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Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!

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Part 10: The Restaurant

It was 6:30 exactly when Christina and Derek entered into the restaurant. Derek opted to wear a smart casual ensemble; a white button shirt and professional slack pants. Christina, as usual, had her outfit chosen for her by her compulsions; a red maternity dress that billowed outwards over her distended stomach before draping to ankle height. Her chest was contained more tightly, her large breasts resting on her stomach. Her luxurious red hair was pulled tightly back to one side to reveal her tender neck, and a large glimmering diamond rested in the depth of her cleavage from her necklace. All in all, she looked like a positively glowing, positively pregnant young woman, one who every man understood how easy it would have been to get her knocked up. Her soft arms were bare to the elements, her fingers manicured and adorned with rings, and professionally done makeup enhancing her already sultry features.

“I feel like a lamb in the middle of a pack of damn wolves,” she whispered to Derek in her sensual soprano as they entered. A large group of men and many women looked her way as she waddled in, one arm clasped to his.

“How’s the baby?” he asked.

“Ugh, kicking. A lot. When I’m anxious he’s anxious. Feels like he’s doing somersaults in my damn womb. Fuck, I can’t believe I’ve got a goddamn womb now.”

It was Eliza who approached them, her immense racked straining against her white waitress shirt, and wobbling with the fabric. “Hello there, what a beautiful couple you make! Do you have a reservation tonight?”

“We do,” Derek said, “under Derek and Christina.”

She marked it down, and Derek couldn’t help but stare at her large chest. The woman caught him looking and gave a playful smirk, which made him blush a deep shade of red. She made a note of satisfaction at the booking list and stood, adjusted her top down slightly as her prodigious boobs pulled the shirt up slightly. She fixed Christina in her eyes.

“My goodness, you look gorgeous in that dress, girl! May I ask when you’re due?”

It was Christina’s turn to blush, and her cheeks turned a shade of red as she rested a petite hand over her rounded abdomen. “Thirty two weeks now. Just two months to go.”

“Boy or girl?”

“A beautiful baby boy,” she replied, caressing her stomach once more. Derek couldn’t claim expertise on this, but he’d gotten pretty good at telling when Christina was forced to say something, and none of the tells were present now. “Do you want to feel?”

“Oh please!”

Eliza raised up slightly – Christina was happy to still be tall for a woman, even if she were shorter at least - and her bust continued to strain against her shirt. She placed a hand over Christina’s seven-month baby bump. Her eyes went wide.

“Oh! He’s kicking!”

“Ugh, don’t get me started. The little alien is always moving around, aren’t you buddy?”

The two girls shared a laugh in a way that Derek hadn’t seen Christina do before. “I’ve always wanted to have kids,” said Eliza, marvelling at the way her belly rippled with their child’s movements. “How does it feel?”

Christina rolled her eyes and placed one hand behind her back for support. “Oh, tiring. I just want to lie down all day and do nothing. I feel fat, and I’m constantly crying, and my bladder’s on a five minute timer. And my hormones are all over the fucking place, and I’m always, always horny.”

Eliza giggled.

“But it is pretty amazing. I can honestly say I never imagined I’d be pregnant like this.”

Derek nearly snorted. It was, after all, the honest truth.

“Well, it’s lovely to meet you Christina. I’m Eliza.” Christina went to shake hands, but Eliza instead pulled her into a feminine hug. Derek briefly caught a glimpse of their respective chests pressing up against one another. “Well, I better direct you to your seats.”

“Thank God. I don’t want to be rude, but standing around like this is exhausting when you’re seven months along.”

They shared another giggle before Eliza called forth a waiter who took them through to their seats and sat them down for a drink. Derek took his own seat, but the waiter made a show of pulling out Christina’s chair for her, and helping her ease down into her seat. She did so awkwardly, clutching her bloated abdomen as she manoeuvred down. As she did, Derek’s eyes flicked back to Eliza not too far away, already serving another customer, also male, who was trying desperately not to stare at her large chest. Derek understood why she had been mocked before; if it weren’t for her truly stunning rack she would look quite the tomboy with her black pixie haircut and thin figure. Evidently that was no longer a worry.

“Pervert,” Christina said.

Derek’s vision jolted back to his best-friend-turned-pregnant-girlfriend. “What!?”

“You know what I’m talking about. You were checking her out. Little Miss Big Boobs there. What, mine aren’t big enough for you?” She gestured towards the cavernous cleavage, and the necklace that drew attention to it. “I mean, I had to pump earlier and bring these things down to size so I didn’t spurt milk everywhere, so I guess right now my rack just doesn’t measure up.”

Derek smirked. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous?”

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “All I’m saying is that if I have to be your perfect girlfriend and get pregnant with your babies the least you could do is be faithful. It’s not fair if I get stuck like this while you get to go around banging hot chicks left and right with that sweet new dong you’ve got.”

“Noted. But don’t forget Chrissy, as lovely as she looks, you’re my fantasy woman. There literally can’t be any girl more perfect than you.”

“And don’t you forget it,” Christina scoffed, a little proudly. “Besides, my boobs aren’t secretly a dude who got transformed into them. They’re the real thing. Well, realer, I guess. Part of you would be gay if you ended up copping a feel of her.”

Derek chuckled, and she did with him. They could both appreciate the irony of the statement, given that Chriss literally used to be a guy.

“Still, she’s mad hot,” Christina continued, “I’d bang her.”

Derek raised an eyebrow. “I think you’d have some trouble there. She doesn’t strike me as the type to go for preggo chicks, especially ones who are already taken.”

“You don’t know that. Besides, I am pretty damn hot as a girl, even with your big baby growing in me.” She rubbed her stomach beneath the table for emphasis. “Fuck, he just won’t stop moving around in there. Still, that won’t be a problem soon, once we convince that crazy witch to reverse the spell. Maybe when I’m a guy again I’ll ask Eliza out over there.”

“Maybe,” Derek answered. “But you said you’d changed too.”

“Please, checking out a girl with a sweet rack isn’t sexist. Besides, she’s not here.”

A waiter came to get their orders for drinks. He was a young man, and as he talked to them his gaze were increasingly drawn toward Christina’s delectable cleavage.

“Hey buddy,” she said, “my eyes are up here.” She indicated with two fingers where said eyes were, and the waiter blushed deep with apology. Derek ordered a martini. Christina was forced by the curse to order a juice-drink. He could tell it was driving his friend mad, not being able to drink any alcohol now that she was pregnant.

“That’s one more reason I need to turn back. If what Juliana said is really true, and I’ll be your perfect girl in every way, then if I remain a hot chick I’m going to keep having babies with you. I might not get to drink alcohol for years!”

Derek took a sip of his drink, but remained silent.

“Why are you being such a sad sack, dude? Don’t tell me you’re still hooked to the idea of me remaining like this?”

He regarded her form, wrapped so perfectly in that tight red dress. Her large, teardrop breasts, her pouting lips, her crystal blue eyes, and the large stomach cradled in her hands containing the child they had made together. Made as a result of a curse, but made nonetheless.

“C’mon Christina,” he said, “are we really going to act like that conversation in the hotel that night never happened? You know part of me will always want you to be like this.”

Her cheeks flushed, and she downed another juice drink to cope with it, shuffling awkwardly in her chair to adjust her dress, showing a little more cleavage in the process. “We can’t be friends again, can we? It’d be too weird. Every time we’d hang out I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about all the times you fucked my tight pussy or shot your load down my throat.”

Derek smiled sadly. “If you can change back . . . do you think you’ll miss any of it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Us. The time we’ve had. Being a woman. A damned hot one.”

She gave a little chuckle. “I won’t lie Derek, the orgasms were pretty nice. Fucking amazing actually, as humiliating as that is to admit. Like a goddamned rollercoaster. I can admit that now, given I’ll be changing back soon. Having my own set of boobs to play with was pretty cool, even if they make my back ache a bit. And there’s also this.” She indicated her belly, rubbing it beneath the table. “There’s something . . . something pretty darn crazy about being pregnant. I hate the morning sickness, I don’t want to give birth, it terrifies the shit out of me man. But feeling my son – our son – moving inside of me . . . I don’t know how to describe it. It blows my frickin’ mind. I guess I can sorta see why women want it.”

This was the moment. Derek could think of no other. He knew the curse would make her say yes to any proposal he gave, especially one in public, but he wanted to hear it from his friend first. Just the tiniest admission that he had come to enjoy at least part of being a her. That she could come to accept being a woman, wife, and very productive mother. He moved to stand from the table so he could get down on one knee . . .

“That’s all I needed to hear, Christina.”

Derek and Christina both turned their heads sharply to the newcomer at the table. Both of them were startled by her appearance, suddenly sitting in the third seat at the rounded table, a look of delight on her face as she eyed the two of them. A thin shroud of purple mist dematerialised from Juliana’s form, the only indication that she had been using magic. Invisibility, thought Derek.

Juliana smiled. “I thought it might be best to check in on you two before you knew I’d arrived. I must say, it’s fascinating to hear you talk amongst yourselves privately. It seems the last seven and a half months have given you quite a new respect for the female experience, Christina. I’d go so far as to say that the pair of you bickering and joking are the very image of a young couple made for each other. Of course, I did make you for each other, I suppose. How’s the baby tonight Christina?”

Chrissy hesitantly lowered a hand to rub her swollen mound. “He’s . . . settling.”

“Good, we have a lot to talk about, and I don’t want you distracted. I’m a bit surprised he’s alone in there, though. Derek made your body very, very fertile, you know. Easy to get preggo with multiples. I suspect a pair of twins are in your future, or maybe even triplets. Or both, who knows!”

“Please Juliana, I can barely handle one baby as it is! I don’t want to have any more! I don’t want to be a woman at all!”

“I’m sure you’ll feel differently when you have your baby in your arms, feeding her your milk as a mother should. But I suppose that’s what we’re here to discuss; the future, and whether the curse stays or not.”

Derek nodded, his heart pounding in his chest as they finally reached this point; the crossroads of he and Christina’s future. Whether they would remain together, him continuing to delight in her new body and she becoming used to being his gorgeous partner, or whether they would part as friends once more, this strange period of their lives relegated to a dream.

“Ah, Eliza, how wonderful to have you serving us!”

“Hiya Pauline! Didn’t realise you knew these two.”

The large bosom of Eliza the waitress loomed into view as she leaned over to take away their glasses. Derek marvelled at the uniform top which was visibly and even audibly straining to contain her chest. Somewhere a seam gave. His gaze slowly rose up to meet her eyes, which were gazing into his with a cheeky smile which all but said ‘caught you peeking!’ She smiled and winked before rising back up, revealing Christina again opposite, her arms folded beneath her engorged breasts, and one eyebrow arching over the other in a look that also said the same thing, but much less playfully. Clearly, despite her hopes of being a man again, part of his friend was still comfortable enough as a woman to play the jealous girlfriend. It gave him hope.

Juliana smiled to his left. “Eliza, how wonderful to have you serving us! You might remember I talked about these two before.”

Eliza gave a look of confusion.

“The fun night on the town seven months ago, when I caught a jock bully and his victim and made . . . adjustments.”

The look of confusion shifted into one of complete revelation. “Oh! Oh my God! This is them!”

Juliana nodded, smiling deliciously. Christina had turned bright red at the knowledge that someone else now knew about her former-male status. Derek sympathised. In her position, he could only imagine how emasculating that would be, especially with her third-trimester figure.

Eliza bounced on the spot in excitement, and her massive chest wobbled greatly, creating diamonds of open space between the fabric to reveal what had to be a H-cup bra or larger beneath.

“I’ve been so hopeful I’d meet you guys!” she said. “I haven’t met anyone else Juliana has changed before, how crazy is it that magic is real, right? Of course, I suppose what you got was a punishment but I hope you’ve come to enjoy it, especially with that awesome figure of yours. You’re like the hottest woman ever, sis!”

Christina somehow managed to blush even deeper, drawing her arms close which only had the effect of squeezing her boobs together to reveal her deep cleavage. “Uh, thanks, I guess. I’m actually here to convince Juliana to change me back.”

“No! Really!?”

Eliza looked to Juliana, who gave a knowing nod.

“But it’s such a blessing! My life has been so amazing ever since Juliana punished my co-worker and helped me with my body anxiety. Do you know what she did?”

“Juliana told us,” Derek replied. “She said your co-worker got turned into, well, into –“

He sort of nodded in the general direction of that which could not be hidden. Eliza’s smile sparkled.

“You mean my tits?” she said, just loud enough for nearby patrons to potentially hear. “Aren’t they great? I used to be flat as a board and Harold always bullied me for it, but now he’s doing a great job of making me a full woman, aren’t you Harold? Yes, you are!” She groped her tits and wobbled them, and perhaps it was Derek’s imagination, but they seemed to jiggle a little longer than they perhaps should have. Like there was a lingering mind in there protesting his treatment . . .

“I’d better get a move on before the boss comes down on me. Lovely to meet you Christina, Derek. I truly hope you stay as you are and learn to appreciate what you have! I’m so jealous of you having a baby. I still haven’t found the right man, except for this guy.” She bounced her chest again. “But we’ll find one, won’t we Harold?”

Another jiggle in response.

“Umm, did he just do that?” Christina asked in surprise.

She gave that pixie grin again. “Yep. He’s protesting. He knows that if I ever get knocked up he’ll be the one getting all sore and big and doing a lot of heavy lifting after that. And you wouldn’t like that, would you Harold?” At this she gave her tits a general wobble that seemed to take a while to subside again. “But too bad. You’re stuck to me for life, and I will totally be a mommy one day, just like you Christina!”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it Eliza. How marvellous,” Juliana said, “though I’m sure Harold will become used to his new position, in time, won’t he, Christina?”

Christina blushed. “Maybe he deserves to be free. Hasn’t he been humiliated enough?”

Eliza frowned. “Harold was pretty damn bad to me, Christina. Real bad. This is his punishment, but it’s also a new start for him, even if he refuses to accept it. No, I don’t care if you agree with her. No, even if she does turn back that doesn’t mean there’s a chance for you.”

It took Derek and Christina a moment to realise she wasn’t talking to Chriss anymore, but instead putting her hands on her hips and directed an annoyed look directly at her own bust. Clearly, Harold was ‘talking’ to her.

“Now shush, it’s rude to interrupt,” she said, slapping her chest lightly. She looked up, and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry guys, still getting used to him always talking to my brain. But I sure wouldn’t have it any other way. Now I’m never alone, and I’ve got someone to share all my fun with.” She gave a cheeky grin, biting her lip. “Well, I’d better be off. Tables to wait, and boob-thoughts to filter.”

“Lovely to see you Eliza,” Juliana said.

“Bye everyone!” she said, adjusting her top once more, and moving on to her next table, where a set of eyes once again failed to meet hers. From her body language and joyous grin, Derek imagined she didn’t mind one iota. Christina, on the other hand, looked confused and dazed, perhaps astounded that someone could possibly grow to enjoy a body changed against their will. In her mind, Derek supposed, she was Harold in this comparison, not Eliza. He was proved right when she went on to voice that same thought out loud, pleading with Christina to be changed back.

“I’ve learned my lesson, I really have. And if I have to have this baby then so be it, but when I’m not pregnant you can change me back, right? Heck, you can give my baby to Eliza, I’m sure she’d love it!”

Juliana pressed her fingers together, and Derek’s heart skipped a beat. He needed to make his statement, but he didn’t want to interrupt this vengeful witch.

“You seem sincere,” Juliana said, “but how do I really know you’re not just saying what I want to hear, Christina? After all, you were the one who showed such interest in what women looked like, how they looked, what they could do for you. And now here you are, a submissive girl with big tits and wide baby-making hips. A woman who can give your ‘friend’ all the kids he wants. Isn’t that right, Christina?”

“Well, yeah, and now I know what it’s like, so –”

“But while it gave me great pleasure to turn your frat-bro friend or bully or whatever into your perfect submissive woman Derek, the curse I gave was also about you. I can’t stand bullying, as you know since you met Ella. It was important to me not just that Christina was punished, to feel what it was like to be one of the sluts she was chasing that night, but also that you got what you wanted. Think of it as a fellow victim showing you some sympathy. And yes, he was your bully, whether you admit it or not. Maybe not as bad as I thought she was, but the kind of friend who always tries to win, to dominate, to be the ‘bigger man.’ We both know this. So tell me Derek, knowing all that, the only question that really matters is the one I give to you now: does she make you happy? I’ll know if you are lying.”

It was now or never. Things were turning south, and this was his moment to at least make his feelings known.

“She does,” he admitted. “I . . . love her.”

Christina gasped, turning her bright green eyes toward him.

“You . . . love me?”

“It’s true, Christina. I’m madly in love with you. I’m sorry, I know part of you wants to be a guy again-“

“A big part!”

“-but you’re just so perfect to me. We’re so perfect together. And I can’t let you change back without at least hearing me say it. Or seeing me do this.”

He rose from the table and went down on one knee before his friend. Now it was Juliana’s turn to gasp. Christina’s eyes could not go much wider, but she covered her open jaw with her hand in a wonderfully stereotypical look of female shock as he brought forth the ring box. Someone a few tables over grinned with delight, and soon the eyes of the restaurant were turning to them as he spoke.

“Christina, I know you’ve been uncertain about so many things. About the new you, about the baby, about how our relationship has changed from friends to something more. I know so much of you is hesitant to accept these changes that have been going on, and I’ve struggled with some of that too, but I have grown to love you as something so much more as a friend; as a lover, as a girlfriend, as the mother of my child. I want to embrace that future Chrissy, and I want us to do that together. No looking back, just forward. You and me for the rest of our lives.

Christina, will you do me the pleasure of becoming my wife?”

Chrissy blinked back tears of confusion, but it was the compulsions of her new submissive self that answered. A shift in her behaviour that indicated the curse was in control. Derek had expected this. He merely wanted to express his feelings and make his proposal known.

“Yes, oh my God yes! Of course I’ll marry you Derek!” she said, wiping away stray tears. She rose with some difficulty from her seat and Derek stood up to meet her, pressing his lips lovingly against hers, the two of them together, eyes closed in this moment of intimacy. They were cheered on by the surrounding audience of the restaurant. The roundness of her belly pressed firmly against his crotch, and they held the pose together for nearly half a minute, lips locked, his hand clenched around the softness of her ginger hair. Finally they parted, to more cheering, and an astonished Juliana clapping. She smirked as Christina extended a petite hand out and Derek slipped on the engagement ring carefully.

They kissed one more time and then were seated again, and just like that the moment he’d spent weeks anticipating was all over, and he felt somewhat dizzy. Christina was gazing intently at her ring, exchanging a shocked look with Juliana, back to him, back to the ring again. She mouthed a single word with her perfect, pouty lips: ‘Curse?’

“No, Christina, no curse. I meant every word,” Derek said sheepishly. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t let you go back to being a man without at least hearing me saying, and me having the moment of hearing you say yes.”

She shrank back into her seat, and as she often did these days when she was anxious, she placed one hand on the underside of her swollen globe and rubbed the surface of it with her other.

“I want to spend my life with you, Christina. What Juliana,” and he nodded in her smiling direction as he spoke, “gave you, it’s a gift. For both of us. I’m a more confident man than I’ve ever been, and you’ve lost a heap of what used to make you kind of a dick. We’ve both become better! I’ve learned so much about being the man I should be with you at my side, and while you’re not so much of a bully to me now, it’s not like you’ve changed too much. You’re still my best friend, only now you can be my wife too, and a mother. How many guys have experienced that? I know there’s a lot to get used to and it can be embarrassing for you, but I know we can make it work. We have the rest of our lives to make it work, Christina. I want you to stay a woman.”

There was a long pause of shock before Juliana interjected. “A wonderful speech Derek, and my, what an interesting turn of events! Anything to say Christina?”

His friend’s eyes were leaking tears now. Juliana handed her a tissue. “These damn preggo hormones,” Chriss complained. “Ughh, now the baby’s doing somersaults in me too.” Otherwise she said nothing, just continued rubbing her stomach, unaware of the wobbles of her chest in her maternity dress top as she did so.

“Well?” Juliana said.

Both of them could see that Christina was clearly struggling to overcome the pre-programmed response of her magic. Her mouth continued to move, words never quite coming out. Finally, the curse won out.

“No, I don’t want to stay like this,” she managed out, but then continued, “I want more. I want to have more babies with you Derek, more lovely dresses and dates. I want to be even more of a woman, for you.” She practically purred the last part, voice sultry and needy.

Derek could see the pain in her eyes, the man screaming from within to say anything but. A part of him felt incredibly guilty, but another part that had grown increasingly bigger over the past seven months following his friend’s change could no longer care. It just wanted its perfect woman. The ‘perfect ten’ as Chris would have described her; a woman with nice heavy tits and wide hips and an amazing ass. A woman who would give him kids, like the one she was currently heavily pregnant with. And if that meant his friend would just have to accept this life and get used to being his hot, horny, busty, submissive wife, then so be it.

“I’m so glad to hear you say that Christina. I’ll give you everything you want, you’ll see. In time, you’ll forget you ever wanted to be a man again.”

Juliana clapped. “Wonderful! I guess that sorts it all out. You know Christina, I was actually considering changing you back. After you had the baby of course. But this looks to me to be a far happier ending. As I said, this curse was for Derek, with a little punishment for your chauvinism thrown in. I wanted Derek to be happy, like I became thanks to magic. As for your Christina, like Ella and Harold, you’ll just have to accept your circumstances Christina, especially since Derek here is clearly in love with the brand new female you.”

“But,” Chrissy said, tears still on her cheeks, but she was cut off by Eliza’s excited approach, with her great wobbling chest.

“Oh my God! I can’t believe I got to see that! I’m so happy for you too. When are you getting married?”

“Before the baby comes,” Juliana said, and all three heads turned to her. “What? It’s my curse, I get to decide the conditions, and I want to make sure your beautiful little boy,” and here she leaned over to rub Chriss’ stomach through the red material of her dress, “is born to a loving husband and wife.”

“Wha - but I don’t . . . I can’t . . .”

Christina was flabbergasted. Derek could tell things were moving much too fast for his friend, especially now that her hopes of being transformed back had flickered away.

“Don’t worry your pretty head Christina. I’ll organise everything.” Juliana was clearly enjoying this.

Christina rubbed her stomach, breathing heavily so that her perfect teardrop breasts heaved upon her chest. Eliza leaned over and gave the poor former male a happy hug.

“I’m so excited for you! Isn’t Juliana great?”

To Be Continued . . .


Dustin Chen

can't wait for more

Liva Battleangel

Man, what a horror story this is! I'm not sure how much of it is intentional, but Derek comes off to me like a creepy manipulative freak who's totally fine with having an essentially enslaved partner for life... 😬

Fox Face

Yeah, no one's a great person in this one haha. I try to have a nice mix of happy stories, dark stories, and 'resigned to this' stories for a wide audience.