an obstacle in taking over the company and gain his own perfect bimbo trophy wife along the way as well. Percy fights the changes as long as he can before succumbing to being the biggest bimbo there has ever been, to add insult to injury Francine is welcomed into the rivals house, as well as his bed.
Glass Ceiling: Its a year or two later, and Charlie's team has made excellent progress on the pill research. She presents her findings to the board, but as a 'demonstration' has drugged their water with a faster acting, less painful version of what happened to her. She promises them a reversal pill (which she demonstrates on a transformed Pete to prove her claim) but only to those that vote to reinstate her to her old position.
Going Caving: Years later, another male cave diver finds himself touching a magic crystal, only for the full magic force to send him back to Ulka's tribe in a gorgeous cave woman body. The now-experienced former male now has to tutor this new woman in what it's like to be a cave woman.
South of the Border: Maybe 5ish years later to see how the sisters are doing? Did Amarissa go back to get her psychology degree, or where are they all now? Perhaps with Amarissa joining her sister with a set of twins herself! I'm sure her and Miguel have a big family 5 years down the line.
Wholesome Family: Huge time skip with Dorothy’s college experience, her first serious boyfriend she decides to lose her virginity to, and her reflecting on how strange her new life has been growing up as a girl having been a man already.
Alternative Ending Choices:
Alien Assumptions (Woman to Cow TF): Monica is turned last second into an anthro cow instead of a regular cow. How does her life turn out like that?
Lake Otherlife: Despite her personal growth, Gabriella wants to turn back into a man. They return to the Lake after a year but she doesn’t change back. They discover she is pregnant (despite being very careful with contraceptives, perhaps magically influenced). Gabriella must learn to accept her new life and future motherhood with the magic of the lake seemingly determined to enforce her pregnancy to term (tries an abortion, ends up with twins for the attempt etc)
The Polymorph Parisite: Instead of being turned into a bimbo the Parisite ends up turning George into an Busty Amazonian Goddess
See How You Like It: Trish wishes for the body she always wanted to look like at the end instead and starts a new life
BONUS OPTION: Changed Magazine: A series of profiles, interviews, and top-ten lists of TG and TF changes, including dating columns for those who have been TG'd and products for those who have suddenly changed gender or even species. The theme of the first special can be proposed in the comments!