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Hello wonderful Deluxe Tier Patrons. I've just posted Wishboned, the original story you voted for me to write last month. As usual, it's time for you to put forward any suggestions you'd like for next month. This time, I'm splitting up the Mini-Story and OG/Alt/Epilogue posts so I can more easily navigate them.


1. 80 words for mini-story proposals. I won't consider mini-stories that seem really complex - they are MINI stories.

2. You must write your submission out in full. If you simply type 'my proposal from last month' or 'several months ago' I won't consider it. It takes a long time going back through old posts to find this stuff, so please write what you want here.

Here is the link to last month's mini-story proposals as well.

Comment below with your ideas!


Thomas Hargrove

A group of friends at a ren faire find a sword in a stone, with a signpost saying that the wielder of the blade was a powerful hero surrounded by gold, glory and beautiful women. As a joke one of them tugs it, surprised when it comes loose - and even more surprised when it transports him and his friends to a fantasy land to fulfill the roles of the hero and his harem.


Re-submitting Campaign’s End: After finishing a long DnD-style RPG campaign with other friends, two social awkward teens struggle to admit their feelings before going their separate ways. Neither notice as a strange wave passes over them, warping reality and changing them into the more confident characters they roleplayed, with him becoming a busty but proud female dark elf warlock, and she a buff and tough male half-orc barbarian.


Man brings home an enchanted mistletoe he bought from a wizard that promised it would change the two that kissed under it into their fantasies. When his domineering businesswoman wife walks under it she becomes trapped until he "saves" her by kissing her, it backfires though and transforms them into their own fantasies. She becomes the assertive suave alpha male, and he becomes a ditzy bimbo slut with more boobs than brains that showers affection on her new husband.

Amber Smyth

Closted trans woman is at a New Years party that his lesbian friend, who he has a crush on, brought him to. Feeling awkward and uncomfortable, he feels out of place at the party. Right before midnight though, his lesbian friend, in a nice fancy suit, comes over and plants a kiss on him. During the countdown from 10 to 0, he changes into a beautiful woman, the woman he/she always dreamed of being. The ill-fitting suit and scuffed dress shoes change into a sexy beautiful cocktail dress and heels. Turns out the lesbian friend knew about her being trans and had a crush on her. They celebrate the New Year, as a happy couple. MtF transformation/Willing/lesbian/butch-femme relationship/sweet

Ashley The Bat

Re-submitting Dumping Ground (MtF): A college roommate wishes for a 'cum dump' and his roommate is accidentally changed to the girlfriend of his dreams. Sadly for her, even when they're apart his masturbation ends with his cum magically entering her womb, leaving her flustered and leaking in the middle of class.

Fox Face

Haha, I am literally writing up the polls to go up just now, so well done on squeaking in just in time Ashley!