Alien Life, Part 9 (Man to Alien Impregnated Woman TG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
A Commission for Al
The explorer ship Tiresias is nearing the end of its voyage when it is suddenly rerouted to check out a strange signal emanating from the surface of one of the moons of Jupiter. Liam Macklin is a young engineer on the ship, which has a complement of only six. But when he is the one to uncover a strange artefact, his life is changed forever. Slowly, as they voyage back to Mars, his body begins to feminise, in order to better house the new alien life that is growing within him . . .
Part 9: The Alien Labors
The two months of travel after the staging of the Tiresias’ destruction were filled with a strange mix of palpable tension and continual boredom. It seemed that, for now, the investigation of the ‘tragedy of the Tiresias’ had concluded in its destruction, with even Rotar giving interviews on the subject (albeit the existence of alien features in the story were obviously censored entirely). Which was not to say that the governments might not have their suspicions; the further they got out into the Solar System, the longer it would take news to travel. So instead the crew simply focused on allocating their supplies sensibly, maintaining the ship’s function, and doing their best to take care of one another and the ticking time bomb that was Liam.
Adam was the one to check in on the former male most often, and their conversations became increasingly in-depth and off-topic, to the point where Liam found herself wishing for his company more and more. Beyond his mischievous sense of humour, the man had a real passion for rocks that made Liam chuckle with disbelief.
“How can anyone possibly find rocks that interesting?” she asked him at the eighth month mark. By this point, she was starting to think of herself as a woman more and more, particularly since she had startled to waddle when under the centrifugal grav. Her belly had dropped a little, though it was still growing, the kicks now entirely visible to all, much to Petyr’s amusement.”
“Please, rocks are more interesting than people, once you get to know them,” Adam replied. “They tell a whole history unto themselves, and their compositions can determine the future of an entire region. Plus, they look rather nice on a shelf if you find some good samples. And they don’t try to sedate you and lock you onboard a ship.”
“Ah, not wrong there, I suppose.”
The two shared a laugh, and Liam was interrupted by a series of kicks along her belly. She grunted.
“Must be pretty incredible,” Adam remarked, looking curiously at the little tentpole movements of the babies. “Being pregnant, I mean. Not many guys get to say they’ve gone through that.”
“Not so - ugh! - incredible from the other side, you know,” Liam grunted.
Liam gestured at his belly. “I don’t have stomach muscles. I struggle to get up after sitting down. Sleep is dependent entirely on these little gremlins kicking away, and my boobs have started to leak.”
“Don’t tell Petyr, he’ll make some awful joke. They are nice boobs though, at least. Very, uh, pert.”
Liam snorted. “You are such an asshole.”
“I’m not joking. I’m just remarking that if you were going to become a woman, at least you became a very lovely looking one.”
It made her feel a bit warm to be described as lovely. In truth, while her large E-cup breasts felt far too big, she occasionally felt a source of pride when Adam looked at her cleavage or their outline in her tops the way he did. Sure, they were bouncy and jiggling and annoying in zero-grav, but they also weren’t exactly not fun to play with, in private.
“Well, I won’t look so lovely soon. You know, becoming a frickin’ alien and all. Just my luck.”
“Please, you’re just turning blue.”
“And my hair is turning white! And I’m getting elf ears!”
“The elf ears are a little bit adorable, I won’t lie about that one. Besides, it’s not a bad look. I meant what I said. You’re not exactly growing antennae or a big alien butt or something.”
Again, Liam snorted. “Please, I already have a big alien butt. Well, a bit blue one at least. Seriously, look at this thing. Even since I hit thirty weeks along I swear I’ve blown up like crazy.”
She stood and gestured to her ass, and Adam found himself staring. He swallowed quite obviously, taken aback by what Liam was doing.
“Um, I don’t even know what to say. That is certainly one impressive behind, Liam. Very . . . pronounced.”
“Like a hippo’s ass.”
“Well, let’s be honest here, it’s a perfectly delectable derriere, just for a woman. It’s just that you don’t think of yourself as a woman.”
Liam sat back down, breasts bobbing. “That’s just the thing, Adam. I sort of do now. How can I not? I’m really fucking pregnant with full-on twins. I’ve got tits that are now making milk. My voice sounds like I’m some sort of fae elf lady, and I get these dumb dreams-”
“Dumb dreams? You mean, other than the Aesera ones? What are they about?”
“Nothing. Damn, the babies are hungry again.”
Adam grinned, sensing weakness. “Oh no, you’re not getting away that easily. Besides, I’ve got rations right here, so there’s no need to start escaping. What dreams?”
She blushed. It was more obviously against her blue skin these days. “Goddamn it, this is so fucking embarrassing. Only Katz knows about this, and he’s sworn to secrecy under his oath. You do not get to tell Petyr this, under pain of fucking death, do you hear me?”
“Cross my heart and hope to see Petyr die.”
“Good enough,” she replied. She lay back against the wall of the living space, trying to find the words that wouldn’t humiliate her too deeply. She wasn’t even sure why she was telling Adam this, only that it seemed . . . right, somehow. She could confide in him things that were difficult to tell others. He had, after all, been so kind to her when the changes were continuing, and ever since.
“Okay, this is gonna be really damn embarrassing. Shit. I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but the changes are more than physical. Especially lately.”
“You mean like the Aesera dreams? Or how you obviously have quite the maternal instinct from how you keep worrying about your babies.”
She smirked faintly as she rubbed her stomach. She was big as a house and annoyed by it, but it was also a good sign lately; it meant her children were growing well.
“Well, there’s that. But let’s just say that I’ve also become a girl in other ways, I guess.”
Adam chuckled. “Yeah, like you’re into dudes now, I bet.”
There was a protracted pause, and in allowing the silence to foster, Liam realised she’d given the game away. Adam’s eyes widened.
“No, wait, really? Those kind of dreams?”
Liam bit her lip and nodded. “I can’t help it! It’s the fucking transformation and gender change. It’s got my hormones all twisted about and now my body is into dudes. Don’t make it all weird.”
“Hey, does this mean you look at Petyr and-”
“Nope, no fucking way.”
“Or the Captain? Into older men?”
“Fuck you. As if!”
“Hey, what about me? I work out.”
Liam swallowed. “You . . . don’t look too bad.”
Her response made Adam exhale in surprise. “Well, I’ll take it. Just don’t have any dreams about me. They’d never live up to the real deal.”
“Aaaaand you’re back to being an ass again,” Liam said. “And now I really need to pee. Yes, that’s both true and my excuse to get out of this damn conversation.”
“Well, I’m glad to learn this valuable information today Liam. And since you’re clearly checking me out, I’ll make sure to get a look at that big swaying ass of yours as you head up the ladder.”
“Haha, fuck you.”
But weirdly, Liam didn’t feel as embarrassed as she thought she would. In some ways, it had actually been quite cathartic to admit it to her friend. Of course, ‘friend’ was a difficult category to nail down, when you’d started having sex dreams about them. That was something she didn’t tell Adam.
From that day, the man spent even more time with her, even as her body changed more and more. Her pregnancy was nearing its completion as their voyage continued, and the whole crew was on alert on how to help her, just as Dr Katz was giving her every test under the stars in preparation. But beyond the increasing roundness and heaviness of her body, and the bloating in her now-familiar breasts, her own alien transformation was reaching its end as well. She was officially completely blue at thirty six weeks pregnant, something the rest of the crew found rather fascinating and occasionally humorous. Adam called it ‘beautiful’ more than once, and oddly she actually felt a little pretty sometimes; an elven alien with gorgeous blue skin and pointed ears, with silken white hair that fell to the small of her back. Even her face had become a little more elongated, her features more willowy.
“At least we have a hot alien on board,” Petyr said at one point, “though annoying that I couldn’t be the one to get her pregnant. No offence, Liam.”
“Offence taken,” she said in the breakroom, flinging a ration pack at him. “God, I wish at least one other person here was turned into a bloody pregnant woman, just so Petyr could stop staring at my damn boobs. Hell, I wish he’d been the one to be turned.”
“Alas, I am too manly for that, comrade!”
“I’ll concoct all sorts of revenges upon you when I’m lying on my back pushing these babies out, Petyr. Just you wait.”
“A woman scorned?”
Liam grinned. “Exactly. An alien woman scorned, to be specific.”
“I’d watch out, Petyr,” Hardigan said dryly, “our Liam may develop laser vision.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny this development,” Katz replied with an equally dry smirk. “Adam may be able to though. He spends the most time with our Liam.”
Adam coughed. “Well, it’s not that much time.”
“I’d rather think you were lovebirds,” Petyr teased. “Adam and Liam. Hmm, not exactly Adam and Eve, is it? Rebirthing a new race, but lacks a certain punch. Plus, ‘Liam’ just doesn’t fit anymore.”
“Actually,” Liam said, sitting up a little more straight and brushing some of her silky white hair behind her ears, “I’ve been thinking about taking on a new name.”
Katz leaned forward. “You don’t have to do that, Liam.”
“There’s certainly no pressure from my end,” the Captain added. “It’s extra work to change the designations anyway. But if you feel it’s important-”
“It is,” she said, a little nervously. “Look, we can all see I’m a woman. I’m pregnant. I’m bloody blue. I’m still me, but I’m not the man I was, and Liam just doesn’t sound right to my ears anymore.”
“And what ears they are!” joked Petyr. “They get their own reception!”
This time Adam flung a ration pack at him, hitting the cad square in the face. He then turned to face Liam, and in his expression she found a sincere interest in what she had to say. “What name are you thinking of taking?”
“Well, I know this sounds strange, but I keep dreaming of the Aeseran civilisation. They had some very, uh, neat names. Beautiful ones, I guess. I don’t know if it’s the hormones or the change or whatever, but one seemed to fit me. At least I think it did. I don’t know, maybe I’m just-”
The Captain coughed. “Engineer? I order you to hurry up and spit it out.”
“Luniara,” she said, blushing a little. “It means ‘future hope’ in Aeseran. “I thought it was fitting.”
“It’s beautiful,” Adam remarked, before taking a bite from his ration.
She melted a little before his gaze.
“And hot,” Petyr said.
This time the Captain threw a ration. Even Dr Katz joined in on the fun.
You are so near, Luniara. The coordinates are not far off. Just a few months to go, and you will be there. You have done well. I am glad I have chosen you, and I hope that you are not too dismayed that your changes are permanent. You will be the one to bring back my maker’s race, and they shall never forget your sacrifice, nor that of your crew. But there is a future beyond that as well.
If you wish to take it.
By the time Liam went into labor, he was almost grateful. She was almost grateful, would be a better way to put it. Just as with her talks with her crew, she had fully accepted her femaleness. At a week past due her nine months of pregnancy, it was impossible to hold onto any sense of being otherwise, especially now that her colostrum was starting to leak from her breasts. Her hair was past her shoulders, and her maternal instincts and sense of impending motherhood were stronger than ever. But more than even that, her transformation into a being that was no longer fully human made the prospect of crossing the gender divide completely somehow more palatable.
Of course, hers was not the only struggle on the ship. For all his jokes, it was clear that Petyr was going a little mad from lack of human contact - especially female contact. She’d accidentally floated in on him masturbating in zero-g at one point, and from his grunts it was clear he was masturbating to her. It had been less shocking than she would have thought. She was very pretty after all, and even fully pregnant had a great figure. Most of all, she was the only woman on the ship; the only woman poor Petyr would see for an entire year. Likewise, the Captain was a hard man and a pragmatic one, but it was clear he was privately mourning a career he loved and regularity of contact with Olympus that marked his calendar.
But the true sufferer was Samwell Katz. The man had never been a stone, but neither had he been an open book. In fact, Luniara hadn’t even known he had a wife and two daughters until her own transformation. And now that they had faked their deaths and set course back beyond the Mars Belt, she had come to realise how much he had given up. Naturally, Katz was adamant that he would see his family again, but for now they were mourning him, and he was afraid he might not see them again. In a strange reversal from how they had begun, it was now Luniara who was comforting the doctor, placing her ethereally blue hand upon his shoulder and doing her best to comfort him. He appreciated it, but only because she didn’t lay it on too thick. It was funny, but just by touch alone the former human man could sense his moods and thoughts.
“Her name is Julia,” she murmured.
Katz turned, surprised. “How did you know that?”
“Your eldest. The firstborn, I mean. I don’t know, I could just . . . sense it, I guess. Through skin contact. The other day I accidentally brushed Petyr’s arm and it was . . . awkward, what he was thinking about.”
“By God, you truly are picking up some strange talents. Yes, I miss her deeply. So very deeply, Liam. Luniara. I miss all of them. I just wish there was a way I could-”
Luriana’s grip on the doctor’s shoulder tightened, and she grit her teeth. Fluid leaked from between her thighs, soaking her underwear and drenching her pants. It was a good thing she was in centri-grav, or else it could have been disastrous. But the implications of what had just happened to her were deeply alarming. She’d spent every day expecting it, dreading it, and now it was finally here.
“Ohhhhh, s-sorry doc, I don’t m-mean to interrupt, but I th-think - ahhh! - I think my water just broke. I think I just had a damn c-contraction.”
The doctor put on his glasses and was suddenly completely professional again. “Well, you’re in the right place, young miss. Let’s get you checked out, and I’ll inform the crew. Let’s hope it’s not a long labor.”
She nodded, breathing heavily as the strange pressure in her belly continued, tight as hell.
“F-fuck. I never thought this would happen! I’m going to give fucking birth.”
The doc smiled softly. “To twins, no less.”
Don’t - ahhh - remind me!”
Luniara howled as yet another contraction rolled through her. Sweat poured over her alien blue skin, and her breasts felt utterly tender, as if ready to release a torrent of milk once her little ones were born. She had been in labor for twelve hours, and Dr Katz was keeping her updated on her contractions, which were getting closer and closer together as she became more dilated.
“You’re doing great!” he said. “Perhaps another centimetre or two and you’ll be fully dilated, I’d guess. The babies certainly want out!”
She grunted, groaning heavily as she was forced to ride out another contraction. All acceptance of being a woman had momentarily fled from her. She wanted to be Liam again. Human again. Male again. Anything to avoid the pangs of labor and the horrifying reality that soon she would be pushing actual babies out of her vagina.
The crew, she knew, were not far outside the medical bay. It had been a slow day - they all were now - and despite how long she’d been putting up with contractions already, no one wanted to miss out on being able to say they were there for the birth of an entirely new species. Every so often, Hardigan entered through the hatch to check on how things were proceeding. He did so at that very moment.
“How are things going with our Liam? I mean, our Luniara?”
“Things are - nnghh! - failing to proceed at all!” she cried. “Damn this! Ohhhh, damn this so fucking hard! Why did this have to h-happen to m-me! Ohhhhhh . . .”
The Captain gave a sympathetic grin. “Is she closer?”
“Getting there,” the Doc replied. “Nearly ready to push. I keep telling her that half the human race have had to put up with this since the dawn of time.”
“Oh yeah?” she groaned, clutching her belly as another contraction rolled through, practically overlapping the last. “Well I bet m-most of them didn’t use to have a dick! God, I miss my d-dick so much right now!”
“I bet!” Petyr called from outside the hatch. “But you’re certainly seeing the results of one!”
“F-fuck you Petyr, you asshole! S-someone gag him!”
“Sorry!” he called back. “You’re doing great, girl, seriously! A real comrade!”
“Is there anyone you want with you?” the Captain asked.
She thought for a moment. No, not even a moment. Her thoughts flew straight to Adam, and it made her blush even amidst the pain to acknowledge how much he meant to her, and how much she wanted him at her side. But she was in labor, and humiliation meant little when she already had her legs spread wide and her panties off.
“Um, if - if Adam wants to join, I’d really appreciate it. Only if he wants to though, I don’t want to make him-”
Adam Kim was already pushing past the Captain to be by her side.
“I’m here, Luni,” he whispered, clutching her hand. She clutched it back, smiling through the sweat and pain.
“Thank you,” she whispered back.
“And just in time,” Katz stated. “You’re just about fully dilated. You can push at any time now.”
Luniara wasted no time. She bore down, spreading her legs wider. All embarrassment over her fellow crew seeing her pussy had dissipated entirely. The only thing that mattered was her labor, and focusing on breathing as she pushed.
“You can do this,” Adam said, still holding her hand, which she could have sworn she was breaking. “Just push, Luni.”
“I - aghhh! - I am p-pushing! Oh God, why did this h-happening to m-me! Why me!?”
The question rang in her mind even as she strained. Her womb tensed, and something began to descend. It was, appropriately enough, a truly alien feeling. Her tunnel bulged wide, squeezing forth the first of her children. She felt her hips widen just a little as her children descended.
“I can see the head,” Katz said casually.
“NNGHHH!!” she cried. “J-just a little m-more! I can f-feel it! Fuck this is so fucking w-weird!”
“You’re doing amazing,” Adam encouraged. “You can do this.”
His words gave her the final strength she needed. She pushed again, and then again, and bore down once more. The ring of pain at her entrance burned fiercely, but then a sudden release occurred as her baby’s shoulder came free, and with Katz’s aid the baby emerged out the other side, much to her relief.
“Oh God,” she managed, lying back further. She took two deep breaths before her strong maternal instincts took over. “Is she okay? Is - is my baby okay?”
Suddenly, a croaking sound. The squall of a newborn child that sent a ripple of emotion through the former male.
“You tell me,” Dr Katz said. “Would you like to hold your new daughter?”
He lifted up a small blue thing, still covered in some gunk, slightly bruised from birth, but undeniably a healthy baby girl. She was Aeseran: blue-skinned with adorable little elven ears, and white hair that defied the dark wetness upon her. She had three fingers instead of four, and four toes as well, but otherwise was quite humanoid.
“She’s beautiful,” Luniara said as she was placed upon her. Katz and Adam helped bare her chest for the necessary skin contact. There was no stopping the wellspring of cathartic release that followed: she began to cry, fat tears falling down her blue cheeks as her child writhed against her full breast. Her little girl stopped crying almost immediately, taking comfort from her, and soon she was already shifting with her mouth. Luniara already knew what to do. She had come far from the young, angry man she had been. She repositioned her child upon her chest and helped her latch onto her large, dark blue nipple. Instantly there was an unburdening of pressure as her daughter began to suckle from her, her milk flowing freely. It felt surprisingly blissful.
Until she was reminded that another child was yet to come. Her womb tensed again and she groaned. Adam helped her steady her child on her chest as she spread her legs wider again.
“Last one to come!” Katz said excitedly. “Blessings of life, my dear.”
“I m-may be a w-woman now, but I’m not ‘dear’ thank you very - OHHHH!!”
Another great heaving push, but this time there was less effort needed. Her tunnel was already extended thanks to the passage of her first daughter, but it didn’t mean the pain wasn’t present, or that effort was not needed. The hatch opened, and Petyr of all people stuck in his head.
“How’s our little mother doing?”
“GET HIM OUT!” she screamed.
He couldn’t leave fast enough, though perhaps the sight of a blue-headed baby crowning from her vagina was enough to make him flee.
And immediate relief followed as the threshold was passed, and she pushed her second child into the world. Luniara fell to gasps as she tried to get her breath back to normal. Katz wasted no time for her second, bringing up the child into view after confirming it was breathing properly. The cord was still attached, just like with her daughter.
“Well done, another girl. Maybe even identical!”
Luniara hadn’t stopped crying, but this made the tears flow even more freely. With Adam’s help her other girl was secured against her other breast, nuzzling against her and calming. Moments later she was feeding happily.
“Holy shit,” she muttered, resting her head back after taking in her children. “I just gave birth. I seriously just gave birth. I went through a whole - ahh - whole alien impregnation and birth thing. Holy fucking sh-shit. I did it, Adam. I goddamn did it.”
“You did, Luni,” he said, and he actually stroked her sweat-soaked hair.
She relaxed, holding her children against her, and savouring the feeling of Adam’s hand upon her. She was now a mother.
To Be Continued . . .