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By FoxFaceStories

Ivy Hartridge is a college genius who has aroused the jealousy of popular girl Delia due to them both fancying the same man. But when Delia pranks Ivy by having her injected with a spliced insect serum, neither could have imagined that Ivy would begin to transform into a very fertile mantis mother-to-be!

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Part 6: Got Milk?

Ivy woke on the couch, her position slightly changed so that her right arm, no, arms, were splayed out, with what appeared to be intravenous tubes plugged into her lower set.

“Wha - ?” she crooned, raising her head slightly to avoid the immense cushion of breast-flesh that was piling up near her chin. 

Her eyes adjusted - much too quickly - to Theo standing over her, fiddling with the nutrient bag on the metal pole where her intravenous lines ran to.

“Easy, easy,” he said gently, “you passed out. You were malnourished, believe it or not. Your body needed more nutrients than you were giving it, which would explain your desperation to eat. I’ve rigged up an IV for you so it doesn’t happen again.”

It was a lot of information to absorb, and the general soreness and bloat of her body meant that even waking up she still felt a little tired. But there was no doubt Theo was correct - she now felt much, much better than she had the last week, even with her freakish developments. She was tired, but not exhausted. Sore, but not aching. Pressurised, but not sick. It was so big a change she was almost full of relief before she became acutely aware that she had become distinctly . . . heavier. In several places.

“How . . . how long was I out?”

“You’ve been sleeping for nearly fifteen hours. It’s seven AM in the morning.”


Her eyes went wide, and again there was that strange sensation of taking in more of the room than was there; it was like she could sense the man’s presence even when not looking at him, could detect his warmth. Something had changed during that time.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been running some tests. I took a couple of blood samples and some strands of hair and the like while you were sleeping. Sorry if you feel that was an invasion of privacy but I felt you would prefer me to get to work while you slept.”

“Yeah, I . . . fifteen hours. Wow.”

He gave a wan smile. “How do you feel?”

She managed to manoeuvre herself upright. It was difficult work, especially since there were some aches in her sides below her new arms, presumably where they were getting their new muscles worked out, as well as below her breasts. She groaned in response to that; clearly the weight of her four mammaries was compressing her enlarged stomach. She looked even bigger than she had yesterday, easily at full term with twins were she pregnant. 

“Ugh, despite all this weirdness, is it weird that I feel much better? It’s the first night since this started that I managed a good night’s rest.”

She yawned and stretched her arms out, realising only belatedly that she was now stretching four of them.

“You’re getting used to those,” Theo commented.

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Ivy said. She finished stretching and tensed in reaction to a pair of sore knots in her shoulders. The strange transformation she was undergoing was doing a number on her body, that was for sure. 

A panicked thought struck her. 

"I know I'm - oohhh - bigger, but h-have I changed in other ways?"

Theo grimaced, and she knew immediately she had.

"I need to see."

"Perhaps you should finish resting first . . ."


She moved to get up, struggling beneath her increasingly burdensome body, before collapsing back onto the couch. Her antennae curled in irritation. "Can you help me up already?"

Theo obliged, grunting a little as he helped raise the strange insect woman. She held onto the IV rig for support, grateful it was mobile, and waddled forward, following Theo's directions to the bathroom. Her enlarged ovipositor - whatever that meant - stretched out behind her, bobbing heavily. The underside was sore again, across four to six points. She tried to ignore the memory of last night when Theo's fingers had entered an opening at the tip. God she was such a freak, and so inhumanely full and heavy.

She made it to the bathroom, where a large full-size mirror awaited. She gasped at what she saw.

Ivy’s belly had obviously increased in size. She looked as if she were overdue with triplets, and her four immense breasts were bulging out of her EE-cup bras. Her antennae had extended even further, and seemed to be sharpening her sense, particularly her sense of smell. Her ovipositor had thickened along its base to accommodate its greater size and weight, and it was obvious that her hips had widened considerably to accommodate its girth. The abdominal growth drooped more now, its tip hovering a few inches off from the ground, and the underside was seemingly starting to develop several strange bulges.

But more than these changes, the ones that most affected her emotional state were the ones that had taken place on her face. All throughout the nightmare of her body altering itself against her will, her face at least had remained the same. Now though, even that was changing; her eyes had somehow become subtly larger, and the pupils had grown to overtake her irises, so that only a thin ring of blue surrounded them. Her nose had shrunk significantly, her nostrils retreating into her face to become two small holes on an equally small bump. She raised her hair with her upper pair of arms, and saw that her ears, too, had flattened inward. 

Tears began to stream from her dark, enlarged eyes, and she sniffled through her strange new nose. The weight of her mutating body was all too much to bear in that moment, and she collapsed to her knees, still sobbing and beating her four fists upon the ground.

“No no no no NO!!! WHY IS THIS H-HAPPENING TO ME!?!?”

She continued to cry, her long ovipositor resting on the cold tiles, the sore, bulging spots on the underside feeling very sensitive against them. Theo came to her side looking somewhat alarmed and agitated, and she tried to hide her face from him with her extra arms.

“Hey, it’s, uh, it’s okay Ives. We’ll, um, we’ll sort this out okay?”

She cried even more, before feeling the strange sensation of being patted on the back, which for some reason made her stop. She turned to look at him, her antennae swivelling in his direction.

“Are you - are you patting me on the back?” she asked.

Theo paused. “Uhhh, yeah. Sorry, I don’t have much experience in this kind of thing. Am I doing something wrong?”

She couldn’t help herself; she giggled, and he looked momentarily relieved. He really wasn’t too bad looking. If she wasn’t turning into a strange bloated insect woman.

“No, no,” she said, still chuckling as she wiped her tears, “it’s just . . . you do know how to give people hugs right?”

Theo looked shocked. “Oh, um, of course! Here you go!”

He shifted forward and encircled her with his arms, and she couldn’t help but squeak in surprise as he did so. It was like he held no disgust for her whatsoever, and just saw the person beneath. It made her feel somehow warm on the inside, and she hugged him back with all four arms. They parted after an awkward few seconds.

“Thanks,” she sniffled, “can you, uh, can you help me up?”

Theo extended a hand and helped her raise her bloated form. She shuddered as the strange bulges on her extended abdominal growth left the tiles. She was getting so damn big that her breath felt thin, and it was as if a great weight was pressed against the centrepoint of her pelvis. She could only guess that her twisted transformation was increasing the strength of her spine, and her back and leg muscles, just to cope. 

Theo led her back into the kitchen for some food, helping her remove the IV feeder tube at the same time. She knew she ought not to eat, but if her passing out from malnutrition was any indication, she could well harm herself even further than her strange mutations if she didn’t intake enough calories. So she ate, her bulbous belly stretching to accommodate her intake. It was as if her body needed to keep growing, keep mutating, and it needed as much energy from food and drink as it could get. She imagined herself looking like a horrific, deformed insect, barely identifiable as human, her body at its unnatural end state.

Finally she finished gorging, devouring the last morsel of food - a stick of pure butter - with a wet, embarrassed swallow. She sat there, the stool nearly buckling beneath her accumulated weight, panting heavily. Theo couldn't help but notice the way her four bulging breasts stretched the fabric of her shirt to near breaking point, a seam giving loudly. Her nipples were like bottle caps, pressing through the material over her overful bras that were now clearly too small for her. Her large pink stomach - for it was now clearly white-pink in colour, bulged out in a great dome beneath the hem of her shirt. Her belly button had popped outwards.He raised an eyebrow, and her antennae somehow sensed a theory forming within his head. Ivy clenched her eyes shut as she struggled with the overwhelming tightness in her various mounds.

"Are you okay Ivy?" Theo asked. He placed a hand on her shoulder, accidentally touching one of the sensitive nubs developing there which made her shiver all the more.

"Nggnnggh! T-there's just s-so . . . much . . . pressure! Ooouughhh!"

She cradled her stomach with two arms, while the remaining pair moved without shame to her upper pair of breasts which must have easily become EEE or even F cups by this point. They were heavy, sore, immense, and her nipples had become rock hard due to the sheer pressure and strange sense of arousal within them. Then she gasped. 

Her breasts were visibly expanding, enlarging in her hands. She groaned even louder, unable to hold in her discomfort . . . or the way she felt a developing wetness between her legs. And worse, a wetness at the open tip of her insectoid abdomen. She gripped the chair as the tip of her tail-like growth began to seep.

"Aarrgghhhh sooo much p-pressuuure ooouuoohh!"

She leaned back as far as her gravid-looking form would allow, squirming as her aching breasts bulged out of their cups, plump and sweaty and full. Her nipples were hardening, and unhardening, becoming tighter each time and making four sharp points through her shirt. It was like they were trying to accomplish something, trying to deal with the overwhelming pressure behind them.

Theo looked on in shock as the insectoid girl dripped with sweat, groaning and crying out, until finally she arched her great belly and froze, eyes clenched shut in silent agony. And then:


All four of her nipples tensed, and all of a sudden four streams of fluid flowed painfully, then with great relief, from her breasts to splatter against her shirt. Smaller streams passed through the fabric to splatter on Theo's face and chest, and on his floor. They pumped again and again, the produce of her plump chest having been stored in for too long, and there was a great relieving of the pressure as their contents emptied, the streams dying down into steady drips. She sat, panting and overcome, her shirt positively soaked in her milk. Already she could feel her slightly reduced breasts preparing to make more of it.

"Oh God, oh God," she murmured as her milk spurted from four sources at once, now intermittently in time with her breasts as her supply ran low. "Oh God, oh God, oh God . . ."

A somewhat sizeable puddle had formed on the floor. Theo scooped a drip from his face using his finger and inspected it. Then, to Ivy's exhausted shock, he lapped it up with his tongue.

"W-what are you doing?" Ivy gasped, but Theo showed little concern, and she was too preoccupied with her own aroused, seeping ovipositor, and taut belly to stop him.

Theo's eyes went wide, and for a moment Ivy was terrified something awful was going to happen. But instead his mouth split into an ecstatic grin. "Wow Ivy, that's delicious!"

He licked a little more from his hand. "Wow, that's really addictive. I can taste the nutrients in your milk!"

The fog in Ivy's head cleared for a moment, and her antennae, which had grown to be over thirty centimetres long and a centimetre thick, twitched in realisation.

"My . . . milk? This is milk!?"

She clutched at her breasts with her four hands only to realise the mistake she had made. She groaned as yet more milk squirted out from her nipples and into her hands.

"Ohhhh . . . whyyy . . . why am I making milk?"

Theo stopped sampling her milk and grimaced momentarily. "I've,  uh, I've got some theories about that Ivy, but I think it'd be best to wait until your bloodwork and samples come back. I don't want to give you information that may be false."

Ivy looked up from her sweat and milk-soaked shirt. In the mirror surface of the metal dish plate that had once house a lot of ham on it before she’d consumed it, she could see her irises now no longer existed at all. They were all black and oily.. Her skin was flushed an inhuman pink, and at the base of her neck the skin seemed slightly scaly, almost plated, like an insect's exterior.

"I'm making goddamn milk Theo! My body is turning into some . . . some mutant thing! I need answers. What can you tell me?"

Fat tears rolled down from her eyes, and Theo was clearly enormously sympathetic, something her antennae picked up also. He eyed the great, bloated mount of her stomach, his suspicions about what may be inside continuing to solidify.

"Get showered and cleaned up first Ives," he said. "The test results will be ready by then."

He placed a sticky, milk-soaked hand on her shoulder. The poor girl was shaking, looking at him with doleful eyes and shaking antennae.

"I promise you, I won't hold anything back."

Ivy wasn’t sure if she was ready for the news.

To Be Continued . . .


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