Mantis Mother, Part 7 (Insect Broodmother TF Preg) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
Ivy Hartridge is a college genius who has aroused the jealousy of popular girl Delia due to them both fancying the same man. But when Delia pranks Ivy by having her injected with a spliced insect serum, neither could have imagined that Ivy would begin to transform into a very fertile mantis mother-to-be!
Part 7: The Truth
Ivy luxuriated in the shower, feeling much better for having removed her too-tight bras and milk-stained shirt. Her yoga pants were an increasingly hard fit as her hips had expanded, and so she found it wonderfully freeing to allow her transformed body to be utterly unrestricted by clothing as the warm water soaked over her. Her antennae twitched automatically, and she found she could sense when the water was just right to step into without needing to even check.
"I guess these things have a use after all," she muttered as she felt at the stem of one. As a nice steam cloud from the shower rose up, she took the time to manoeuvre her four arms, manipulating them before her and attempting to consciously direct them in different ways. She wasn't perfect at it, but it was clear that she was almost becoming used to them, as if they were . . . well, a second set of hands, she supposed.
The warm water was wonderful on her large double row of breasts, and even better on her bloated belly and distended rear abdomen. She sighed, feeling almost content, before reminding herself that she was now a freak, and she needed to reverse her transformation. She'd just lactated for god's sake! She looked down at her double pair of enormous breasts, only slightly reduced in size from when they'd spurted their produce. She swore she could almost feel them beginning to fill with milk again. It was an odd milk too. Slightly pink, almost.
Ivy suppressed the urge to cry. Why was this happening?!? Was she even human anymore? Wasn't growing an extra pair of boobs, some antennae and a rear abdomen enough? Why a second pair of arms? Why did she have to lose her cute nose? And now to find out that the reason her four huge boobs have been so achy was because they were filling up with goddamned milk? Was she just going to keep on making it!? Would she need a pump for her apparent udders? She sobbed again, overwhelmed.
Worse, the nubs on her shoulder blades had become even bigger, as had the bony protrusions below her lower set of arms. She scratched absent-mindedly at the skin beneath her lower breasts. It was becoming itchy again, and she didn't even want to think about why.
Looking at the mirror as she finished up she saw that she was so very, very changed, and she could only take some small consolation in the fact that despite her facial changes and now non-existent nose, her face was still unmistakably hers in some undefinable way. Her mane of red hair, while much longer now, had not yet altered. Indeed, despite her enormous double pair of boobs, insectoid ovipositor, and bloated, pregnant looking stomach, she felt as if her good friends and her parents would still recognise her, however shocking her 'additions' were.
She was soaping her body over, avoiding her four nipples and especially the inner folds of her rear abdomen's tip (as they were particularly sensitive) when the bar slipped from her hands.
"Fuck. Shit."
She struggled down into an awkward squat, using her fat ovipositor as a counterweight to avoid toppling forwards. Suddenly she felt a horrifying new sensation at the base of her belly. For one shameful moment she felt a pressing need to push, worsened by the squat position she was in, and she was terrified she was going to defecate in the shower. Instead:
"Oh!" she squeaked, as something inside her seemed to plop from between her hips through and into her ovipositor.
What the fuck had that been? She awkwardly raised her heavy form and tried to look for signs of any embarrassing . . . matter she may have just deposited, but it was almost impossible to tell with her enormous double-pair of breasts and even large stomach in the way. Her rear abdomen made it difficult to tell what was behind her. This stupid freak body had too many blind spots!
In the end she finished up and waddled out, musing idly that her ovipositor seemed a little heavier for some reason. There was nothing on the shower floor. That, at least, gave her some relief.
Getting dressed, she frowned as she looked over clothes. It had been nearly a month since her body started changing, and in that time she had gone from little A cup bras to EEEs. They were literally the size of cantaloupes now! Her stomach had outgrown even the most oversized of her dresses. It was getting to the point where she would have to ask Theo to go pick up some new clothing for her, unless he could reverse her changes fast.
So, with great effort, she managed to put on a pair of her Mum's underwear she’d taken with her, followed by a larger set of yoga pants that stretched very tightly around her wider hips and expanded bottom. Her rear abdomen hung out from over the band. The stem connecting it to her spine was even thicker than before, around the size of her neck. After some internal debate, she opted to go without her bras for now. Theo had already seen most of her grotesque body, it was doubtful that four nipples outlined against a dress would scare him off. She just hoped they wouldn't be too sore by the end of the day without some support. The area beneath her lower pair of breasts was already itchy.
Theo was in the lab, his eye on some results. Ivy approached, waddling as a result of her various mounds. She was idly munching on a pack of chips as she did so.
"How do you feel?" Theo asked as he looked over her bloodwork and DNA samples.
Ivy took an awkward seat, adjusting her ovipositor so that it laid out over the surface of a nearby stool, relieving the weight. It was definitely a little heavier now.
"Better . . . embarrassed. I'm sorry for . . . splattering you. I didn't know my body was making milk. It explains why my boobs were so sore."
Theo flicked a glance to her chest and went bright red. Ivy looked down and felt equally embarrassed. Her nipples were long and hard, erect against her loose dress. Already there were four small stains at each one where she had lactated a little.
"Ugghh, this is so gross."
"Is wearing your bras not an option?"
She shook her head. "They're too uncomfortable now. I need new ones, but I can't go out looking like this." She gestured with all four arms at her figure.
Theo gave a sympathetic smile. "I did notice from the photo before your changes that you were a lot . . . smaller, before."
Ivy flushed red. "Can we not talk about how big my boobs are getting and more about what's causing me to have four of them, along with everything else?"
"Sorry," Theo said. "I'll grab some bras for you in town if you can write down what you need. For now, let's talk about test results."
Ivy perked up for the first time in weeks. She felt at once hopeful and nervous. "What have you found out about my . . . condition?"
Theo adjusted his glasses and took in a heavy breath. "It's complicated. Fantastical really. Your blood isn't even remotely human anymore, and your DNA . . . it's still mutating! Well, that's not accurate. Mutation implies randomness, but this . . . it's like your body is altering to conform to a set design. It's adapting to a new role, though I've not much idea what that role is. Your health isn't at risk though; in fact, I doubt you've ever been healthier despite your . . . uh . . ."
"My weight," she grumbled, gesturing to her increasingly pregnant-looking stomach.
"Yeah, uh, that. You're getting bigger, but apart from some noticeable gains in your, well, your breasts and your behind, you're not getting fat."
Ivy gestured to her heavy, rounded stomach. "What do you call this then?"
"I'm not sure yet. I've ordered some equipment to find out, but it will be a week or more away I'm afraid."
"A week!?"
"Or more," Theo added.
"Who knows how much I'll be changed by then? I might not even be able to speak, Theo! Isn't there anything you can do now?"
He shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Ivy. Your DNA is in flux, which means it's still being altered. Any attempt to correct its path may end up making things worse, or even kill you."
The stray tears were coming again, but Ivy rallied against them this time. "Isn't there anything you can tell me, Theo?"
She placed her two left hands on his, pleading with her black-on-black eyes. He considered them for a moment, before squeezing both gently. He really was kind to her. He hadn’t even reacted with disgust for even a moment in her presence, though he must feel it so. No, that wasn’t true. Her antennae could pick up disgust, and they weren’t doing so now.
“There is one thing I have identified with certainty,” he said. He paused, took a deep breath, as if readying himself. “It concerns why your body is changing.”
A shiver ran down Ivy’s back and went all the way down her ovipositor. It really did feel heavier this morning. “Am I . . . am I an alien?”
For a moment Theo was confused. “Oh, no. No! Sorry, you’re definitely human, Ives. Well, technically, you’re something altogether new now, but you were human before. I’ll explain. My work at the university is quite well funded, and I’ve made a bit of a name for myself in genetic engineering and tailoring. In my lab, we experiment with all sorts of non-humanoid DNA compound mixtures, attempting to tailor them together to form a consistent new genemap. I haven’t succeeded yet, but I’ve gotten quite a lot of funding and findings published purely because of what new knowledge my experiments bring in.
Over a month ago, a woman from campus named Delia - Delia Anward I think? - came into my lab. She . . . well, she claimed to be interested in what my lab was doing, and, well, she seemed to be interested in me.”
Theo flushed red as he talked, fiddling with his collar. Ivy’s heart just beat faster, terrified of what he was going to say next yet unable to stop listening.
“Anyway, she was flirting with me and looking over the various vials when she accidentally bumped one. Cow DNA mixed with a chicken’s. It smashed, and I went to fetch a mop, and when I was finished cleaning she gave me a peck on the cheek and left. I . . . well I thought the magic was gone or something. I tried to say hi the next day but she blew me off. It was only seeing your changes when you fell asleep that I became curious if she had an ulterior motive. So I went back to the lab while you were on the couch and . . . one of the vials was unaccounted for. The insect queen DNA mixture.”
Ivy croaked. “Delia did this to me?”
Theo nodded, grim. “I don’t think she did it knowingly. She didn’t seem very scientific, which was why I thought she might have been . . . well, she wasn’t interested in me, so clearly this was the reason. I think she just wanted you sick or something.”
Ivy’s head fell, her chin resting on the soft pillows of enormous boobflesh she had grown. “She knew Daniel was into me and not her. She turned me into this, all because she was jealous! ALL BECAUSE OF A STUPID LOVE TRIANGLE!”
She screamed in frustration, beating all four of her fists down on the table before crying once more, two hands covering her face as the other trembled on the table’s surface.
“I’m a freak,” she wailed, “a monster. I can’t go out in public ever again. I’ll never be able to play sports, or go to the beach, or just be a normal person in a crowd. I’ll never find a man who can love me, or raise kids. My parents are coming home in a couple of months and I won’t be able to face them!”
Theo stood and came over to Ivy, hugging her tightly. “No, no, Ives, don’t think that way. I’ll help you anyway I can, I promise. You’ll find a way through this. We’ll find a way through this.”
Ivy continued to sob. “She made me a freak, Theo. A stupid bug-girl with four giant boobs and four arms and this stupid thing growing out my ass! I look revolting. I don’t want to live like this!”
Theo ripped her hands from her face and stared directly into her inky black eyes. “Ivy, don’t talk like that, okay? I told you we’ll figure something out. I don’t know if I can change you back yet, but you know I’ll spend every moment trying to help you. This is as much my fault as Delia’s.”
He placed his hands on either side of her face, his fingers resting over where her new ear-holes now were. Against her wishes, her antennae twitched downwards, touching at his scalp.
“And you’re not a freak. And you don’t look revolting, at least in my eyes. Not at all. I know it sounds strange, but . . . well, you’re a marvel. And I don’t just mean in a scientific way, I mean the way in which you’re handling this. If this was happening to me I’d be handling it so much worse. You’re stronger than you think.”
A shock ran down her antennae and sent her eyes wide.
“You’re not lying.”
Theo smiled. “No, I’m not.”
Ivy shook her head, her antennae flinging back up and her immense boobs wobbling on her chest. “No, I mean I know you’re not lying. It’s strange, it’s like my antennae can sense that you’re telling the truth.”
Theo thought for a moment. “Put them back on me again.”
She complied, her strange insectoid additions pressing against his scalp this time. She’d never felt so truly alien, and yet experiencing a level of intimacy she had never thought possible. “Okay, what now?” she asked.
“You’re still beautiful, and I know you can handle this,” he said.
She went bright pink - pinker than her new colour tone her body was slowly adopting.
He was telling the truth.
To Be Continued . . .