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By FoxFaceStories

A Combined Story Tier Prompt from Rilby & TG Sorcerer

Abby finds herself the target of her jealous stepmother who hates how happy Abby is with her loving fiance Trent. When Abigail confronts her stepmother over her cruel comments, she finds herself cursed to ‘regret her words, and the words of others.’ Soon, Abigail finds that her body and behaviour is transforming on the basis of what other people nearby say about her. As she tries to take control of the curse, things spiral even more out of control, and Abigail is left wondering if she’ll even be human by the time the curse has run its course.

First Part 

Previous Part

Part 6: Breeding Time

By the time they began to arrive back at their apartment, Abby’s lust had only grown. She was voracious, and several times she had placed her hands over her fiance’s lab and rubbed his manhood. Despite his panic and shock at her radical transformation, he still became hard quite quickly. It made her salivate, her slightly too-long tongue sticking out the side of her mouth as she squirmed in her seat. 

“You’ve g-got to stop that, Abby! You’ve got to fight it!” he proclaimed, looking over her furry, many-breasted form.

But she was too far gone by this point. She pawed at her breasts, urging them to grow more, to fill with even more milk. The sensation was all wrong, her situation seemingly hopeless, but she was lost in lust and needed to be taken care of. The car pulled to a stop and she unbuckled the seat belt, shifting to grab Trent and pull herself against him. There was no room though, and it only resulted in her squeezing her udder between her thighs, leaving it to squirt milk all over the floor.

“Ohhhhh!” she moaned, almost cow-like. She bucked back up, and her horns scraped along the ceiling of the car, leaving two parallel marks.

Trent used this time to take his jacket off and put it around her. It wouldn’t conceal everything, nor stop the flow of milk, but it would have to be enough.

“Just - just follow me, okay? Once we get inside we’ll sort it all out!”

She followed him eagerly. He was her mate after all. Thanks to the comments about her incredibly transformed and animalistic body, she couldn’t help but see Trent as something like a master. A figure to mount her. She tried to rail against the thoughts, but her pussy was soaked in her juices, demanding to be thrusted into by a virile male. She groaned as they reached the door to their apartment, and she began to squeeze her lower breasts. They were smaller than the upper ones, and she needed them to grow bigger so they weren’t so squished. Trent marvelled at the sight of her double-cleavage, her form entirely furry now. Her fox tail swished behind her, revealing her excitement.

“Abby, this is a lot to take in.”

“H-how do you think I f-feel!?” she moaned as he inserted the key. “I’m g-goddamn f-freak! I’m - ahhh - so f-fucking horny, even though I’ve got all this f-fur and four milk-filled tits and this h-heavy udder and the tail and the horns and will you just open the door already!?”

Her tongue flicked some saliva aside as she panted in desperation. Trent managed to finally get it open. She pushed him inside, shoving him with her furry hands, her enormous pair of breasts wobbling, still expanding with milk. Her udder slapped against her thighs audibly, and she had to stop, grunting as more produce spurt from her teats in long streams.

“Eurughh,” she whimpered. She slammed the door shut with a practised flick of her tail, leaving just herself and her fiance in the room with her. “You can u-undo some of this - or ch-change it, like b-before.”

“What, like . . . oh, um. It’s amazing to me how not dog-like your tongue is?”

The weave of magic came over her, that thrumming of energy that foreboded more change. She stumbled for a moment, catching herself as her tongue changed yet further. But to her disappointment, it didn’t become human again - the changes couldn’t revert according to the rules, only take on a different aspect before ‘locking in’ as such. And so it was that her tongue did indeed become less dog-like, instead becoming that of a lizard’s or some kind of sea creature. It had a prehensile quality, longer and slipperier, able to be retracted right back into her mouth but also spooling outwards much further. In her almost lunatic-state of arousal the first thought that occurred to her - other than total shock - was that it was now the perfect kind of tongue for coiling around and around a mate’s penis and sucking it off in ways a man had never been sucked off before.

“Mhmmm, n-nevermind!” she said, voice blurred a little as she tried to get control of her tongue. “Just f-fuck me!”

She pushed Trent back on the bed, and she herself pulled off her strange double-pair bra and her clothing to reveal her full nakedness, though perhaps fur provided her with a little coverage, in a sense. Her breasts were huge, her nipples bereft of fur and seeping milk. Her udder was large and bovine, gurgling slightly between her thighs. Her ass was still huge, her hips made for breathing, her hair blonde and long, and a pair of cow horns protruding from her scalp to finish the effect. 

“N-need you,” she said, crawling on top of him, milk spilling onto his calf. She began to furiously work at his belt, trying to undo it, but Trent stopped her.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m - I’m sorry, Abby. I love you. I want to heal you. And the book I found might help. But-”

“But I need you in meeee, first! You have no idea how much I need to be bred! I need you to f-fucking mount meeee!!”

Trent cringed, and she realised why when she freed his cock. It was soft and small again. As busty and breedable as she was, she was no longer human, and had more than enough animal parts to freak him out. Her fox ears twitched, hearing his nervous breathing and fast-beating heart.

“Oh God,” she said, momentarily coming back to reality. “Oh God, you don’t even find me attractive anymore! I’m a monster!”

“You’re not a monster, Abby! But this hex from Clara has gotten hold of you and you’re not thinking straight! If I were like this and you were in my position, you wouldn’t want to make love either. I still love you, I promise, but you’ll need to take care of yourself.”

She squirmed on him. God, her udder was full. She needed him to empty it. She needed him. “It’s not the same,” she said, eyes clenched as she exhaled. She cupped her lower pair of breasts then her upper ones. “I n-need to be mated. It’s what the homeless m-man said. And now I n-need it. I know! You n-need to change! Say something about being attracted to me!”

Trent shook his head. “It won’t work. It only changed you, remember?”

She trembled, collapsing to one side against Trent. She continued to play with his cock, but it was doing nothing. Even the sight of her four breasts was doing nothing.

“Then ch-change me. M-make me more attractive to you, or something!”

“Abby, I can’t -”

“Do it! Please! I’m desperate!”

Trent sighed, looking over her incredibly curvaceous, busty, and furry animalistic form. He was still clearly shocked at the sight of it all. 

“I - what do you want me to say?”

“Just th-think of something! Quickly! Before I g-goddamn die from freaking arousal! I’m so h-horny it huuuurts!”

Trent clenched his eyes shut even as she began rubbing herself against him, her udder brushing his bare thigh and getting it wet with her produce.

“I love how much you can’t help but turn me on!” he stammered.

Abby was briefly about to curse him out and remind him that the changes needed to be about her, when suddenly she felt the ripple of the curse’s magic course its way through her form. Something was happening within her bloated body, organs were being slightly shifted aside as two new sacs were generated, each one located at her midsection under her ribs. They warmed her, immediately working overtime to produce something new. Not milk, but a kind of secretion. She gasped as she felt it escape from her pores, mingling in her fur and then transferring easily to Trent not just by touch, but also by the very breathable air they were sharing. Trent opened his eyes again, and they briefly dilated as if he were suddenly peering through midnight. The chemical her body was producing entered his system, and in just a few moments his heart was beating faster.

“Oh, oh God,” he said. “I’m suddenly - holy shit, Abby, you’re so fucking hot to me right now!”

“I - I am?”

He nodded, his cock going rock hard almost instantaneously.

“I think you just . . . exuded something. Like a drug. Like an aphrodisiac. Fuck, I love that you have four big milky tits. I w-wish you had more! You’d look better with six, all the same size and busting with m-milk!”

She groaned as another cascade of magic occurred. Sure enough, another set of furry breasts began to expand, these ones equidistant to her navel and not too far above her udder. She gasped and whimpered, half angry that he had done this, half aroused at how he was making her even more perfect as mate.

“Mhmmm, s-so m-muuuuch! Milk me! Drink from m-mee! Then m-mount meeee!!”

Trent was just as horny as her now, and just as spellbound. He adjusted, shifting her mammary-laden form so that he was now on top of her. His cock brushed against her udder and sensitive teats as he tucks on her nipples. What felt like gallons of milk left her breasts, and it only served to make the pair of them more aroused. She pulled her udder up, giving him access to her womanhood beneath.

“It’s a squishy u-udder!” she managed as he helped empty her middle row of breasts and caressed her lowest ones. “Don’t b-be afraid to be f-forceful! I need you to b-breed me!”

“Gotta breed you,” Trent muttered. “Gotta breed you! Mount you like an animal!”

His eyes were wild and it was wonderful. All concern Abigail had over her own form was practically extinguished by her passion for what was happening. He sucked another stream of milk from her left breast, then pressed his member against her entrance. She whimpered in pleasure as he entered her, parting her walls magnificently. She was so damn wet and tight, and she knew instantly that he wasn’t going to stop until he came, which was just fine by her.

“Fuuuuck, that f-feels perfect! Mhmmm! Yessss!!”

She continued to mumble and moan and even make more animalistic noises as her fiance thrusted into her. Every part of her seemed to jiggle and move: her fox ears twitched, her tail wagged between her legs, brushing against his ass, her breasts and udder jostled and jiggled, and even her ass bounced with each thrust, despite her being on her back. She extended her tongue far into his mouth, then licked down his chest with its incredible length. It only made Trent harder inside of her, his thrusts more intense, his pleasure heightened.

“Oh God, you’re f-fucking hot!” he exclaimed. “S-so perfect, Abby! How did I not - ngh! - see it? You’re so changed and I can’t stand it! You n-need to stay this way!”

She opened her eyes.

“N-no! Just sex, no more ch-changes!”

He grunted, thrusting into her. So much of her was leaking now. She lapped at her own delicious milk with her tongue, even wrapping it round one of her own nipples to tug it, unleashing another stream.

“You’re right!” her delirious fiance exclaimed. “No changing b-back! Imagine if you h-had two tails! Oh, you’d look hot with th-three, like some mythical kitsune! Mhmm! And pawed feet! Ahhh!”

She tried to rally against the changes but they came over her regardless. Her feet became those of a fox-woman’s to match her ears and tail, the latter of which gained two new twins. She squirmed as the new appendages formed, just as bushy and bright orange and white as her ‘original’ tail, and already swaying about in excitement.

“N-noooo!” she moaned, but with another thrust she was lost in pleasure. “Yesss! Yessss! Oh God, I shouldn’t w-want this, but yessss!!!”

Trent fucked her harder, nearing his climax.

“Breed me!”

“I will! Get you pregnant. Want you so f-fucking pregnant, Abby! Pregnant with full litters!”

She salivated licking his chest and her own with her prehensile tongue. Her tails swayed in anticipation, her womb seeming to churn with desire.

“Yessss, fill me with l-litters! Enough little babies f-for each breast! For each teat!”

“You’d look so f-fucking hot filled with s-so many little hybrid babies.”

She squirmed, her paw-like toes curling as she lay on the cusp of purest ecstasy. 

“Yes, I need that! I need that - wait, noo! Don’t! I don’t want - I don’t want - OHHHHH!!!”

But it was too late, for either of them. She spread her furry legs wider as Trent came into her, and came hard. In fact, it was obviously the biggest orgasm he’d ever had in his life courtesy of her new pheromone glands heightening his production, because stream after stream, torrent after torrent of his cum poured into her. It was warm and sticky and perfect, flooding all the way into her waiting womb. She gasped, trembling with terrific orgasm, and some of the pig must have remained with her from her first tail transformation, because the orgasms literally lasted minutes. She cried out, shaking every part of her jiggling, fertile animal body. The two of them fell out of bed, knocking over the bedside shelf that Trent had placed the book he’d found about hexes. It fell to the ground and she rolled near it, her milk pouring all over it, drenching the pages. But the pleasure didn’t stop, nor did Trent stop drinking from her, still thrusting as he poured load after load into her. 

“Stay like this,” he managed. “Stay as a fertile, horny animal girl. Stay like - ahhh!!!”

He managed to cum a second time, a miracle for a man, before ejaculating one final load into her. She felt full of his seed, and it dripped into the underside of her udder. The book beneath her form was shredded and pulled apart, but she was barely conscious to the milky, wet, torn pages. All that mattered was that she had finally been bred.

And that the magic was coalescing again, this time around her womb.

Like the spell had truly ended - and perhaps it had, or would in a few moments - the effects of her agonising arousal and Trent’s pheromone-induced state. Her fiance staggered back, sliding out of her with a sharp exhale.

“Oh God,” he said. “We just - something happened. I didn’t mean-”


Abby was incapable of using words. Her feet had changed, she had grown two extra tails and a second extra pair of breasts, but now another dramatic change was taking place. She held her stomach as a terrific pressure hit it, expanding it outwards. Sweat poured across her fur as the unfortunate woman’s belly rose. She clutched it, pawing at it, her breasts separating a little to give rise to a huge swollen stomach. Her womb strained to contain the rapidly developing hybrid babies within her. They squirmed and kicked as her belly reached the four month mark.

“NNGH! No! It c-can’t! Ohhhhhhhh Gooood! What’s h-happenigng to m-me! I can’t be p-pregnnat! Too m-much presssssssuuuurrrre!!!”

More expansion, more gain, more agonising surges. Her skin was drum tight, her breasts even larger, refilling with milk again already. Her hunger surged, her need to feed her many children - and God, there was so many to judge from all the kicks and movements within. And still her stomach grew, expanding outwards until she looked overdue not with twins or even triplets but sextuplets, or more. The growth finally halted, leaving her without breath and barely able to move, full of milk and discomfort and yet a little aroused all over again.

“T-Trent!” she cried, trying to hold her belly in her arms and not nearly having the limb-length to do so. Her belly jostled violently with life, leaving her groaning. Just as Trent’s words had ensured, she was now pregnant with a whole litter of life just like her. “Nngh . . . euugh . . . mhmmm . . . Trent!”

But Trent was already staggering back, buckling up his trousers and not bothering with his shirt. He looked at her with something like horror, the effects of her glands now dissipated entirely. The paper from the book that might have saved her were all over the floor, falling apart due to all the milk spillage. They might not even have been helpful, but now all hope was dashed. 

“Trennnnnnt,” she groaned, reaching out for him while her udder and belly and breasts all gurgled.

“I’m - I’m sorry!” he said. “I can’t do this!”

And then, to her despair, he opened the door and rushed from the room, leaving her stuck on the floor, overflowing with breasts and animal parts and full of babies. Something like a final ray of magic hit Abigail, accompanied by the small, tinny sound of Clara’s laugh. She knew then that her changes were permanent.

It was just after that revelation that her waters broke.

To Be Concluded . . .



The pacing on this was INCREDIBLE! I don't think I've ever read so quickly, I felt like I was experiencing the climactic scene of a series finale to an awesome show!