Mini-Story Delivery (RC TF Harem) (Patreon)
As voted on by our Deluxe Tier Patrons for the month! Enjoy!
By FoxFaceStories
Cori and Kate are a witch couple who decide to spice up their date night by casting a transformation spell. But when a man delivering their ordered pizza accidentally involves himself in the spell, they become his sexual fantasy instead!
Cori and Kate had decided to spice up their date night. They were both witches, and talented ones at that, but now that they were in their mid-thirties their days of wild witchy fun were mostly behind them, and they largely enjoyed a thoroughly suburban existence by this point. The lesbian pair was naturally already quite beautiful. Well, ‘naturally’ to the outside world, as their spells had granted them such of course. Cori was a blonde-haired beauty with a slim ballerina-like figure, while Kate was more athletic, with hazelnut brown eyes and hair and a beaming smile. They loved one another, truly, but sometimes things needed shaking up.
“It’s a transformation spell,” Kate explained, excited. She was usually the more forward of the two of them. “Once cast, you become the greatest sexual fantasy of the first person you see.”
“How long does it last?”
“As long as we want! We have the power to change back any time, of course. We just have to choose.”
Cori grinned nervously. “Well, I suppose it could be fun. And a little embarrassing.”
“Doll, of course it’ll be a little embarrassing! But c’mon, we’re indulging in a night of fantasy. Let’s order some pizza and prepare the spell and have a great night in!”
Cori agreed. The pair ordered their regular pizzas, then got to drawing the magic circles and reciting the preparation rituals. After twenty minutes, they were ready to being. Cori was still nervous; she liked strong women, and while Kate was athletic, she imagined having sex with a pure Amazonian. On the other hand, Kate was excited to see Cori’s figure go from slim to positively voluptuous and curvaceous, with a big bust especially.
“Okay, let’s cast the spell!” she declared. They held hands and recited the words in the tome before them, sitting on the couch together in front of the television screen. The magic circle glowed and magic shot through the air, and both could feel the possibility of change within their bodies.
“All recited,” Kate said. “Are you ready to turn and look at each other?”
Cori clung to Kate’s hand tightly. “I - I am,” she said nervously.
But before either could turn their faces to see each other, the television suddenly turned on. It was rigged to do so when someone rang their doorbell, which had a camera in it (one that was magically rigged up, in fact). It was the delivery man, a figure who looked to be in his early twenties delivering their ordered meals.
“Yes, pizza is here!” Kate declared, but suddenly she groaned. “Ohhhh, I f-feel funny.”
“M-me t-too,” groaned Cori.
Kate realised it first as her skin began to dark right before her eyes and her thighs plumpen. “N-no! Shit! We saw him first!”
“S-so wh-what?” stammered Cori, whose own skin was becoming olive in tone, and whose chest was rapidly expanding to form a pair of very ripe breasts. She cupped them, struggling even as her outfit changed. “I d-didn’t realise you were into big-boobed goth g-girls!”
“I’m not! And I d-doubt you’re into thick latina!” Kate replied, her accent changing to that of a hot Brazilian. Her own breasts expanded, but it was her lower half that became most impressive: her ass was cupped by tight denim shorts and a short crop top became of her regular shirt. Her hair was thick and full, and in the meantime Cori’s goth-style black leather clothing pulled tight against her form. She was becoming Asian, with gorgeous almond eyes and silky black hair.
“It’s his fantasies!” Kate said as her body finished transforming. “We’re t-turning into what he wants!”
“We have to t-turn back!”
They knew it intellectually, of course. But instead they both got to their feet, staring at the video of the man pressing the doorbell again. He was oddly handsome, in a nerdy kind of way. And they too had reduced in age. They had never been interested in men, but now . . . now, they craved this man, more than anything.
“I’ll get the door!” they both shouted at once.
They nearly pushed past each other, new mammaries bouncing in their tops, as they reached the door. They flung it open, surprising the man, whose name tag read ‘Dennis.’ His jaw dropped at the sight of these two women; both his ultimate sexual fantasies, and both posing in ways to show off their supreme curves.
“Um, delivery?” he said.
They licked their lips, looked at one another. The desire to turn back - to ever turn back - was rapidly disintegrating. The man was going erect just at the sight of them, and the new Asian goth and curvy Latina were salivating at the sight of it.
“Would you like to join us, Dennis?” Kate said in her new accent.
“Um, I guess it’s my last delivery of the night. Sure, I’d - wow - I’d love to.”
The two women grinned, and practically yanked him into the doorway. Already, their hands were on him, leading him to the comfortable couch.
“That’s really good to hear,” Cori moaned, whimpering with desire. “Because we really, really want you to deliver us something else. Something hard and long right between our legs.”
Dennis gaped. “Um, really?”
Kate kissed his neck, rubbed her chest against him.
“Absolutely honey. It’s your lucky day. Hell, it’s your lucky life. We’re your ultimate sexual fantasies, and I think we’re going to stay that way.”
And they most certainly did. Dennis was set to have a very, very, very happy life. And quite an active sexual life with his dream girlfriends too.
The End