Friends are Family, Part 6 (Asian MILF & Hot Sister TG/RC/AP) (Patreon)
Summary: When Tim learns that his lonely dad is making him move away from his beloved hometown in hopes of finding a family elsewhere, he makes a wish upon a strange stone that his best friends David and Matthew could always remain part of ‘his family.’ Soon, all three are shocked when the metaphor of the wish becomes literal and David and Matthew find themselves becoming Tim’s hot older sister Naomi and MILFy new Asian tiger mom Amy. Now all three must navigate their strange new relationships to one another.
Part Six: Adjusting
Matthew and David were bewildered. Now recognised as Amy and Naomi, the pair were suddenly college campus students, and with totally different lifestyles organised for them. They were already trying to get used to their increasingly feminised bodies, as well as their strange new personality traits, but now they were fish out of water, except everyone in the universe thought they had always been out of the water. And they were no longer fish. They were women. Which was about where the metaphor broke down for David, who was sitting in a lecture theatre listening to a professor drone on about the psychology of brain development.
Ordinarily, he might have drunk it all in. He loved learning things, after all, and anything to do with the brain and the body was of particular fascination, especially given that both his brain and his body were being magically altered. But he found himself distracted for several reasons. One reason was that he could still feel subtle pressures in his body, as if it were readying for change. He already had A-cup breasts with big girly nipples, as well as longer hair and soft, olive skin. But his thighs had a tingling in them, as if they wanted to become more feminine. And worse, his chest was sore. Matthew already had B-cups, and David had no intention of surpassing his friend, even if a small part of him was curious how a bigger pair of boobs would feel. Not like he’d had a chance to feel an actual pair before in his life, after all.
But as distracting as that was, it was even more distracting to be sitting next to freaking Natalie Watkins and Pari Springs. They were literally the girls the young man had thought of when he was properly entering puberty, and Natalie in particular was one he’d imagined in her cute bikini more than once when reaching for a few tissues. But now they were constantly whispering to her, making jokes with her, and commenting on her fashion style, as if he actually had a fashion style. Well, to be fair, he didn’t look all that bad in his current look, even if it wasn’t the kind of look he was supposed to have.
“But seriously, when this lecture is over, we should go hang out with the sporty boys and see what they think, don’t you agree Naomi?”
‘Naomi’ didn’t realise that Pari was talking to him, because he wasn’t really used to his new name yet. He blinked twice, and turned to her.
“Um, sure, I guess?”
“Oh, don’t be so shy, Naomi,” Natalie said. “Everyone knows that Todd Allerman is suuuuper into you. Besides, it helps give them good morale, knowing the cheerleaders are there for them. Unless you’re spending time with Amy?”
“Your m-”
“Oh, yeah. Her. Well, no, I guess not.” David started sweating a little. He wasn’t quite sure how to behave around these girls, but he guessed that he had to play along.
I guess I’m a popular girl in this reality? I better not lose my interest in survival skills. Or my intelligence. That would be concerning. I’ll try to keep an eye on that.
Matthew, meanwhile, was having an even harder time of it. Stuck in a body that was increasingly female, he was constantly having to adjust his long brown hair so that it fell over his shoulders and not in his vision. Everyone was calling him Amy, and claiming that he was apparently quite the knowledgeable nerd of a student. It was so unlike his usual daredevil persona, but much like David he was simply having to go along with it. Unlike his friend, however, he didn’t seem to have any discernible friends in this new altered timeline. He was sitting in a lecture on pedagogical studies and having to soak it in, and while he had a number of other astute students clustered around him, they only exchanged brief words and nods. Friendly, but not friends.
Which meant that the former leader of the trio of friends was feeling more helpless and led than ever. He couldn’t stop looking down at his B-cup breasts in his woman’s shirt, or how his jeans conformed to his wider hips. Just on the way to the lecture theatre, he’d struggled to get used to his new style of walking: his hips sashayed from side to side more easily, and when he tried to walk like a man others just asked what he was doing, and his own embarrassed reaction was enough that he just went back to walking like a woman. Now he was sat down in a lecture theatre, taking notes on the subject matter, which was all about behavioural management at the elementary school level and so on. The only thing that calmed him was actually taking the relevant notes: it was oddly soothing, and he could almost feel his mind opening up to take in the details and store them away. Normally, Matthew was the furthest thing from an academic, but he got the sense that something more was going on.
My mind is changing, like David’s as well. Is that why I’ve become more fussy as well? I even sharpened all my pencils before coming to class: when would I ever do something like that?
He just swallowed, gritted his teeth, and tried not to think about it as he continued to take notes. There was an assignment coming up, and he had no intention of failing it. Excellence was key, after all.
He paused. Where the hell had that thought come from?
Timothy was understandably nervous for his friends. He was worried that might have changed further, or lost their personalities, or any kind of calamity as a result of him using the wishing stone. He himself simply had to go to school as normal, still a couple of years separated from a college campus, but knowing their bus ride back to town might take a while, he took the opportunity to bike to the beach and try to find another wishing stone. Unfortunately, there continued to be no luck there.
“Goddamnit,” he said to himself. “This sucks!”
I’m accidentally turning my two best friends in the world into my adopted sisters! It’s a nightmare! God, I know they’ve told me not to kick myself over this, but it’s just so hard. They must be struggling, I know I would be. I’ve screwed it all up.
In the end, he had to return home to his father, who welcomed him back home with an easy grin that made Tim’s world light up. If there was just one good thing to come out of this insanity, it was that his dad’s mood was now wonderful. Tim wasn’t sure of everything that had made his life better, but somehow in this new reality Anthony wasn’t depressed, and perhaps having David/Naomi as a daughter had given him new purpose. Or something.
“Good to have you back, kiddo,” he said easily. “I was about to send the search party out for you.”
“I just . . . making time while waiting for Matthew and David to come back.”
“Who? New friends of yours?”
Tim cringed. “Yeah. From high school. But I meant to say Naomi and Amy.”
“Ah, well your sister and her friend won’t be long. You should think about making some friends your own age though. Some boy friends. Well, not boyfriends. You know what I mean. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course! I just mean-”
Tim laughed, gesturing for his father to stop. “It’s okay Dad, I know what you mean. I do have male friends. They’re just . . . out of town for a couple of days.”
His dad smiled. “Ah, gotcha. Well, in the meantime, I’m thinking of doing a nice cook up tonight, how about that?”
“Sounds amazing!” Tim said. His dad had mainly ordered food while depressed, but he truly was a great cook. He used to raise money for charity doing cookups in front of his hardware store. They had been nice community events, with great steak and burgers.
Tony nodded, and then seemed to consider something, hesitate, then say it anyway.
“What say we invite that lovely Amy as well?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t we?”
Tony grinned. “Well, she’s been a real dime helping me out at the store. A real smart cookie. I won’t lie, she’s got a good sense of humour too. She strikes me as real mature.”
Tim coughed on the glass of water he was drinking. “Wait? Mat-I mean, Amy is real mature? You said she was too much of a risk-taker!”
“Did I? Well, she does take some risks. That speed demon driving of hers! But she also knows how to keep everything organised. Besides, she’s your friend, right?”
“One of my best friends.”
“All sorted!” Tony said. “A nice cookup together it is. Invite her round.”
Tim was happy to see his friends returned, and that they had not changed too much. Matthew’s hair looked a little longer, and his bust perhaps slightly bigger, but it might have just been his imagination. David definitely looked slightly taller as well, and there was a kind of hale look to him: a fitness and health that had never been on his male frame. The two looked quite embarrassed on the approach to Tim, who’d taken his bicycle. He’d told Tony that ‘Amy’ would drop him and Naomi back home. He needed his father away so he could talk to his transforming friends.
“Um, how was it?” he asked them, smiling nervously.
Matthew jerked a thumb in David’s direction. “Ask the cheerleader here.”
“Wait, cheerleader?”
David cringed. “It . . . wasn’t so bad actually. We just had practice.”
“She - I mean he - is the head cheerleader,” Matthew explained. “Can you believe it?”
“Better than being a total nerd!” David replied, before stopping himself. “Wait, I’m a nerd! The fuck?”
“Another goddamn mental change,” Matthew muttered. “They keep happening. Slowly. Naomi - David - is starting to act like a prissy princess instead of the kid who has an escape plan to survive three months in the wild forests.”
“And what changes are you going through, then?” David responded. “Go on, tell him.”
Matthew blushed, though it didn’t show up as much now that his pale Caucasian skin was an olive brown. “Well, uh . . .”
“Go on!”
Tim arched an eyebrow, interested and worried for his friend.
“I’m . . . I’m becoming a total fusspot, I think. Like, I straightened my pencils on my desk, man! I was taking notes. Actual notes about becoming a damn elementary teacher! I was organised and sh-sh-shoot. Yeah, I’m still struggling to swear, too. It just . . . feels wrong.”
“Dude, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. Let’s just deal and find a way to get this back.”
David perked up. “Maybe once the changes are finished we can find another wishing stone? Or put up ads and pay someone else to wish us back?”
“That’s a good idea, actually,” Tim said. “Supposedly, no one can make a wishing stone wish again after using one, and it’s believed that changes can’t be reversed - but if someone unrelated to us made a wish, we could have a chance?”
It was better than nothing, and so the three agreed to make posters and spread word. They’d pool their money - which wasn’t much - and if someone could show them a wishing stone they could instruct them on the wish they wanted to make. For now, though, they had a barbecue to get to. David wasn’t exactly upset: he lived with the Liu-Johnson family now. Hell, he technically was one, and that was far, far better than living with his abusive father, though he could do without the whole ‘changing into a stepsister’ thing. Matthew, on the other hand, felt oddly nervous.
“Your dad is cooking for us? When does your dad ever cook?”
Tim shrugged. “He’s happier, since the wish.”
“Well, that makes one of us, I guess. But why ask me? I’m just his employee.”
“But you’re still my friend in this new timeline, so it makes sense, yeah?”
Matthew agreed, but still couldn’t help but feel nervous about it. He dropped them off at their home and went back to his apartment, annoyed once more at how the decor had changed to be much more female - though at least it wasn’t too pink and girly like David’s room apparently was. He had a shower, trying to forget the events of the day, and did his best to clean his feminised body.
“My d-damn penis is so small already. This sucks!”
His breasts felt sore, too. He was hoping it was just that they were newly grown, and not a sign that they were getting bigger. He tried not to touch them too much, but did cop a quick feel. He was rewarded with a blissful sensation that made his nipples stiffen.
“Nope! Nope nope nope! No f-freakin’ way! Not doing that again!”
There was no part of him that wanted to enjoy this. Instead, he got dressed back in his jeans and put on a normal top - albeit a woman’s one - and then a leather jacket. He examined himself in the mirror for a while. He still looked androgynous, but a small part of him felt oddly cute. He pushed that part of himself away before checking his watch.
“Hmm, still got a bit of time before six. Might as well clean up.”
He spent the next fifteen minutes doing a quick vacuum of the main area, wiping down the table and kitchen, and generally sorting his clothing. The last was the most cathartic. How have I ever not done this before? It’s so much better to have it all spick and span and orderly.
It was only when he was finished that he looked upon his works, ye mighty, and despaired.
“Good lord, I am a neat freak. Jeez, I’m becoming just like my mother.”
It was an odd thought. He chose not to dwell on it.
The food was delicious. Anthony could cook a damn fine steak, and everyone was hungry, particularly David and Matthew, though they were going by Naomi and Amy while in unknowing company. Their host kept asking if they enjoyed it, particularly ‘Amy’, who continued to nod and eat some more, moaning in a way that sounded just a little indecent to Tim’s ears, though perhaps it was just because his friend’s voice was just so different.
“This is really good, Mr Johnson!” Matthew said, actually grinning after a glum few days. “Seriously, this is just what I needed!”
“How many times do I have to tell you, Amy? You can just me Anthony! Or Tony, which is even better. My friends all call me Tony.”
Matthew raised his thin dark eyebrows, but shrugged and did so. “Well, Tony, this is the best damn steak I’ve ever tasted. I don’t know how you did it, but it’s f-f-freakin’ great.”
“Well, I made it with you in mind, since I know you’re quite particular about your food and I wanted to impress you.”
He gave an easy laugh, and for reasons Matthew couldn’t quite explain, he laughed with the older man.
“Wow, well, thanks Mr Jo-uh, Tony. Appreciated. It’s good to be invited round.”
“Well, you’re welcome round any time, Amy. You know that.”
Tim and David watched this interaction not knowing quite what to make of it, except that it was a little weird. They made a couple of funny faces at each other, communicating silently.
‘What is your Dad doing?’
‘I have no idea!’
‘It’s weird!’
‘I know!’
But then Tony looked their way and smiled. “And what are you two rascals always whispering about? How was your cheerleading practice today, Naomi? Did you kick some ass?”
“Language,” Matthew said, before coughing. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to say that!”
Tony just chuckled. “Sorry, Amy!”
“It went okay,” David said, blushing. He brushed his hair behind his ears without realising he was doing it. “It was a little odd, though.”
“How so? You’ve been wanting to be a cheerleader as long as I can remember, kid!”
David took a deep breath. “Yeah, but . . . have I been into other things too?”
“Oh, you mean your ranger lifestyle?”
David sighed, utterly relieved that he still had that part of himself in this new timeline.
“Yeah, that.”
“Well, it’s what got you all fit and ready to take on the cheerleader tryouts, right?”
David nodded. “I guess.”
“Ah, you’ll love it! You’re just getting jitters. And I’m sure the boys will be all over you!”
“Dad!” David said, before he could catch himself. Matthew’s eyes went wide, as did Tim’s, but to Tony it was the most natural thing in the world.
“Aww, honey, you know it’s your Dad’s job to rib you every once in a while. Besides, it’s true. Remember, if you meet a nice guy who’s into you, you clear him by me as well, okay? I don’t want anyone to try any funny stuff with my daughter.”
“This isn’t appropriate to the dinner table, Tony,” Matthew chided like a housewife, though he really did mean it. Tim couldn’t help but snigger, which made the pair of transformed friends both glare in his direction. He muttered a silent apology.
“Yeah, Dad,” David muttered, clearly irritated. “Why don’t we focus on the fact that I’m getting a psychology degree.”
“A fantastic choice of future, Naomi,” Tony replied. “I’m very proud of you.”
She bit her lip, still frustrated, but oddly happy that her friend’s dad was proud of her. Her own shitty father never had been. I better not be addicted to that kind of praise. I need to keep my emotions in check and try to think logically . . . even if I am feeling more emotional lately.
The rest of the dinner went well, and the dessert too. Matthew expressed an interest in getting the recipe, which he never had before. David actually started discussing more of cheerleading practice with some excitement, and Tim and his Dad laughed and joked about all sorts of nonsense like they used to years ago. While Matthew was initially uncomfortable, he actually managed to forget he was turning into an Asian woman for a while. In fact, he actually had fun, even if he had to remind his two friends to stop putting their elbows on the table all the time. David, on the other hand, was gesticulating wildly, no longer showing any nervousness in someone else’s house, despite the fact that his eccentricity was normally only on display with his friends. For a time, they actually seemed to be an ordinary family, and it shocked Tim how well it was all going.
It was only afterwards, when the food was cleared away, that Matthew realised he had volunteered to help cleanup. David disappeared to go to his room for a while and listen to some girly pop music, and Tim was playing some videogames. As if a spell had been broken, each of them realised that something was up: they were not acting purely by their own personalities anymore, and felt strangely compelled to act in different ways. And at the moment of that realisation, there was a sudden boom. The house filled with the rainbow light of the wishing stone’s power.
Matthew felt it in the kitchen.
David felt it in his room.
And Tim saw it all around him, as it radiated out to reset reality.
“Oh shit,” he said. “Oh, oh shit.”
Another round of changes were occurring.
To Be Continued . . .