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Hello wonderful Patrons. As always, thank you so much for supporting my work and showing interest and engagement in it. It means a lot and it's wonderful to have such a supportive community.

I've been thinking about the format of my Patreon a bit lately, and whether any little changes should be made to benefit you guys, as well as larger ones. So today I have three questions for you. No polls, just the freedom to comment below in response to them, and it's open to all Patrons.

Question 1 - Collections: These were added as a feature a few months ago and I haven't made use of them. As you all know, I have custom pages with all my links placed in alphabetical order, organised according to your tier. My question to you is: would you like me to make use of the collections feature of organisation, instead of just relying on tags and my custom pages? I bring this up just because it would take a few days off of my writing schedule to put together.

Question 2 - What Stories You Want To See: I like to drop a line every so often to see if a particular story type, transformation, or general theme has been neglected in my writing, or if there's just something you feel I'd be good at writing that I haven't done yet. This is not asking for specific story ideas, more like stuff you want to see more of (e.g. 'I liked your bug TFs from back in the day, I'd like to see more' or 'more stories in the Lake Otherside universe' or 'more humiliation stories with sad/resigned endings' etc.

Question 3 - Higher Tier? I don't plan to change up the current tiers any further. I think there's a wonderful balance between the basic contents of the Subscription Tier, versus the greater access of the Premium and the voting/extras of the Deluxe Tier. However, I thought I'd just put the question out there if there are any specific features/content/extras you'd like to see that I don't cover at the moment that you would be willing to pay at a higher tier for? Again, just throwing this out there to see what people think! I would not be sacrificing lower tier content for this, either. Other tiers would remain the same.

Any responses to any of these three questions are greatly appreciated, and I hope you're all having a great day : )



Question1: I'm satisfied with the current layout/tag system, though I don't know enough about the other system to comment. Question 2: In general I enjoy that you are a varied writer! I don't like every genre/type you write but in a way I'm happy you are catering to different people and I've enjoyed a few stories in genres I didn't think I would. My personal favorite types you wrote were "stuck in an anime/stuck in an eroge/stuck in DnD" type stories; I enjoyed seeing people stuck acting as steteotypical characters and learning to see life differently. I also enjoy when you revisit a long story's characters for a short one. Question 3: no comment. Keep up the good work and I hope you enjoy writing as much as we enjoy reading!

Camden Levy

1. I think the current system works well enough 2. I love your stories that feature Romance (what can I say I like romance), I also love your Hero Society stories would love to see more of them, I love stories with struggle with losing identity (Henry 2 Haruko and Turning into My Girlfriend’s Mom) would love more of those, in terms of Transformations I’d like to see more Nerd and Amazon tfs the ones that you’ve done have been great and I’d love to see more of them. 3. Same as number one I don’t think a new tier is really that needed

Sam Droogan

I do like the idea of collections as it would make navigating story categories perhaps a bit less cumbersome. At least on the mobile app as that's the main access point (if only) for me at least. I would like to see more stories like the Fertility Square featuring rapid pregnancy or stuff like Camp Queenlay featuring egg laying and the big growth spurts therein.

vivian violet

for question 2: I really loved the madam maternity series (joined because of it, even), and that same brand of mass genderswaps + varying pregnancies being induced is WONDERFUL, so more of that would rule.


I guess I'd say I don't like the recent "genre" style TFs as much. I enjoy when you describe unusual transformations, as that's quite tricky. My preference is for more of the curse or unfortunate style of change than straight gender swap stories. The stories that got me into your stuff initially was the involuntary girlfriend stuff, as you described the mental compulsions and slow changes very well, and the witch curses, as they allow a bit of inventiveness too. I love weird changes too as it's fun to see you describe them and get into the detail


I liked your bug TFs from back in the day, I'd like to see more ;) Also, I thought that the mental aspects of Life Aquatic were very well crafted in how she dances with, but manages to avoid being consumed by the animal influences. How she reaches a state that acknowledges the mental influence while maintaining awareness and identity.

Halima Abdi

The stories are honestly pretty samey, using a lot of the same characters, tropes, cliches, over and over. I'd try writing stuff entirely out of left field, throw some crazy shit out there. I remember a story from Spiraled Eye about a guy's girlfriend who turned into a legally-distinct Xenomorph that was surprisingly hot, even without the typical big boobs and curvy figure. Or characters that say "fuck it" to the typical format; there was a recent comic where a guy was TGed into a big boobed warrior woman, and ended up going FTM trans after defeating the demon king.

Fox Face

Happy to switch up tropes, but I'd probably need to know what tropes you're starting to view as cliche.


Your current format for organization is great, if you were to use collections I would do it to group stories based on their tags. My favorite story of yours "choose your words" I would love to see more stories similar to it


My favourite stories are the ones where the main character undergoes a transformation that they don't want but eventually they either enjoy them or are pleasantly surprised by how content they are. I prefer when the transformation leaves them at the mercy of either the magic or medical disorder. Big fan of your perfect body and Lumins stories in particular


The samey-ness is honestly what made me a fan in the first place. It hits all my preferences perfectly and then each story puts a different spin on it. There are TONS of other authors out there doing weirder, crazy stuff if that's what you want.


I would suggest making collections that are all of the chapters of a story put in to one document. I read on a portable reader and it makes it easier if it was one big piece. (epub, because it is efficient on storage space).

Lord Solar Thomas

I don’t have much to say, just that it would be nice to see more transformations into men. There’s a lot of TF and TG stuff that leads to the character being a woman, but there’s so much less of that into men. That’s about all, thanks for the post!

The Sheriff

I would like categories - i think Lumin’s is a neat plot point so being able to filter via its usage would be nice, especially because them being sorted by tiers and alphabetically isnt the best for my kinda of browsing. Story wise, I like more of the either ‘This is fone and im resigned’ or ‘i didnt want or expect this but, shit im glad we’re here!’ like your recent archivist post


1. Your current layout system is really good imo, the main thing I’d like to echo is categorizing certain types of stories like Lumins or others. 2. It’s hard to say for this one, sometimes some stories work really well and sometimes they don’t for me. I think the ones I enjoyed and what got me to subscribe for you was the “Waterboys Women” story, that style of writing the transformation and relationship was great. I’ve really enjoyed a lot of your stuff though. I personally enjoy stories where the transformation is a casual thing which can be done on a whim, and I enjoy the genderswap/friends to lovers aspect of the genre a lot which is a common trope, and generally I enjoy some sex in the story, but I’ve also enjoyed plenty of your stories which go against that and are maybe darker, so it’s hard for me to peg down exactly what I enjoy, but I’d say the Waterboys Women is probably one of my favorite. 3. This one I’m not sure for. One thing I think you could maybe do is have a vote for a story from a few concepts you personally really wanna do once a month. With how many stories we suggest and how short a lot have to be because there’s so many, I feel like maybe having a specific story you yourself as actually interested in or want to do could help, since obviously you’re probably not gonna be as invested in a lot of things we suggest and vote on. Or alternatively, you could maybe try to set a theme for the month for suggestions and the mini story or longer story suggestion has to fall within that guideline. Overall though I enjoy your stuff, it doesn’t all work for me as well as others but that’s inevitable with the insane amount of content you make a month.


1. I agree with others here that the current layout is good but I also agree that further categorization concerning stories related to Lumin’s, Tanarra, Morgan the Wandering Witch, ETC would be welcome 2. Personally I feel like more stories of a reptillian or saurian type transformation would be welcome, I also would personally like to see more stuff involving more sci-fi FTM and MTF tfs such as nano-bots, TF Closets/Assembly lines/ Chambers/etc, Mutagenic Tanks etc. I also wouldn’t mind seeing more dark stuff related to things like kidnappings, enslavement, etc especially as it pertains to multi tfs, I also personally like the whole idea of the final orgasm as part of the Transformation for both FTM and MTF tfs. I also like how In Like Rabbits the transformation was triggered/accelerated by eating I hope that could be used in future stories maybe. 3. I honestly don’t really got anything for your Third Question.

Zak K

1. I think some use of collections would be great - though probably best by theme (TF, lumins, series, etc.) 2. Your anthro-TF work and happier endings are definitely my favorites. I would love to see more of that. The "Choose Your Words" with the alternate ending where they stay together is a personal favorite :) 3. I have nothing for this one - sorry :(

Thomas Hargrove

1: I don't know enough about how the collections work to say much here but your current system is generally fine. Maybe it could be useful for grouping stories that have similar themes or patterns, that may appeal to specific tastes beyond just what type of TF it is 2: I quite like your stories focusing on compulsive changes. Characters forcibly transformed to fill a role and nudged by mental changes to fulfill it, without actually losing their original identity. It's particularly fun when it's a character who deserves such a punishment. I can't say I'm a fan of some of the more extreme TFs but to each their own. Maybe some more sci-fi TFs, feels like we've had a lot of magic ones lately. One thing I will say is that I think you do a terrific job creating interesting side characters in some of the larger stories, would love to see more of that happening in the future. They really help to flesh out the stories and keep them from getting stale, and help to provide extra ideas for alternate endings when the polls roll around 3: I think the tiers are fine as is, the most I can really think of right now would be a higher one that lets people have influence on the final physical/mental changes for TF'd characters in more public stories, but I think that would probably be niche and limited so idk if it's helpful at all


1. Collections would be an excellent idea! 2. I would really like to see more of your FtM stories. You do it so well. 3. I think the tiers are great as they are now!


1. Using collections could be useful in terms of stories that are connected but are not logged as chapters of a larger story. You have multiple stories on Lumin's syndrome that are connected in that they are in the same world, but aren't direct "sequels." 2. I like stories with fantasy or mythological elements, maybe witches transform people as a punishment or someone is tricked or transformed by a magical creature. I like the idea of someone being transporting into a fictional world, could be a tabletop world, or a book or a game. 3. I like the tiers as they are, they're well structured and priced.


1. I don't feel collections add much to your page. I wouldn't waste your time. 2. I joined because of Madam Maternity. I love that story and hope you turn it into a regular serial. I also love any story where the main character grows exceptionally large breast or has to deal with hyper pregnancy. I found your brood story super awesome and I've never been into that type of TF. 3. I think your current tier system is great.

Mike R Pen

I think your organizatoin is good, but easier for patons, as all expect to go to Collections to see what has been published. Up to you. I like your stories. I like TG stories, especially darker ones, where there is non-consensual forced change. Detail the change. Tiers as they are are fine.


1. I don't know about others, but I'm fine with the current state. 2. I'd like to see more "forced changes". I like "FTF" the most (which are generally rare), "swapping body parts" e.g. race (e.g. from human to succubus) or breast size etc. (especially forced) ;) 3. The same answer as in the first question :)

Victor Y

I love how you write FtM, and especially FtM and MtF swap (w/ pregnancy as an added bonus). Would love to see this more from the FtM character's POV. I reread Life Swap from time to time, it's one of my favorites


I think the collections could help at least in separating by tier. I prefer using the tags for finding similar themes and effects.


1. I think collections are nice, but unnecessary due to how well you already organize your stories. 2. I love your stories with heavy mental changes. If it is due to compulsions, unconscious decisions, or just the slow degradation of a character's mental facilities, I am game. Also, lumins is one of my favorite concepts for a story I have ever read, and would be very interested to read a story where a character had to deal with more extreme changes, either mentally or physically, but preferably both.

Mr. Watt

As I've mentioned before. I absolutely love your freaky buggy brood mother stuff. It tickles a rare niche itch that few can reliably touch on.


Collections work better than links on mobile.