Stuck as his Best Friend’s Babymama, Part 12 (Bimbo Preg TG) (Patreon)
Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!
Part 12: The Wedding
It was the day of the wedding and Christina was well into her final month of pregnancy, her due date just around the corner. It was a small affair, with just a few witnesses and family members. Christina’s family were there in small numbers, which only made her more irritated. She’d never been close to her family as a man, but now they had to see her blown up like a blimp and dolled up like a bimbo, with her cleavage perfectly displayed in her dress. She knew they had never approved of her alpha male girl-chasing life, and they certainly wouldn’t approve of her now. At least she was getting married: that would be a good first step in their minds.
Derek got the sense that his wife-to-be would have liked having the option to not invite them. Certainly there was the added humiliation that as Christina she was now far more attractive and ‘model’-like than her sister would ever be, an irony that was not lost on her. Derek’s family was much more excited, utterly joyful that “you two finally got together,” in this new world where Chrissy had always been a woman. There were also some interloped, ones that neither Derek nor Christina had counted on being at their wedding: Pauline and Eliza, who served as Christina’s maid-of-honour and bridesmaid respectively. The latter drew the eye of Derek’s three groomsmen buddies, each looking to her cleavage which strained the fabric of her dress to bursting point. Derek couldn’t imagine Harold was comfortable in there, pressed in as his boob-flesh was. No doubt the poor man had a lifetime to get used to being a buxom set of breasts straining against whatever fabric Eliza chose to wear on any particular day. Derek could only hope, knowing that Harold could see through her eyes and hear through her ears, that he might even come to relish the look of attention he received. Certainly his groomsman Matt was giving a bachelor’s smirk at Eliza, and she was returning it with a flirty wink and following up by sticking out her chest even further. Whether Harold wanted it or not, a man would be groping him once the ceremony was over.
Finally, after the two bridesmaids had taken their spots, she entered. Christina looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding dress, her swollen middle only enhancing her loveliness. She shuffled forwards in that traditional bride’s step, managing to avoid her maternal waddle, her dress flowing behind her across the green. She was magnificent in white, almost pure were it not for their nightly and morning activities. Her large breasts were pushed up into tantalising cleavage, her perfect shoulders bare, her red rivulets of hair clasped back to the side to reveal her soft neck, exactly like when she had first become a woman, all those months ago.
Juliana stopped to whisper something to her, which made her pause before continuing. She took her place beside him, staring up at him, one hand nervously clutching at her side, the other placed over her pregnant abdomen. She gave an embarrassed smile and tried to look anywhere but him, before finally returning his gaze. He had never seen anything so beautiful.
“You look gorgeous,” he whispered to her.
She bit her lip, the tell-tale sign of his friend trying to cover up her clear enjoyment, reluctant as it may be.
“God, this is embarrassing, Derek.”
“What did Juliana say?”
She looked to her side, and Juliana smiled and nodded in affirmation.
“She said, ‘make him happy, Christina.’ Like she was actually happy for us.” Derek looked to Juliana, who continued to grin.
‘Thank you,’ he mouthed to her. She nodded again, before getting down to adjust Christina’s dress.
Finally the wedding ceremony began, and the officiant began to speak. He told of their supposedly magical relationship (You have no idea, thought Derek, and he could see Christina smirking in response to that as well), of the way they had connected, of the family they were looking to start. He prayed they would be a fruitful couple (Juliana held back a laugh at that, which made Christina blush again), and that they would be together for the rest of their lives. A couple of times Chriss fidgeted and touched her belly. Derek could recognise when their son was being a little active in her womb and now was apparently one of those times.
Finally one of Derek’s mates retrieved the ring, and he slipped it over his former friend and soon-to-be wife’s finger.
“Do you Derek, take Christina Langfeld to be your wife?”
“I do,” he said, staring at her lovingly.
“And do you Christina, take Derek Marin to be your husband?”
For a moment the world seemed to freeze as Christina paused, then finally she replied. “Sorry everyone, the baby was kicking! Yes, I do!”
The audience laughed.
“Then I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Derek pulled his new wife toward him and kissed her deeply, running his fingers through her perfect red hair and running his other hand across the small of her back. They held like that for a while, and finally broke to whooping cheers and celebrations.
Christina looked simultaneously humiliated and relieved.
“Well, I can finally breathe again, at least,” she admitted. “It’s finally over.”
“No, I think it’s just begun,” Derek said, pecking on her blushing cheek.
The wedding party photos took a couple of hours, and greatly exhausted Christina, who was not only burdened with her near-full-term pregnancy, but also with the weight of being the one in the white dress around whom everyone continued to crowd. Many photos and shots were taken of seemingly infinite combinations. With the exception of a few groomsmen shots, nearly all involved her in some way.
“After all,” Derek reminded her, “it’s the bride that it’s all really about.”
Which meant that several shots had her and her two bridesmaids Pauline and Eliza together, one woman who had caused Christina’s current life alteration and the other of whom was a continual reminder of a much worse curse she could have received. But no matter what, she always looked perfect in the photos; a stunning, glowing mother who was now also a wife. Though she also had to endure the photographer demands:
“Oooh, now one with you holding the bump! And now one with the girls with their hands on your bump. And maybe one with all three of you hugging to the side, so we can see how big she is?”
When it was finally done, Juliana drew Christina aside for another chat, while Eliza took one of Derek’s mates away and out of sight, a playful look on her features.
Christina returned a few minutes later, looking both thrilled and shocked in equal measure. For a moment Derek panicked, wondering if his new wife would turn back into his male friend again based on some deal, but he quickly realised that wasn’t the case when Juliana gave him the thumbs up from over her shoulder.
“What is it, Chrissy?” he asked.
“Juliana said she could make my sexy hot busty bod last a lot longer since, and I quote her Derek, ‘you’ve got to be a sexy wife to your hubbie forever now.’”
“Wait, what does that mean?”
She cosied up against him, pressing her large bosom so that her cleavage pushed to her clavicle. She bit her lip, moaned sensually.
“It means even when I’m fifty, I’m going to look like a fucking hot, big-titted thirty year old for you, baby.”
Derek was astonished. “Seriously? Fuck, that’s amazing! But why?”
She rolled her eyes, pulled back to indicate to herself. “Uh, seriously? Have you seen me lately? If I’ve got to be stuck as a total hottie of a woman, then at least I’ll get to be fucking hot for a lot longer, right? I’d rather have a set of big firm tits and a perfect ass than get all droopy and saggy when I’m older. Besides, I know you won’t complain about it, right?”
She grinned, clearly quite embarrassed, but obviously enthusiastic to hold off the aging process. Derek couldn’t say he wouldn’t make the same decision.
“Well, that was very nice of her.”
“Yeah, I guess. Looking good in bikinis for another forty years sounds pretty ace. I might even be used to it by the time I’m fifty. Of course, I only got it if I agreed to another magical enchantment on me.”
“Which is?”
She blushed as she traced a finger over the prominent stomach bulge of her wedding dress. “To have twins . . . you know, next time. I . . . uh, agreed. I guess she still doesn’t like me if it had that string attached, but at least I’ll have more energy than even your big dick has when we’re old.”
He pressed her close to him, a husband embracing his wife to all other eyes. “I told you you’re going to be a great wife, see?”
She snorted even as she buried her face in his shoulder. “Yeah, I bet you’re real upset about knowing you’ll get to knock me up with twins after I have this one.”
He smiled. “I never said that. In fact, I think you’ll look even lovelier with twins in you.”
“Yeah, right.”
Other wedding traditions continued; there was the first dance, with a crowd of onlookers peering in as Derek and Christina slow-danced together, having practised for awkward days in the lead up, much to Christina’s embarrassment. Yet now she was flawless, all elegant grace even with her maternal form, and when it ended she looked up to him and smirked.
“Nailed it,” she said, and Derek was reminded again that he was most turned on by his wife when she still sounded somewhat like his old friend.
They cut the cake together, mingled and talked with others. Eliza showed great excitement and congratulated them both, her own large bust threatened to rip open her dress, one which was already looking a little less tidy since she disappeared with a groomsman earlier. Derek saw Christina wince sympathetically at one point at Eliza’s mighty bust, and when the girl walked away his wife simply said, “yeah, know how it feels buddy. Just wait till you’re constantly making milk.”
On and on it went. Christina often retreated to a chair due to her sore ankles, or hunted the food table for hors d’oeuvres. The wedding reception and party continued into the night until they were all exhausted. Christina was tired due to the strains on her female form, and the jostling of their soon-to-be-born son within. Speeches were given, including one from the maid-of-honour Juliana, who simply stood before the crowd and gave a short, yet very telling speech.
“Hello everyone. I’m Juliana, Chrissy’s maid-of-honour. I’m so blessed to see Christina and Derek come together in this way. I have only known them for a short time, but they have changed so much in so little time. I can honestly say – and I’m not bragging – that Derek and Christina would not be together if not for me. A chance encounter and a few words spoken outside a nightclub between us has led all the way here; with Chrissy now a beautiful bride, and with a baby soon on the way! I’ll never forget that night when it all changed for you Christina, and I know you won’t either. Whatever the past used to be is behind you, and now you have a wonderful future in front of you. Make sure you take care of Derek and be his perfect wife, as I know you will be. And I wish you a wonderful life with all your future children. I’m sure there’ll be a lot of them, from what we all know of these two!”
Laughter carried across the room. Christina groaned, placing her head in her hands. Derek laughed and put his arm around her waist.
“We all know it’s true!” Juliana finished. “A toast to Chrissy and Derek, everyone!”
The toast was given, and many clapped and cheered and whistled.
“Try to keep up with her, Derek!” someone yelled from the back, causing Chrissy groan again. “I hear she’s a hand full!”
“Too much!” she called back.
“That’s what Derek probably thinks, the lucky bastard!”
More drunken laughs, and Christina simply laid back in her seat, rolling her eyes.
“God, I’ve got a whole life of this to go, don’t I?”
“You’ll come to love it,” Derek said with a grin.
Christina and Derek retired not long after to the wedding cabin, as guests packed and left. The two of them made love, fucking with wild abandon despite their tiredness. Something about knowing she was his for life now made him all the more turned on, and she in turn orgasmed as she never had before.
“I’m your wife, Derek! I’m your w-wife now! OHhhhh! You get to f-fuck me like this forever! I’m y-yours! MMHHHMMM!!”
Finally, the two fell asleep. The following dawn signalled the beginning of their married lives.
To Be Continued . . .