Mantis Mother, Part 5 (Insect Broodmother TF Preg) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
Ivy Hartridge is a college genius who has aroused the jealousy of popular girl Delia due to them both fancying the same man. But when Delia pranks Ivy by having her injected with a spliced insect serum, neither could have imagined that Ivy would begin to transform into a very fertile mantis mother-to-be!
Part 5: Finding Theo
Ivy didn’t go back home long enough for anyone to track her down. She was terrified of being followed, of being put on display, or worse; being dissected. She had managed to waddle her way back home, covering her freakish form long enough to avoid looking like some strange mutant, and instead just like an obese woman. Or a pregnant one. Every time she walked she couldn't help but waddle, and now she had that thing growing out her backside, swaying from side to side. It was starting to get bigger too. Bigger, and heavier. She tried to ignore the fact that she was now the owner of an entire second set of arms, but as she ran she found she had to clutch all four wobbling breasts; one per hand.
She got into her parents' car to travel . . . somewhere, anywhere else! But as soon as she sat she yelped in pain; the strange development above her bottom was being crushed. Already it looked even bigger, and there was a weight and heft to it that made it difficult to manoeuvre in the cramped space of the car. In the end she adjusted the seat so that it inclined backwards, allowing her . . . abdomen thing to lie awkwardly behind her while she remained sat up. Her taut rounded dome of a stomach looked near full-term with a child or two, and she had to adjust the seat again - struggling with her own additional arms which were keen to help - this time backwards so that her belly and her gargantuan pairs of breasts did not press against the wheel. She moaned in frustration as her thimble-sized erect nipples squashed against the rim of the wheel anyway.
What the hell was her body turning her into? And where could she go to reverse this? She couldn't go anywhere public, the authorities would put her on display. She'd never lead a normal life, even if she was returned to normal!
Her antennae twitched atop her head, and it almost seemed as if they connected her to her next idea. There was a man on campus, just a few years older than her but he was meant to be headed for great things in the sciences. He was involved with genetics. She’d never met him, but he had apparently given some speeches that were of some importance. If only she could remember his name . . .
Her antennae twitched, and suddenly she could: Theo. Theo Martindale.
She took out her phone, cursing as both her left arms reached for the same pocket. She gritted her teeth and tried to focus on using just the fingers on her new hand, and sure enough she managed to experimentally curl and uncurl them into a fist.
"I've got four arms," she stated to herself, amazed as she tried to coordinate her top, original set to shift her boobs out of the way while her lower set retrieved her phone and began typing. It was awkward, and weird, and she kept messing up which hand was supposed to be doing what, but the weirdest part was that it almost felt half-intuitive. Whenever her antennae twitched she felt like it helped her course correct managing her limbs. Soon she was getting the hang of it. She didn't know whether to smile or throw up. In the end she just managed to avoid dry heaving.
A quick online search found his address, and she realised as she finished that she must have switched arms at some point, since it was her original pair that finished the process. Theo's place was only forty minutes or so away. She adjusted her seatbelt, struggling to get it past her four enormous breasts and large, distended abdomen before she gave up entirely and began to drive. She used her new arms to control the jiggling of her new breasts for the entire drive.
The ride was an uncomfortable one. Deeply so, and at times Ivy had to stop and pull over in order to wipe the tears from her eyes. Her stomach groaned, and she felt agonised by both the need to eat and to hold off to avoid risking more changes. She didn't know how much more she could change, but she didn't want to find out.
As she checked her face in the mirror she nearly did a double take. Something about her face looked different, beyond the greasy, sweat-matted hair and increasingly thick and long antennae that twitched atop her scalp. It was her nose. Her nose and her eyes. The former seemed smaller somehow. More petite. And her eyes . . . looked a little larger, and her pupils bigger too, so that her iris and the whites of her eyes took up less space.
At that more tears started to flow, and soon all four of her hands were wet with tears. She realised something, and her crying turned to a kind of manic laughter, the kind that made both pairs of her breasts jiggle and her belly tense.
"God, this is so fucking ridiculous," she said, starting up the car even as she raused her second set of hands before her eyes. "There's no reason for me to stop driving to wipe my eyes now. I can do both at once."
The laughter flowed back to crying, but this time she continued to drive while getting used to her second pair of arms and letting them wipe away her tears.
Finally, with a stomach still groaning loudly with hunger, she arrived at Theo's house.
It was large. A borderline mansion in fact, and out of town enough that it was nicely isolated, down a country road and with what looked like a good portion of land around it that was fairly wooded. Away from prying eyes. She drove forward and pulled herself from the vehicle carefully and awkwardly, her increasingly large abdomen swinging wildly behind her.
Ivy worried that her legs would nearly buckle beneath her weight, but carrying her greatly increased load must have strengthened them, as she found walking awkward and encumbering but not as exhausting as she thought.
She took great care to cover herself as much as possible, including with a hat awkwardly over her antennae, into which they painfully folded. She rang the doorbell.
"Please answer please answer please be able to help me."
The door opened, and before her was a fairly tall, lithe man wearing glasses and, appropriately, a lab coat.
"Um, can I help you ma'am?"
Ma'am!? She'd never been called ma'am in her life!
"Um, are you Theo Martindale, the genetic scientist?"
"Yes, I am, can I help you?"
He wasn't at all like she imagined, which was some basement-dwelling nerd with thick spectacles and arms thinner than her own. He had the glasses, but they were smart in style, and he actually looked a little handsome, if not entirely athletic.
She swallowed, trying to ignore the great bulge of the abdomen hidden from his view. "I hope you can. My name is Ivy Hartridge. I think I may have been affected by something mutating me or changing my genetic structure or something, and I'm afraid to go to the hospital where I'll be made public as some freak."
Theo raised an eyebrow. "Look, if this is a joke, I've got work to be getting back to. What changes are you talking about?"
Ivy hurled aside the heavy coat she was wearing and turned slightly to the side. Theo's jaw dropped.
"Well, I've grown a pair of antennae, and extra boobs, and then . . . this out my back, and extra arms, and now my face is getting weird too! I'm scared. Can you help me?"
She felt completely exposed and at his mercy, and already she was beginning to tear up again. Theo looked at her with astonishment, but slowly his face returned to normality, then took on ardent interest.
"I think you'd better come inside Ivy. I'll need to take some tests."
Theo brought her inside and helped her manoeuvre her large form down the hallway passage. She couldn't help but note the way he gazed at her freakish body, utterly entranced by her changes. He took her to the large back room which functioned as a lab. She had to admit it looked very impressive: lots of scientific equipment and what looked like medical displays. He brought her a stool and she rested her enlarged butt on it, her abdomen resting down the side.
"This is amazing," he said, probing her antennae with his finger.
"Hey! Those are sensitive!" Ivy said, feeling embarrassed to be so on display.
"I'm sorry, I've just never seen - or even heard of such significant mutations taking place before. When did this all begin?"
"Maybe a month ago, I think. I was normal, I never even get sick often."
He held up one of her new arms and examined the joints. "No pre-existing conditions?"
"Do you have an image of what you looked like . . . before?"
She flushed red at that. Her four breasts heaved, her bras struggling to contain them as they weighed heavily upon her flushed mound. She retrieved her phone from her pocket and began searching, and it was when Theo gasped that she realised the hand that held the phone was normal, but her other belonged to one of her new arms. She was using her other arms to rub her distended belly and scratch an itch in her shoulder blades, respectively.
"Wow, your arms are definitely fully functional then," he said.
"Don't remind me," she muttered. She found the picture she was looking for, a shot of her from a little over a month ago that she had taken using her bathroom mirror to show off her new shirt and scarf. It seemed so long ago, and yet also as if it were just yesterday, that she had been normal, with a mostly flat chest, waifish body type, and cute look. Now she was a bloated, multi-breasted, multi-armed freak. A stray tear fell down her cheek.
Theo was behind her now, inspecting the large ovoid mass hanging from behind her.
"You appear to have grown some sort of . . . insectoid abdomen or ovipositor. Tell me, how does this feel?"
She shuddered at the sensation of his palm running across skin that should never exist back there. "Fine. Weird. Maybe a little sensitive, but also like I’m not even meant have feeling back there. It’s inhuman."
"And here?"
He ran his hand beneath, and she nearly went rigid. The skin underneath was much more sensitive, particularly several points that seemed both sore and strangely electric.
"Umm, it's quite . . . ahh . . . s-sensitive there."
"What about here?"
She went to turn her head to see where he was indicating when suddenly she felt his fingers slip inside of her, his thumb and forefinger probing through an opening at the tip she hadn't even known was there. She jolted and nearly jumped forward, her antennae twitching wildly and somehow sending a single message to her brain: too soon too soon.
One set of hands flew to her antennae, the other reaching far back behind her ass to pull his fingers away. She realised with horror that the . . . thing she had developed had grown larger than she thought: she couldn't even reach the end of it anymore.
Theo removed his hand immediately. "I'm sorry! I just wanted to see if . . ."
"Well fucking ask me next time!" she spat, "it's sensitive there! Now do you want that image of me or not?"
She wiped her eyes before she passed the phone to Theo. He took the phone, still eyeing the strange development out her backside which jutted out from over her waistband.
"Wow," he said again, "I, uh, well, I see. You've certainly changed. There’s a lot more . . . developments here compared to your photo."
Another tear fell. "I'm huge. I'm a freak. I need to reverse this! Please can you help?"
She spun to face him, and nearly kept turning as the centrifugal force of her weighty 'ovipositor', as Theo had put it, wobbled at its seemingly elastic joint where it connected to her spine. Her large breasts also jiggled heavily in her top, threatening to rip it open. Theo simply watched in awe.
"Well . . . I'll have to run quite a few tests," he said, "but I'll see what I can do."
Her stomach rumbled loudly, its contents twisting knots in response to her hunger pains.
"But by the sounds of it, first we need to get you fed."
She no longer even had the desire to resist. She was just so damn hungry.
Theo made her some eggs and bacon which she devoured with a frightening alacrity, using all four hands to scoop up the remaining morsels.
"More," she moaned, stomach growling, "please, I'm sooo hungry it huurts."
Theo quickly set about giving her fruit and crackers and a tray of biscuits, which she hurtled into as he prepared to make waffles. Again she was finished in no time, and despite already feeling physically full due to her distended stomach, still her body craved more sustenance. Her fat nipples pressed into her enormous bras, tensing somewhat painfully, feeling utterly bloated and full. Still Theo hurried to retrieve more food from his pantry, and still she ate.
"Don't you think you should slow down?" he asked as he served up waffles.
"I want to!" she exclaimed, "but I'm just so hungry." She took a massive bite of a steak. "I'm getting huge but I can't stop. This is why I came to you, Theo, because if you don't find a way to help me I'll just keep changing!"
He reluctantly passed her the next dish, one of her additional arms snatching it from his hands as she finished the next.
"We'll need ro do some blood work next. Find out what your DNA is altering into."
She simply nodded, relieved to hear a professional but needing more at the moment to end the agony of hunger pains from her taut, heavily-domed belly.
Finally, half an hour of intermittent gorging and waiting later, Ivy was uncomfortably full. Her stomach had stopped demanding food, and now she rested on Theo's couch on her side, all four of her arms clutching her gravid-looking belly which was horribly pressurised from all the food inside her form. She clenched her eyes as the pressure peaked, and with a great and terrible shudder she actually felt her arms drift apart as her stomach expanded yet even more, her tail-like abdomen also swelling behind her.
"Uuurrgggh s-so m-much . . . pressure nngggghhhh!!"
“Ivy, is everything alright? What’s happening?”
“I . . . OOOHHHHH . . . I don’t . . . know!”
Theo nervously took notes and attended to her side as she squirmed, her body flushed, overheated, and full. Oh-so-full. She reached out to him with three arms and pulled him close, wanting to feel contact - any contact - to alleviate her fears. Her once-slim form was more bloated and inhuman than ever, and as the pressure mounted yet again she finally became so completely overwhelmed that she simply passed out in his arms.
To Be Continued . . .