Mini-Story: The Jade Idol (Friends to Breeding Couple TG Preg) (Patreon)
Very glad Deluxe Tier patrons voted for this one. Had a lot of fun writing it. Enjoy!
By FoxFaceStories
Matt and Kerry are two regular college students who are exploring the new facilities recently established on campus. Things go awry when they both touch a fertility idol being researched in one of the rooms, but however angry they are at the lack of precautions, and the fact that Kerry is now a gorgeous woman, they simply can’t fight the compulsions to start a family together.
The Jade Idol
“Are you heading off to a lecture already?” Kerri asked somewhat dreamily.
She had woken up only because of the strange shifting in her stomach, one that she still wasn’t used to and doubted she ever would be.
Matt was getting dressed, having just showered. He looked down at the utterly gorgeous redhead who shared his bed, with her pendulous breasts naked, wanting to be cupped, and her increasingly large belly which served as evidence of the fruit of their lovemaking. Just the sight of her was making him hard even as he tried to do up his jeans.
“Yeah, sorry babe, but I don’t want to be late for this one.”
She groaned, slowly cupping her breasts, but only after shifting awkwardly so she could sit upright in bed. Her rounded stomach sad upon her lap, and she caressed it by habit, not even realising she was doing it. Her nipples had turned larger and darker, and they were beginning to stiffen.
“I told you not to call me ‘babe’, Matt. I may be stuck as your pregnant girlfriend, but that doesn’t mean I’m in love with you or anything.”
“I mean, you love me as a friend, though, right?”
She rolled her eyes, crossed her arms beneath her breasts, which had been resting on her stomach. Matt couldn’t help but admire the sight, getting harder in his pants. The fertility idol had blessed him there, giving him quite the impressive package, one he knew Kerri enjoyed daily.
“Yeah, sure, fine, I love you as a friend,” she said, waving her hand dismissively. “Doesn’t mean I appreciate the fact that through some crazy circumstances I ended up as a chick who is currently freakin’ swollen and pregnant with your baby!”
Matt winced. He hadn’t intended to get his friend-turned-girlfriend pregnant, but it was definitely inevitable due to the compulsions for them to have sex several times daily, and without any protection whatsoever. She was five months along now and getting bigger each day, and he had to imagine it was a very, very weird experience for her.
“Dude, you know I’m sorry about all of this.”
She shrugged, causing her impressive E-cup breasts to jiggle as she did so. They were big, and getting bigger as well, just like her belly.
“I know, I know,” she said, slowly shifting to the end of the bed and failing. She ended up collapsing with her head against the pillow, breasts wobbling heavily as she rubbed her stomach, cringing at the squirming of the child they’d made together, ripples of movements within the womb she was never supposed to have. “But being sorry doesn’t make it any more totally unfair that you’re the one that ended up being tall and handsome and muscled, and with that huge dick to boot. Meanwhile I get stuck as the hot girl with the big boobs and hourglass figure and a freaking vagina I have to push a baby through in four months. Your baby, if I can remind you!”
Matt scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, I’m sorry, ba - uh, Kerri. I can’t imagine how strange it is for you, you know, especially since we’re going to have even more-”
She held up her hand, still caressing her naked stomach. “Stop! Don’t even mention it. I don’t want to even hear about the fact that I’m going to get knocked up with even more of your babies after this, dude. You know that even thinking about it does . . . does things to me.”
It was true, and to judge from the way she was starting to rub her delectable thighs together, it already was. The same was true for Matt’s, whose huge cock was now rock hard, to the point where just as his eyes were locked on her full breasts and domed stomach so full of life, so was she trying hard not to lick her lips at the sight of his hardness.
“Oh sh-shit,” she mumbled. “It’s too late.”
“Sorry,” Matt said again, drawing closer to her.
His friend-turned-girlfriend moaned slightly, but couldn’t help clinging to him, letting his huge member rub against her naked pregnant belly until she slid her hand down and started tugging on it.
“Too b-big and too tired,” she said, biting her lip a little. “Let me . . . just let me suck you off so we can hurry up and be done with it, okay?”
Matt swallowed, feeling a little guilty, but not so guilty that he was incredibly fucking aroused by that part, to the point where he wasn’t even sure if the magical compulsions were urging him along anymore.
“Anything you say, babe.”
She frowned, but still let him help her down to her knees. It wasn’t long after and she was sucking him off expertly, squeezing her own sensitive tits and moaning from the unwanted pleasure. When he came, she accepted every stream of his virile seed, squirming in her own orgasm she guzzled down every last drop. She even licked him clean afterwards.
“Goddamn it,” she said, huffing a little. “I wish that didn’t taste so fucking good. Getting an orgasm from sucking my best friend off is almost as embarrassing as having his baby.”
“At least you enjoyed it?” he suggested, helping her back up.
She placed her hands on her aching back, causing her big belly and tits to stick out even further. She snorted a little.
“Hooray for me,” she said, “I get to cum every time just by giving you a blowjob. Still pretty humiliating dude. At least plough me from behind next time, won’t you?”
“You like that more?”
She smirked. “It’s at least not as embarrassing. And it does make me orgasm like crazy, even if I wish that stupid idol hadn’t made me such a screamer.”
“It’s a pretty hot sound though, Kerri.”
She snorted again. “You’re such a perv. I bet you enjoy this so much, getting the better end of the deal. I bet you wouldn’t be so happy to lose your friggin’ dick and have to deal with big boobs and then having a whole damn baby growing inside you. God, and that’s not even thinking about the fact that I’ll have to give birth . . .”
She sighed, adjusting her gorgeous red hair. Matt held her, and for once she didn’t fight him. They cuddled more often now, and it was clear her sensitive skin rather appreciated the feel of him, even if it often led to yet another round of sex.
It wasn’t something they were either quite used to, especially poor Kerri. Just six months ago she had been Kerry with a Y, and a Y chromosome as well. Kerry and Matt were best friends, inseparable since high school, and they were both studying engineering together. They were both twenty one and over halfway through their degrees when something they’d never imagined possible occurred, all a result of their curious wanderings. A new construction had finished on campus, one that was dedicated to the archaeological wing of the college. Curious, they decided to enter it and check it out. One of the lab rooms was closed, but the door wasn’t locked, so the pair of them went in to see the antiquities up close. On the central table, beneath a bright light, was what looked like a fertility idol carved out of pure jade. Inscribed upon it were ancient symbols, and the paper next to it had a translation by the study team:
‘May a man and woman be blessed with many fruit at the touch of the Jade Idol.’
Amused and interested, they both looked over this rather impressive idol, which was shaped on one side as a pregnant woman facing outwards, and on the other as a strong looking man looking the other way. Matt touched the male side, sliding his fingers along to feel the jade composition, while at the exact same time, Kerry made some dumb joke and slid his hands over the woman’s breasts.
All of a sudden a shock ran through them, one that made the pair leap back. Kerry in particular seemed stunned, and when the study coordinators ran back in after the commotion they were angry that the pair had dared touch the Jade idol.
“Not our fault you left it unguarded and unlocked!” Kerry had snapped, still wincing as he touched his chest.
They thought that was it, and left back to their shared apartment. But that was when things got very strange; very strange indeed. Over the course of several hours, both men began to feel ill. Matt, who had always had an average build, was shocked to find himself growing taller, his muscles and limbs aching as they grew more powerful. His cock was hit by discomfort as it expanded in length and girth, resulting in him having a hugely impressive member by time nightfall came. Kerry, on the other hand, was immensely jealous of his friend’s changes, and then quickly horrified at his own. He found himself shrinking, his very shape changing. He groaned and moaned in a weird mix of discomfort, pain, and pleasure as his hips expanded, as his body hair fell away, as his waist thinned and his hair grew, becoming even more vibrantly red. His aching chest expanded to form full Double-D breasts, bouncy and round and sensitive, while his dick continued to retreat. He tried to call for help, but no one believed him, and it was too hard to move with all the changes. Soon, just as Matt had become an ideal man, so too had Kerry become an ideal woman, her features voluptuous, her ass perfect, her legs long and shapely, and her face gorgeous beyond believe.
“What the fuck!?” she cried at the time. “I’m a woman! A goddamned woman! Oh God, my dick is gone. I’ve lost my fucking dick, dude! I’ve got a freakin’ vagina now! And it’s - ohhhhh - it’s really f-fucking wet!”
Matt found it hard not to stare at his friend. He knew, intellectually, that it was his best friend in that body, but all he could really see and hear was the woman of his dreams. More than that, it was like he could smell how absolutely fertile she was, just like his enlarged balls were aching to empty into her, virile as his new seed was. The two tried to push past these feelings, just as they tried to keep their heads straight and contact whoever was studying the Jade Idol. Soon, however, the compulsions and sensations that the idol’s ‘blessing’ had given them proved all too much. Matt’s huge cock was fully erect, and Kerri’s nipples hard and sensitive, her pussy so moist it was leaking fluid down her thighs. She moaned, fighting her urges, but in the end the need was too strong, and the pair came together explosively. Guided by new instincts, she parted her legs upon the bed as he pulled off her clothing, and then she felt her friend’s new muscles, kissing him obsessively as he slid himself deep inside her. It was the strangest and most wondrous experience Kerri had ever felt, and when she finally came after an intense episode of fucking, she literally cried out in helpless pleasure.
The next day, they woke with their bodies intertwined, and Kerri found it impossible to fight a compulsion to suck her new lover hard and then ride him, once more taking his seed deep inside her. This cycle continued to repeat even as they sought help and eventually proved to the study team what had happened to her, but to Kerri’s disappointment, it was all kept hush-hush as the government was involved. They found no way to turn her back, and could only give her a stipend, new clothes, and a new identity to make up for it. The Jade Idol was taken away, and Kerri was stuck as a deeply attractive and curvaceous women, one who was destined to fuck her virile friend-turned-boyfriend several times a day in several different positions.
Naturally, the purpose of this became clear after two months of living together. Kerri, who often sulked about her new role in life and was taking a break from college life to adjust, began feeling nauseous and tired even as her bust rose to E-cups in size. After throwing up her breakfast several times, Matt put the obvious two and two together and bought her a pregnancy test.
“Oh God, you’re not kidding, are you?” she asked. “But I can’t be!”
“Babe,” he said. “Kerri, we haven’t even been able to use protection once. Not once. It just feels all wrong. I think this is what the statue wanted. I think we’re being blessed with ‘fruit’ just as it said; the fruit of the womb, so to speak.”
At that, she had to run off to the bathroom all over again, to throw up due to the nausea and her own disgust.
Now, here she was, five months later, bloated and pregnant and still sleeping with her best friend, stuck as his pregnant girlfriend. She closed her eyes, breathing heavily as he held her, and Matt enjoyed a moment of looking down at her large breasts as they rose and fell with each inhale and exhale.
“Dude, I can feel you perving on my preggo body,” she said, not even opening her eyes.
“Sorry. It’s just, you know . . .”
“I’m still mega hot, and the Jade Idol makes you super attracted to my fat body.”
“You’re not fat, you’re pregnant with our baby. And you’re beautiful.”
She sighed again, taking one of his hands and placing it on her belly. Their child squirmed within, kicking at her belly and making little brief indents upon her dome. She moaned a little at this.
“I could kill the people that didn’t lock that door,” she finally said. “But at least if I’m stuck like this - you know, being a woman, having a baby, becoming a freakin’ mom after birth and breastfeeding and everything - at least it’s with you, I suppose. Better than someone else.”
“That’s almost kind of sweet of you,” Matt said, cupping her dome and lifting it slightly.
“Mhmm . . . that feels good. God, what a weight off my back, you have no idea. I will never dismiss another pregnant woman’s complaints ever again, I tell you, even if I ever turn back. Not that I will.”
Matt stroked her belly, letting her speak.
“Oh well, enough of my complaining. Whining isn’t going to make me not pregnant. Only one thing will, and thank God that’s still four months away because I am not looking forward to that part. You better get going to your lecture so you can wind up with a great job to support your preggo girlfriend.”
Matt chuckled. “Are you taking advantage of this to be some kind of trophy wife?”
“Girlfriend, not wife. And why not? If I have to go through the whole knocked-up part of being a woman, I’ll for sure let the man who put a baby in me support me. It’s not your tits this bub will be sucking on in four months.”
Matt laughed again. He raised his hands slowly to fondle his girlfriend’s breasts, and after a brief hesitation and grunt from his friend, she didn’t fight it. Instead, she lowered her hand back to stroke his thigh.
“D-don’t you have a l-lecture to g-get to? You know - ahh - the one I j-just mentioned?”
“Eh, I’m late already. And I’m sensing that idol has left you even hornier than usual in your second trimester, right?”
“Mhmmm . . . God, yes. So f-fucking embarrassing.”
“So why don’t I take you from behind and you let me hold your belly while I fuck you?”
Kerri gasped. He was rubbing her nipples by this point. “God, you’re so cruel. But I g-guess I would do the exact same thing if our places are reversed.”
She turned and kissed him, and he her, as they gave once more over to their compulsions. Not long after she was crying out in relief as he fucked her from behind, her large breasts bouncing, his hands caressing her belly as he pumped his contents into her. The Jade Idol’s blessing could not be denied, and while Kerri would take a lot longer to accept her new role in life, one thing was for certain: her fertile body needed its virile man. Especially since, as both of them knew with a certainty they didn’t talk much about, the pair were absolutely destined to make quite a large brood together. Matt would be the fuel for it, but poor Kerri would be the one resigned to growing and birthing them, again and again and again. Her fertile body had been transformed for just this purpose, no matter what she wanted.
“Yessss!” she cried out in the meantime, orgasming as Matt exploded within her. “At least I can enjoy th-this b-bit!”
She certainly would, again and again and again. Of course, it would also leave her constantly pregnant for many years to come. Perhaps the Jade Idol’s blessing would not be so accidental in the future. But by the next time it was misplaced and used, Kerri was already quite the prolific babymama, pregnant with her second set of twins and her fifth pregnancy overall, and dependent on her engineer husband as a gorgeous housewife.
Sometimes life just takes you in different directions than what you expect. No one knows that more than Matt and Kerri. Especially Kerri.
The End