Hey everyone! Thanks so much for your comments the other week in response to what you as wonderful patrons want more of. For some context, I've been really enjoying writing transformation stories even after two years of this patreon. However, it can be hard to balance the monetised aspect of commissions with what I personally like writing, as well as what the wider crowd wants as well. There's certainly stuff I haven't written much of in a while that I look forward to writing again, and so it's been really very rewarding to see that other people want some different stuff also!
With that in mind, a few very minor announcements that explain the below poll.
1. I'm Closing Commissions for a Little Bit:
Apart from those I've already promised commissions to, or have been in talks with, I probably won't take on many commissions next month or the month after. I've been stressed over deadlines lately, so this will be a nice catch up and reset, and it also allows me . . .
2. Make a series of bonus stories based on YOUR feedback!
Your feedback has given me ideas for a number of fun stories that I would personally just like to write, WITHOUT commissions! These will still be scattered across various tiers, so not everyone will be able to access ALL of them, but they will all (or mostly) written. This will be an ongoing project across a number of months as I slowly return to commissions.
3. I plan to write most or all of these, but feel free to vote the ones you most want to see!
Below are some brief descriptions of the stories. They may be subject to change, but this is all based upon YOUR feedback from last week. It'll be very fun, I think, to write some stuff for its own sake and not with a commission deadline or for an audience of one. I love writing for commissions, but this will be a breath of fresh air for a change. With that in mind, here they are . . .
THE BONUS STORIES - Vote for as many as you want!
1. Tabletop Transformation:
A group of nerdy friends play a game of Erutell, only to find themselves sucked into this DnD-like world. Some are swapped in genders, others change even more drastically. Suffice to say, musled scalefolk, centaurs, amazonian orc girls, and adorable catfolk abound! This story will be told through the framing device of a new adventurer similarly transformed meeting these characters in a tavern and hearing them talk of their changes years ago and how they adapted.
2. Hero Society - New Members:
Set in the Meteor Woman universe (the Meteorverse, I suppose?). A rough-edged plumber taking a job for a rather snooty businesswoman finds a strange device under her house when checking her pipes. The two bicker, only for the device to change them into superheroes. The businesswoman is shocked to become a powerful male Hulk type, while the plumber is aghast to become a sexy magician type like Zatanna, or perhaps fishnet stocking'd Black Canary type. Now stuck as their own opposites, and still a nuisance to each other, they must learn to work together to get back to normal . . . if they even can.
3. The Amazon, the Nerd, and the Pretty Boy
Three individuals are in the wrong place at the wrong time when they get sucked into an anime-style world. A nerdy girl ends up becoming a beautiful amazon, a strong-willed jock gets stuck as a cute nerd girl, while an aging female professor ends up as a popular pretty boy.
4. The RMPE (Rapid Mass Pregnancy Effect)
A mysterious phenomenon caused by strange interstellar radiation causes a mass rapid pregnancy effect across a single town. We follow one man's journey to try and get to his girlfriend, even as his female coworkers become massively pregnant, and many men even change gender to become impregnated too! Some are early along, but others are ready to go into labour, and others still are bearing massive litters even as more babies form.
5. Stop Thinking About Girls!
A first person POV story told from the perspective of a young man who is slowly transformed into his best friend's hottie girlfriend. Thanks to the purple lightning effect hitting their car while driving to their shared workplace, everytime his friend is attracted to a woman or thinks of a sexy woman, the MC's body changes further. Soon, the new woman literally can't help but be the most ultimately sexy being for her friend, even as the friend feels very guilty. But with the new woman's body insatiably horny, it's only a matter of time before they have a lot of sex . . . and perhaps even gets quite pregnant as a careless result.
6. I'm the Breadwinner Now
A first person POV story told from the perspective of a wife who is used to being submissive to her husband, who can be far too obsessed with being an alpha male. But when the two attend couple's therapy, a mix of hypnotis, and pills soon has them changing genders. This FTM perspective starts to relish being the dominant one, especially when he makes his new wife cry out in pleasure. And wouldn't it just be the best to make her former hubbie be the one to carry and deliver that big family he's always talked about? Well, he better keep taking those gender pils, then - and if not, she can sneak them into his food.
7. I Came, I Dinosaur:
When a small crew of explorers stumble across a mysterious island, they are astonished to find various saurian anthro life upon it - big T-Rex folk, raptor women, thicc triceratops ladies, lithe diplodocus folk. But the local society isn't keen on having their private paradise be disturbed, and so it's off the mutagenic hot springs to these explorers - and what kind of saurians will they become? And what genders will they have? And will some feel a mating desire?
8. Chamber Changes:
A more dream-like story told from the perspective of a woman (or man) floating in a very sci-fi chamber, a breathing and feeding tube attached to them. Their mind is hazy, dipping in and out of consciousness across entire months as various scientists evaluate their changes. This diary-like story will have the main character slowly realise their body is being altered genetically to become the perfect partner of a billionaire backer, or to be sold at an auction.
9. Breeding Cages:
Several women and one man are each captured separately by a dark science group. They are kept in cages close to one another, and get to know one another as they are routinely injected with mutagenic needles. They come to realise they are becoming strange anthro-creatures of different kinds, with the intention of breeding powerful armies with their hyperfertile, rapidly pregnant bodies. Their only hope is to escape together, and perhaps form their own private society. But they must be quick - before they are literally too pregnant too move!
10. Choose Your Words Too:
A sequel of sorts to Choose Your Words. The spell is cast one again on a poor female passerby instead of the intended subject. She doesn't understand why her body is changing in a variety of ways in response to what people say about her. This one would have changes determined by a continual voting process. The main point of view would be the witch trying to track her the poor woman down before it's too late, but due to a glitch in the spell, she can't interact or be noticed by the woman, making things very awkward indeed!
11. I, Xeno:
Inspired, of all things, by the Alien series. A young female member of an illegal space scavenger crew is horrified to learn that not only is the ship her group is boarding had its crew killed by an awoken alien monster, but that her crew had sealed her in with it while trying to escape themselves. Worst of all, she is two months pregnant, and her own babydaddy left her behind. With her body injured and at risk of losing her life and that of her child's, she injects herself with the dark liquid from which the alien monster was first created. It works to heal her, but soon her pregnancy develops rapidly, her breasts begin leaking strangely thick, almost acidic goo, and her skin is becoming shiny and rubbery. When she gives birth to a monstrous alien-human hybrid, she realised she may have little choice but to deliberately mutate herself further so it recognises its mother. Will she become a xeno-woman, deadly and horrifying, in order to protect her child and get revenge? And what will the male alien monster think of her? If you can't escape the hive, perhaps it's best to make one.
12. Dude, You Are WAY Too Into This!
We've had many stories of men reluctantly becoming women, but what happens when a friend is magically transformed into a woman with compulsions to be a hot girlfriend to her buddy, only to already be really into it? Like, really into it? In this story, told from the perspective of the still-male friend, the transformee is very, very eager to experience sex and be her friend's girlfriend. The only problem is, this time it's the man who is understandably hesitant! It seems the transformee has had a fantasy about giving tittyfucks, blowjobs, and dressing up as slutty as possible, and this is a dream come true. Now she just needs her friend to hurry up and come around to the new status quo!
I hope there's something for everyone here! Again, I can't overstate how excited I am to write these stories, and am so thankful for the advice many of you gave. I tried to incorporate all of it, especially ways to switch up some formulas (more 1st person POVs, more alternate changes like mutations and hynotism, saurian TFs, etc).
And if there's any that you are particularly excited about or have additional ideas or tweaks to suggest, please comment below! I'd genuinely love to hear them, and I hope you're excited about these stories as I am! And if you want to just straight up commission a variant on these or get one that clearly isn't preferred started early, you can hit me up in my messages about that.