LARP Couples, Part 2 (Young Men to Fantasy Couples TFTG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
A Commission for Matt
Harry and Lucas are nerdy friends on their way to a fantasy LARP when suddenly they are bullied by Kade and Rowan, their two regular tormentors. But when a witch overhears this bullying, she decides to take matters into her own hands and give the nerds everything they wanted. Soon the four are transported into a fantasy land that runs on LARP rules, where the nerds are the macho heroes and the bullies are now their submissive fantasy girlfriends!
Part 2: Transformation
The forest was gone, and all four men were suddenly in a white expanse. Not white as in snow, but rather purely white, as if God had yet to declare anything beyond ‘let there be light’ and even sky and space were as-yet uninvented. It was impossible to even see the floor they were standing on, only feel the slightly cool flatness of it. Kade and Rowan looked around in shock.
“What the hell?” the leader said. “What did you two dweebs do? Where the fuck are we?”
“Yeah! Answer him, you fucking dorks! Or I’ll smash your freaking faces in!”
Harry looked to Lucas, who simply looked back and shrugged. They were still in their costumes, still feeling a bit ridiculous.
“Um, I gotta be honest,” Harry said. “I really do think she was a witch. I have no idea what she was hoping to do by sending us here though, because - nghh!!”
Suddenly, Harry doubled over. For a second he thought that Rowan had punched him, but he hadn’t moved any closer at all and he would have seen movement anyway. Instead, it was like something had punched him from the inside.
“Dude, are you okay?” Lucas asked.
“What is he doing now?” Kade demanded. “Don’t tell me that-”
He trailed off the next insult as Harry stood back up. Something was happening, and it took Harry a moment to realise what: he’d always been short, not as much as Lucas but still only five-foot-six, but when he stood back up, he’d easily grown several inches, somehow. He was taller, and the armour had impossible grown with him.
“That can’t be,” he whispered, looking at the lessened height difference between him and Kade. “How could - ahh! Ohhhhh!”
More lurching, more stretching of tendons. Right before the group’s eyes, Harry was getting even taller. His spine cracked audibly, new vertebrae forming and extending to make him ever higher. He raced past the five-foot-seven mark, then five-foot-eight, then five-foot-nine, until he was easily six feet and still growing!
“No way,” Kade managed, looking at this unfolding transformation. “No fucking way.”
Harry was speechless, but Lucas was already cheering. “Yes fucking way! She told us she’d give us a boon! You’re becoming a powerful knight, dude!”
Harry’s swallowed, realising the meaning of Lucas’ words even as his height topped out at a very impressive and manly six-foot-two. He now looked quite spindly, even more than usual, but that was soon corrected by a strange rippling through his muscles. Harry managed to avoid lurching again, though he did nearly stumble as muscles developed along his calves and thighs. His entire body was developing a deeply impressive musculature, the kind that would indeed belong to the idealised form of a shining knight. But a shining knight was not what he was becoming, because his ordered armour began to change as well. It had been expensive, but one could still tell it wasn’t a true set of armour.
That was not the case in the moments that followed, because now that Harry had developed an impressive (and still growing) strength to fill out his body, his armour now gained a much more definable metal weight, becoming the real deal. A far more impressive style was engraved upon the cuirass, and the pauldrons grew in size to match his now massive shoulders. The helmet - easily the weakest bit of the costume - thickened and became stylised, the faceplate jutting forward and gaining a grill. Two metal wings like those of a dragon flaired out backwards from the hinges, and this pattern held true elsewhere - not just the image on the cuirass but the tabard and sword-hilt as well, which was now a true sword of shining metal. The metal darkened, turning almost coal-black, with a red trim that would have looked villainous were it not for the valiance of the man within the armour. Harry grunted as his jaw cracked, becoming even more square than Kade’s. His blonde hair grew longer, his eyes more sparkling, and everything about him became more handsome. For the first time since he was a kid, he felt a surge of physical energy and a need to release it. He flexed his fists, tested his new limbs. The changes came to a slow end, but still he gazed down at his body, lifting the faceplate backwards in order to better see.
“Oh my God,” he said, unable to stop himself from smiling despite the insanity of what had just occurred. Even his voice was lower, a handsome and charismatic baritone. “I’ve become a black knight! Look Lucas, I seriously could belong in on the cover of one of our old Battle Mages magazines!”
“That’s - that’s not possible!” Kade exclaimed.
“Yeah, he’s meant to be a dweeb.”
But Lucas was grinning from ear to ear just from looking at his friend. “Yeah, a dweeb with proper armour and swords and muscles who can now kick both your asses at the same time, losers!”
Rowan grew red in the face. “Oh yeah? She may have changed him, but you’re still a - still a - oh shit.”
He stopped right there, because the next set of changes were clearly happening to Lucas at that very moment. He didn’t lurch or double over as Harry did now that he had advanced warning. Instead, as he felt the pressure and thrum of magic enter his core, he closed his eyes and fully embraced it, excited to see what he would become. He wasn’t about to be disappointed.
“NGHHH! Harry, I can f-feel it! The power, so much p-power!”
His voice lowered as he spoke, to the point where Harry’s own brass baritone was positively tenor in comparison. It sounded alarming and strange coming from his small, pudgy body, but said body quickly caught up. The paint evaporated from his form, leaving his skin pale and pink, though only for a few moments. It then began to darken again, even as muscles began to positively ripple across his form.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Rowan exclaimed, watching his favourite subject of mockery grow and swell, becoming taller and taller just as Harry had. But whereas Harry had remained human, Lucas’ changes were altogether more fantastic, a face that pleased the hell out of him.
“Yesss! YES! Ohhhhh, it f-feels so s-strange, but good!”
“Yeah,” Harry said, mindboggled by this latest development. “But Lucas, I - your skin! Look at your skin! It’s turning green - and not from paint!”
“Ahhhh! Ahhhh, it is! Mhmmm - but the power!”
His voice lowered again, becoming guttural and almost animalistic. Lucas outstripped his clothing quickly, his homemade fake barbarian furs shredding apart from the rapid expansion of his height and breadth. Thankfully, before anything too bare - or green - could be shown, his clothing reformed, becoming genuine leathers and furs, the straps extending to accommodate his swelling shoulders. His thin hair thickened, becoming wild like that of a proper barbarian’s, and his jawline became far more pronounced. His teeth, previously messy and with gaps, closed ranks, with two mighty lower jaw tusks rising from behind his bottom lip to position themselves in front of his top one.
“GrrrrrrRRRRAAGGGHH!!!” he roared, stretching out his now-massive arms. The colouration of his skin continued to change, becoming a forest green that was as vibrant as it was inhuman. His pecs were massive, his abs a powerful eight pack, but it was the sheer breadth and size of his shoulders that seemed most captivating of all. He was taller than Harry by several inches, easily clearing six-foot-four, but his width gave him the appearance that Rowan once commanded in any room: that wall of muscle and power that loomed, threatening violence.
The last of Lucas’ changes finished up: his face thickened a bit, and his fingernails sharpened, becoming coarser. His costume now revealed much of his new orcish musculature, and two very genuine axes were now upon his back, weighty but not easily carried by his new form. They were the real deal, too: he took one from his back and tested it in his hands, and was impressed by the make of the steel.
“This is fucking rad,” the new orc man bellowed, before laughing heartily. “Not so much of a big man now, are you Rowan?”
Rowan stuttered, stammered, and gulped. There was nothing he could think of to say, especially when looking up at a wild orc barbarian, particularly one that had a longer black man now.
“She really was a witch,” Kade said.
“What gave that away, Kade?” Harry taunted. “Looks like from now on you’ll be looking up at me while talking to me. And given I’m now a black knight rather than a shining knight, maybe it won’t take too long for me to not only not be a virgin anymore, but to have more notches on the bed than you?”
“Ha! And I’m a goddamn orc!” Lucas cheered, though he stopped for a moment. “Wait, how is this going to work once the LARP is over? Umm . . .”
His initial excitement was starting to give way to an understandable fear: what if this was permanent? What were the limits? Would other people realise he was an actual, factual orc? How could he explain this to his parents now?
He was given brief respite from these worries, but only because at that point Kade began to wince, his hands running over his form as a new series of tensions and pressures hit him now too.
“F-fuuuuuuck,” he groaned, gritting his teeth. “You’ve got to b-be fucking k-kidding me. I didn’t ask for a change. At least I’ll be able to stop you from being so f-fucking smug when I get as b-big as - ughhh!!”
“Hell yeah!” Rowan cheered. “You think you two look big, wait till you see - what the hell is your body doing, Kade?”
“I - don’t - ugh - know!”
There was a gasp from his brutish friend as Kade’s voice went up a notch, sounding almost female in its register. This occurred at the same time as a general thinning along his face and body. Within moments, his clothing was obviously far too baggy for his figure, and too tall too: he had to grab his trousers to stop them from falling to his ankles, but his feet were covered by the hem.
“What the hell? I’m shrinking! Stop this - where is that b-bitch? NGHH!!
Again, his voice rose, to the point where it no longer sounded male at all. This was accompanied by a change in colour to his hair: it rippled and shined, shifting from its tousled black to a bright, borderline platinum blonde. He shrieked as it grew out, extending out over his face. When he parted the curtain of ever-growing hair to see the two nerds gaped: in mere moments, Kade’s facial features had become positively womanly. His lips had swollen and now appeared to have pale lipstick upon them, and his cheekbones were smooth. His handsome scruff was gone, leaving a face that was perfectly smooth. His eyes were bright blue, his eyelashes obvious. His jaw was far too wide, but the bully grunted and groaned as it too reshaped, becoming softer and giving his face a perfect heart shape.
“Dude, you’re turning into a woman!” Lucas said, trying not to bellow out a loud orcish laugh.
Harry watched in fascination. “She’s beautiful,” he said, not meaning to say it out loud.
Kade’s cheeks burned with the humiliation of what was occurring to him. “Shut up!” he squealed in his increasingly soprano-like voice. “Shut up! Reverse this! You did this somehow! You - Ohhhhhh! Ohhhhh f-fuck!”
Just like with Harry and Lucas, there was no denying the pleasure that began to flow through Kade’s form. He tried to fight it, and said fight was obvious from the clenching of his soft jaw and squeezing shut of his eyes, but he lost out, descending into borderline orgiastic moans as his figure readjusted. His clothing shrank, altering in fabric and colour until it was a pale pink with golden and white trim, like that of a princess. But rather than becoming a dress it split into two; one half a short skirt with white fur hem and the top half gathering beneath what could only be a pair of growing breasts.
“No! No! Not f-fucking breasts! Mmhmmm! Not - ahhh! Ohhhhh!”
His nipples pushed out, becoming a brighter pink to match his new feminine style, then expanding to form wider areolas, and then surging forth as breast tissue accumulated behind them. Kade grabbed his growing boobs, trying to force them back in. But even then his strength waned: his hands shrunk down to become far more dainty, and his arms lost a lot of their muscle mass. Interestingly, they didn’t lose all of their impressive muscles. In fact, he still looked rather fit; his fancy crop top-styled upper garment revealed his arms. They were more lithe now, bereft of any body hair, and most certainly the arms of a woman, but they were the arms of an athletic woman at least. The same was true for his legs; even as he shrunk in height down to a far less impressive five-foot-seven, his legs maintained a certain strength, particularly in the thighs.
Of course, all of this escaped Kaden’s notice. He was chiefly concerned with the way his breasts were continuing to blossom, with his manly shoulders were shrinking, and how his hips were spreading wider even as his waist narrowed rather wonderfully.
“Holy shit, Kade is becoming a total hottie!” Lucas exclaimed.
“Shut up! Fuck you!” Kade cried, his voice now a sweet soprano.
“But it’s true, dude! You look like a battle princess or something! Nice abs, too. Shame she isn’t a sexy elven ranger or something.”
“Dude, be quiet! This is crazy,” Harry said, though in his mind he couldn’t stop looking at Kade’s evolution. His own member was hardening despite the chaos of all that was happening: his bully was turning out just that beautiful!
“Nhhnnn, I don’t want this! F-fuck! Ohhhhh!”
The ecstasy was building, causing the feminising man ever more shame. His breasts enlarged yet again, now easily nice, firm C-cups. Still they grew, expanding to sizeable D’s, then Double-D’s before stopping, easily a handful each. They provided a firm profile against his feminine top, and when he squeezed them by accident he almost drooled from the unwanted pleasure that flowed. It was enough to speed up the changes between his legs: before he could even fling a hand down to arrest the withdrawal of his cock, it scuppered back up inside his body with an audible slurp. His testes followed, one plopping back inside him, followed by another. Both caused him to groan in his high voice. Moments later, his new vulva formed, labia and clitoris and tunnel and all. It was too much for Kade, even as a pair of fancy sandals appeared up his, or rather her, feet. A minimalist golden tiara sparkled into existence on her forehead, and her hair weaved itself into a fine plait.
Suddenly, standing before them was no longer Kade the tall jock of a bully, but instead an incredibly beautiful and refined-looking woman who nevertheless looked to be able to hold her own in combat; the bow and arrow on her back and dagger on her hip made that much obvious. She did indeed appear to be a battle princess.
“Like a mix between Princess Peach and Xena the Warrior Princess,” Harry remarked under his breath.
“What? What in Tartarus did you just say?” Kade snapped before clutching her pretty mouth. “Why did I just speak like that?”
“Damn, she’s got nice abs,” Lucas remarked.
“Hey, that’s my friend!” Rowan said. “You turn him back! Even if he is, like, really fucking hot right now.”
“Knave!” she cried without meaning to. “How can you say that?”
“Sorry, but it’s true. Seriously, you look fresh, man.”
Kade was furious, but due to his new womanliness she also felt a well of emotion building inside her. It was too much to deal with, and as such her eyes began to blink with tears, further increasing her shame. She looked down at her breasts - her outfit allowed for a tantalising peak at her impressive cleavage - and barely managed to hold back from collapsing on the spot.
“It’s not f-fair! I don’t deserve this!”
Harry felt he damn well did, but kicking a woman like Kade now was while she was down felt . . . unknightly, even if he was a black knight. Instead, he turned his gaze upon the last remaining unchanged member of their group. So did Lucas, who grinned madly, baring his enormous lower tusks.
“What?” Rowan asked. “Why are you staring at m - oh. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no! No, I was just following what Kade said. It was all her! I mean him! Whatever!”
“You simpleton!” she replied haughtily. “I turn into a goddamn girl and you start blaming me. At least I won’t be alone; looks like you’re already changing!”
Rowan screeched, jumping backwards as if to escape the magic infection. Instead, he only focused more attention on himself as the change began to hit him. The larger man grunted, scratching all over his skin as it became warm and flushed. Slowly at first and then much more rapidly as it spread, his skin began to turn an impossible golden chestnut brown, the kind that seemed to have almost a copper hint to it that would be impossible on any human.
“What the fuck? Am I even gonna be human?”
The answer to that was a resounding no. As if to emphasise that fact, the man suddenly cringed as his ears extended, sweeping back at the top to form long elven points at least two extra inches long, the same copper colour as the rest of his skin.
“Oh my God, I bet he’s becoming a sexy elf!” Lucas shouted, pointing with obvious excitement.
“A what!?” Rowan exclaimed. “No! You’re lying! This is just some mindtrick!”
“Don’t be a foolish knave, Rowan,” Kade said in her rather haughty, princess voice. “You’re changing like me. This is our damn punishment!”
“Punishment for, like, what?” the increasingly thin Rowan stammered, voice getting ever higher. “What did we do?”
“What didn’t you do?” Harry muttered, taking off his helmet to better watch the proceedings unfold. Lucas was practically glued to the sight of Rowan’s changes, taking in the sight with a lot of glee but also increasing arousal. Rowan’s face thinned, features becoming fey-like. His lips became fuller, though not as much as Kade’s now were. But his cheekbones became much more pronounced, almost ethereally so, matching his thinner face and twilight eyes. In fact, even his pupils changed, becoming the shape of half-crescent moons over lilac-purple irises. Rowan tried to pathetically force his hair back into his scalp as it flowed outwards. It became a fiery red, flecked with streaks of gold, far more vibrant than the hair of any actual elf.
“C’mon! Wake up, wake up!”
He pinched himself, trying to figure out what was going wrong, why he wasn’t waking. But instead he was hit by another flurry of changes that put him into the ‘definitely becoming female’ category: his hips widened slightly, and his figure transformed as dramatically as Lucas’ had, albeit in reverse: where he had become broad and muscular, Rowan’s figure became lithe and thin. He remained somewhat taller at least - perhaps about five-foot-nine - which was in keeping with his new elven nature, but his limbs were thin and almost willowy, his legs made for gentle, elegant striding. While Kade had gained impressively voluptuous curves, Rowan had a fragile beauty to him now. His breasts grew forth, nipples expanding, chest pooling with fat. It wasn’t nearly as dramatic as Kade’s large, cleavage-filled bust, but the resulting C-cups were by no means small, producing an impressive amount of cleavage of their own, even if not quite to his friend’s own cavernous crevasse.
“Nghhh! T-tits! F-fucking ti-ohhh! No! Not my fucking d-diiiiiiii!!”
His voice shot up in octaves, and ended up becoming a gorgeous mezzo-soprano that seemed tinged with an almost musical quality, fitting for a magical elf woman. This was caused by his penis withdrawing back into his body, his testicles as well. The squirming elf’s hips widened in response, and this was the one area the new woman did have on Kade other than height: the new battle princess might have had the bust, but Rowan had the childbearing hips. The new woman’s clothing rearranged, becoming a skin-tight leather outfit with fur padding for the skirt and shoulders. Her hair gained a number of complex weaves as well as flowers and small vines running through it, all somehow enhancing the style and natural beauty of her. Her body was more covered than Kade’s, and yet the skin-tight nature of the leather outfit made her form just as outlined.
“This is so completely fucked!” Rowan declared, patting her copper-coloured hands over her form.
“Yeah, fucking gorgeous,” Lucas said, before being reminded of his tusks. He was caught halfway between increasing concern about the nature of his new orc form and delight at Rowan’s new one. Much like Harry’s attention towards the feminised Kade, he too was feeling a stirring in his loins, and his new loins were mighty.
“Gross! Are you getting a fucking erection you dweeb!?” Rowan shrieked, stepping back. She hadn’t even noticed that she now had a bow and arrow with quiver slung along your back.
“It’s not my fault you’re a sexy elf girl!”
“Yes it is!” Kade added, joining the argument. “The same reason I look like this! We’ve turned into your fantasies! That’s our godsdamned punishment, you villains!”
‘Finally, someone understands the full picture,’ echoed the voice of Saoirse. Everyone went silent, looking about through the white space to see where she was.
‘The new woman is right, of course. Meet your new characters for the LARP, all of you. It’s going to be an incredible amount of fun, especially for you, Harry and Lucas. You two deserve some hot dates for this adventure, and now Kade and Rowan will play that role, not that their names will stay the same. And just for fun, I’ve magically enhanced the LARP too. It’s going to be an incredible fantasy experience, and one that will let you, let’s just say ‘fully enjoy’ your new partners, ha! Don’t worry, I’ll make a few mental adjustments to your character sheets. You’ll understand what that all means soon. For now, let’s get you back to your material plane and ready to start the LARP. Time to begin!’
Kade shouted. “Wait, you have to turn me-”
But before another word could be said from anyone, there was that brilliant flash of green light again.
The adventure was about to begin, whatever it was.
To Be Continued . . .