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A Commission for Al

Finn Langston is the best of the best, a dashingly handsome secret agent who always saves the world and always gets the girl. But when he is called upon by The Agency to infiltrate the private island of Sebastian Whitlock, a devious playboy industrialist who may be angling for world domination, Finn meets his greatest challenge yet: being turned into a raven-haired spy beauty to seduce Whitlock, and find out what he is planning. But the new and beautiful Fiona may find her cover going far, far deeper than she could have imagined . . .

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Part 12: For His Eyes Only

The agent pair moved fast. Whitlock thought he’d won, and he practically had. But there was still a crucial time window, Fiona knew, before he could get the defence screen for his Damocles weapon primed, making it impossible to hit via missile. It would also take time to disperse its nanites and begin changing the population to follow his will, and the will of his adjutants. She explained this to Adrian as they moved together, as well as his wider plan.

“Revolting. What a madman,” he said. “I have three sisters and was raised by a single mother. You don’t need that to appreciate that women should never be slaves, but it certainly serves to make me a hell of a lot angrier.”

Armed with submachine guns, field agent training, determination, and a perfect marriage of wit and grit, both Agent One and Agent Spiros moved up through the facility, facing gunfire and explosions, taking on Whitlock’s forces within the secure area. His horde of female followers were no doubt attempting to gain access, but the men at the terminal believed their survival rode on not letting that happen, so for now at least they were out of the game.

“Where will Whitlock be?” Spiros said. “You said you’ve never been in here before. We could be going the wrong way entirely.

But Fiona just shook her head. “I’ve got a hunch, and my hunches are rarely wrong. Paired with female intuition and I’m practically psychic. Watch out!”

She pushed Spiros aside and fired at a guard, downing him. Another popped out from the corner and nearly caught her. It was just a flesh wound, however, and she was once again happy to have a body that was a smaller target than her broad male one - she might well have died as a man there. Another shot sprayed from a guarded location, and she pulled back with a surprisingly feminine gasp.

“What is it? Are you hit?” Spiros asked.

She padded over her large breasts and sighed in relief. “Not here, at least. He almost got me in the chest.”

“That would have been a war crime, in my opinion.”

“Flirt.” She grinned, took out a grenade, and chucked it to where the guard was positioned. 


The guard was launched over the railing he was hiding behind, and the pair advanced. She was leading them further up into the facility, to the very top of the highest-most tower. Men like Whitlock were all ego, and there was no doubt in her mind that his control centre, the very nerve centre of his operation, would be in the tallest reaches of his island of Arcadia. 

Now that I’m a dame, it’s not hard to see the rather Freudian implications of that either. Boys and their suggestive toys.

They reached the stairs, skipping the elevator for the obvious dangers it presented. Numerous guards were on the stairwell, thinking they were ready for them. They weren’t ready for a musical rendition, however, when all but one of the last remaining pearls were thrown up into the stairwell.

“Man, I feel like a woman, oh, oh, oh, oh!”

Spiros looked at her momentarily like she’d grown an extra head, but he quickly realised what was happening when a series of explosions rocked the tower above them. They burst from the smoke and ash, leaping through enemies and tackling them. Fiona once more leapt up and strangled a henchman with her thighs - the lucky bastard - before using deft strikes to sweep another off his feet and then off the side of the broken stairwell entirely. She drew a knife and flung it at an enemy holding Spiros, and after seeing that he was alright they marched up the final sweep of the stairs together.

“Ready?” she said, as they reached the door at the end.

“Ready,” he said.

With a powerful kick from each, they flung the door open and burst into the room. Inside, they were greeted by two guards at the other end of the room, who were dispatched before they could fire. The rest of the room was dominated by a very large table that spanned its entire length, ovoid in shape and adorned in many dishes. Numerous men were at the table, most in their middle age or even older, and they looked to have come from all corners of the earth. They looked immediately shocked, then terrified, at the presence of Agent One and Agent Spiros.

Ah, these are the powerful bunch of bastards who stand to gain everything from helping Whitlock achieve his dreams.

From one side glance at Spiros, she could tell he’d made the exact same calculation himself. Disgust spread across his face, especially when the Greek foreign minister stood.

“Agent Spiros! Yes, I know who you are. I demand you put that gun down immediately. These matters are not your concern, and I will have you - AGHH!!”

Spiros shot him in the kneecap. Then, just to really shut him up, he shot the other one as well.

“You’re a better marksman than you give yourself credit for,” Fiona remarked.

“It takes a special kind of hatred to make my aim that cold,” he replied. “Where’s Whitlock? If we’re not told in ten seconds I’m mowing down every traitor to humanity in this room.”

At this point, Fiona wasn’t even sure he was lying or not. Clearly, his time beneath the rocket and his own fears for his family were putting him on edge. Still, it was often expected of the woman to play the ‘good cop,’ so that’s what she did, for once.

“Adrian, you shouldn’t,” she said, raising her voice to be a sweet soprano for him to play off of. “They’re unarmed. It would be . . . murder.”

He thrust the gun forward, and his side look indicated that he recognised what she was doing. Within the crowd she even recognised an important British parliamentarian and powerful shipping magnate. Thankfully, he didn’t know her own situation.

“I have to, Alexandra,” he said. “These people are all sick. What they’re doing is sick. If they can’t tell me then I’ll just kill them all-”

“Wait!” someone cried from the back.

That’s Olaf Shmesnk, the arms dealer.

“He’s in the control room above us. I’ve only seen it once. There’s a private elevator that goes up. I have a key, but it requires a password.”

“I know the password!” another said, cracking.

Using their guns, the agent pair followed them to a blank wall. With the twist of a statue head, an elevator was revealed. Olaf and the other - a Japanese celebrity with powerful social pull - gave them access.

“Oh, and just in case anyone thinks about going anywhere,” Fiona said, chucking a pearl into the middle of the room. “That’s set to go off with a very big boom if anyone tries to leave without my say-so. Don’t believe me? Try and find out.”

The elevator rose, leaving the traitors to humanity behind them. Glass windows showed the expanse of the gorgeous island as they did so, and the smoke trail of the rocket that slowly dissipated away. And still the elevator rose up the enormous crane-like structure to where Whitlock’s control centre was, still entire flights above. 

“He’ll be ready for us,” Adrian warned.

“I know,” Fiona replied. She took out her Beretta and shot the security camera in the upper corner.  “Help me open the service hatch.”

“What? Why?”

“Because he’s expecting us,” she said, “just like you said. So let’s take the element of surprise back.”


The elevator opened, and a squad of loyal female guards fired into it, ripping the interior apart with hundreds of bullets. They raised their guns and destroyed the upper sections, tore through the sides where they might be hiding, and even tossed a tear gas grenade in for good measure, just in case they needed flushing out. When the smoke finally cleared though, there was no one to be seen.

“Where are they?” demanded their squad leader, dressed in a gorgeous golden gown that in no way made sense with her current actions. 

Agent Spiros and Agent One broke the glass above together, smashing through the bubble-like dome roof above. Fiona fired tranq darts at the figures on the left, Adrian on the right, and he only missed one which she quickly corrected. They landed, rolling from the plush couch on the corner and knocking out three more guards. The control room was expansive with its large domed glass ceiling and immense television screen upon a dais. There, seated facing away from them, now all alone, was Sebastian Whitlock.

“I see that you continue to defy my attempts for an amusing fate for you, Agent One. You’re hardly a man anymore, so why did you break off your encounter with my brainwashing machine?”

“You know how it is with women,” Fiona said, training her gun on the back of his seat. “I just couldn’t commit.”

“That’s a male problem, actually,” he replied.

“Ah, well perhaps I danced on both sides of the aisle too much. Turn around now, Sebastian, and put your hands up. It’s over.”

He did so, swivelling around. “A pity,” he said. “You look so divine in your golden clothing. And you destroyed my machine, so that Damocles is its last remnant but for yours. Too bad then, that its first order of business is to ruin the functionality of your ‘Tiresias Cradle’ before changing the world to my liking. One must eliminate all threats before victory is achieved.”

Fiona sneered. “I couldn’t agree more,” she said. She began to pull the trigger.

“Fiona! Watch out!”

She dodged the thrown knife just in time. Agent Seven - Cassandra, hurled herself forth from a hidden place across the room, howling in anger.

“You won’t stop him! He’s the master!”

Great. Just great.

Fiona jumped back just in time to dodge another thrown knife, then quickly deflected another using her metal brace. She fired back a bolt at Agent Thirty-Nine - Sonya - but she was likewise very quick, and already advancing on Adrian.

“Normally I’d celebrate two beautiful women vying for my attention, but unfortunately work calls, ladies!”

She fired a bolt at Sebastian, and for just a moment she saw fear in the villain’s eyes. But Cassanda - Agent Seven - jumped in front of it, taking the shot to the shoulder.

“The control panel! It’s the only thing that can - ahh!”

Sonya slashed him across the leg, then disarmed him. He was doing his best to fight back, but it was clearly a losing battle. Meanwhile, Fiona was up against Cassandra. Normally she would come up on top after a hard battle, but now that they were the same general size and body shape, it was a much harder contest. Worse, Fiona’s huge bust continued to wobble and bounce distractingly with each strike and quick shift of her movements.

“Still unused to your female form, I see,” Cassandra teased with a smile. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it, when we elevate you to Sebastian’s wife.”

“Indeed,” Sebastian remarked, resting back against the console and looking at the battle spectacle with amusement. On the huge screen behind him, Damocles’ trajectory was being tracked. It had just reached orbit. “I look forward to unwrapping that golden dress and taking my prize.”

“I’m afraid I’ve already been taken,” she snapped back. Whitlock looked at her quizzically, and Fiona smirked in response, gesturing to Adrian, who had momentarily gained a second wind. “All this?” she said, gesturing to her body before deflecting another kick from Cassandra. “It’s for his eyes only.”

“Then he shall die.”

She got enough distance back to fire another bolt. It was the one of the last ones available, but it caught Sonya across the arm. Unfortunately, it allowed Cassandra to sweep her across the leg, smashing her against the floor. She just barely managed to pull back before Cassandra could knock her out, and once again she was thankful for a much more lithe and agile form.

Not bad, being a woman sometimes. Let’s kick this into high gear.

She fought back with ferocity, but it was a losing battle. Adrian wasn’t on the same level, and both were exhausted from the siege of the island that had gotten them to this point. Worse, the screen was showing that Damocles was now fully separated from its rocket, its solar panels unfurling, its guidance system working perfectly, its dish pointed directly to Earth’s surface. To Fiona’s horror, she realised it was already starting to position itself over Britain. Sebastian caught her expression and grinned from the dais at the end of the tower control room.

“I think it’s time your United Kingdom had another Queen,” he mused. “Though perhaps I’ll make you my new queen, Alexandra Goodchest. So first order of business, let’s ensure you never turn back again. Damocles, eliminate the Agency’s Tiresias Cradle, immediately!”

“Firing upon enemy designation ‘Tiresias Cradle.’ Powering up. Activate console switch when ready.”

More fighting, but she couldn’t get to him, or the console. It was powering up far too quickly.

Don’t lose focus, Agent One. If he wipes out our Machine then you’ll never turn back. You’ll be stuck as a big-breasted leggy bombshell for life. 

Fiona managed to grab Cassandra’s hand, swing her around, then kick her behind her. It didn’t put her out of commission, but it gave her enough clear space to rush at Sebastian and take him down.

“Ready to fire nanite stream.”

Sebastian’s hand moved, as if in slow motion, to the console. But even as Fiona ran at full speed towards him, she saw the choice she had to make. Sonya had a sharp tactical knife in her hands, and had Adrian pinned against the viewing glass of the circular wall. He was preventing it from sinking into his heart, but the tip was seemingly millimetres from puncturing his skin, and any moment it would be game over. She knew, in that micro-split-second decision, what she had to do.

Damn. Well, I guess I save the guy and the world, this time. 

She turned at the last second, launching into the air and thrusting her perfect leg right out. It slammed into the back of Sonya, crashing her against the glass and knocking her unconscious immediately. 

“Th-thanks,” Adrian managed. “But you lost your opportunity to-”

“So long as you’re alright,” she said. “You look ridiculous without your glasses on, by the way.”

“Well, she kicked them off and - shit!”

Fiona spun around, but Cassandra was upon her, performing strike after strike, battering the pair of them. Adrian had lost all fight in him, and she herself was wavering. In the background, Whitlock was assembling a pistol idly on the console, just in case things didn’t go his way. He seemed confident, though.

“What a shame, Alexandra. Soon you’ll lose, and your mental transformation will be completed.”

“Ready to send first package of nanites,” the console spoke.

“Wonderful! Send them to this location, Damocles. I think it would be best for my inauguration as God of this world to include the elevation of my Goddess wife. Just keep her busy, Cassandra, and this will be all over.”

Keep her busy. Of course!

Fiona let Cassandra get her blows in, no matter how much blood was spilled and pain was delivered. All that mattered was freeing her arm and aiming her wrist at Sebastian.

Cassandra’s eyes widened. “No!”

She jumped back and took the first bolt in the shoulder. Fiona shifted to the side, shot at Sebastian again, and once more Cassandra blocked it with her body, her brainwashing making her the ultimate fanatic. She took the remaining three bolts, by which point Fiona had regained the initiative. She launched against the injured woman, crashing her into Whitlock at the very moment the magnate had assembled his pistol. It fired a stray shot that tore loose some threads of her long, dark hair, barely missing her. The sound was horrific, blaring in her ears.

“No!” he screeched as Cassandra was finally battered aside, bleeding but not fatally wounded. “You can’t win! Not when I’m so close! Damocles, target nanite stream on Alexandra Goodchest! Specification: Loyal Goddess Eternal!”

“Sorry, Sebastian, your mail order wife just got cancelled!”

She cracked him across his jaw, sending him sliding back. 

“Tie him up, Adrian!”

Spiros, battered and bleeding, grabbed Whitlock and managed to subdue the larger man. He was raging in his impotence, glaring at Alexandra, but a smirk slowly grew across his features.

“It matters now. Soon you’ll be mine, and then I win all over again.”

“Gag him.”

Adrian did so, leaving the villain fuming. 

“Tell me you can take control of this thing,” Fiona said, seeing that the nanites were flowing down from space in a mere three minutes.

“I can try,” he said.

“Good, because if you can’t, you’ll need to shoot me. I won’t become this creature’s pet puppet wife.”

Adrian looked at her with shock. “I - I can’t do that, Fiona. I would never-”

But again, she kissed him, this time briefly, but no less passionately.

“You have to,” she said. “Now come on. Be a gentleman and don’t leave a lady waiting.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He worked quickly, typing on the console and exploring its features. It was voice-activated, but he was a damn good hacker and computer expert, and he was able to dig into the files and restore the administrator permissions. As he did so, the clock ticked down, lowering to a minute to go . . . and counting.

“Shit!” he said.

“What is it?” she replied, placing a delicate hand on his shoulder.

“I can’t stop it from hitting a target. The payload has to arrive or else it will disperse among the general population.”

Fiona bit her lip, then realised. “Do I have to be the target?”

Adrian seemed to realise too. Both of them looked back at Sebastian, who at that moment managed to spit out his gag.

“You wouldn’t dare! You can’t! I built up this fortune from nothing! I mastered this technology! I am destined to rule over this world! You wouldn’t-”

“Thirty seconds until delivery.”

“And you don’t have the time, Agent One and Agent Spiros!”

“Then you don’t know Adrian like I do,” she said, squeezing her partner’s shoulder. “Do it, agent. I know you can.”

He typed quickly. The countdown continued. Time raced and slowed all at once. Sweat dripped down her forehead. Her large bosom rose and fell with each heavy breath, presenting quite the view.

“Now!” he said. “Hit the green button, Fiona!”

She smashed her hand down upon it with just four seconds left on the timer. 

“You won’t succeed!” Sebastian cried. “You’ll be mine, Alexandra! You’ll be - uugh. Ohhh. No! NOOOOO!!!”

His body began to warp and change right before them, hair getting longer, wide shoulders shrinking, beard falling off while his face smoothed over.

“Noooo! You can’t - ahhhh! My - my mind! Stop this! I won’t b-become - agggghh!”

Fiona breathed a heavy sigh of relief, placing an arm around Adrian’s shoulder. “Looks like it’s time for you to get in touch with your feminine side, Sebastiana.”

The changing would-be woman howled, voice rising in pitch. He was becoming a very female version of himself, with a bust not dissimilar to her own. 

Mine’s still bigger, she thought with a little pride, placing her other hand on her hip.

And then it was done. The new woman fumed. She knew entirely who she was and should be, but thanks to Adrian’s programming she would now be as submissive and harmless as, well, a dutiful wife. 

“There’s still some spare nanites,” Adrian said. “I need to disperse them.”

“Send them to our friends downstairs. The traitors to humanity. Can we undo all the changes to the rest of the women on the island?”

Adrian tapped at the controls. “Difficult to say. The machine isn’t liking my hack. It could be dangerous. I can - shit!”


“Sebastian didn’t get the defence screen up - that’s good. But it also means that the satellite is now detected, and missiles are heading its way. Seems the Agency wasn’t happy about losing their Machine.”

Sebastian groaned in the corner, the new woman looking incredibly lovely and shocked at her large bust and curvaceous form, all of which was hidden in the folds of her now too-large clothing.

“You - you m-made me a woman. I w-won’t stand for this!”

“Shut up,” Fiona said, and the submissive woman, who had become everything she lusted after, immediately shut her trap. “Adrian, what can you undo before it gets hit? Can you clear the radio comm?”

He shook his head. “That function is elsewhere. I imagine one of the other towers has the jamming cloak. Best thing I can do is undo the brainwashing: it seemed like Sebastian had a general blanket program for that, as compared to the numerous individual physical changes.”

Fiona sighed. Definitely not turning back then. The things I do for King and Country.

“Do it,” she said. “And before these two wake up.”

He activated it, and the signal was sent, dispersing the rest of the invisible nanites.

“Dispersal success. Reverting all changes to brainwave activity across Arcadia.”

“NOOO!! You’ll ruin his vision!”

It was Cassandra, and she had managed to get hold of a grenade. A small dark cloud became visible as it swarmed around her brain, beginning to infiltrate her and undo all her brainwashing. But she still had enough of a mind to hurl the grenade straight at the two agents.

To Be Concluded!


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