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Hello my wonderful patrons! Thank you again for supporting me through 2024. Without going into detail, it's been quite a hard year for me, as I imagine it has been for many people. Your support has really helped bolster me through a turbulent time, and for that I'm grateful.

With that in mind, I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holidays, or whatever you prefer! For the first time in nearly three years I will be taking a brief break from writing. When I took a small holiday last year I still couldn't resist doing it, so this time I'm going actual camping for a few nights! As such, I will not be able to respond to messages or comments until the 2nd of January. I hope you are not too convenienced.

Worry not, for I will be scheduling some posts while I'm gone, so you won't even notice the difference! For all of you who have commissioned me, expect a week's delay on your work. My apologies but I assure you it will be as carefully crafted as ever.

Again, thank you all sincerely. The TF and TG writing and reading community have always been so nice, and I'm glad we can enjoy this content together! All the best to you, and I look forward to writing a ton more in the New Year for you all.


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