A Stranger Comes to Town, Part 3 (Multi TFTG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
Friendly Oaks is just an ordinary rural town, full of common people and professions. But beneath that kind surface there are all manner of rivalries, tensions, hypocrisies, and love affairs. When a Stranger wanders into town, the people of Friendly Oaks find themselves changing - literally - after encountering him. Some transformations are small, others massive, some well-deserved, some not at all. But the town won’t be the same once the Stranger is done with it.
Part 3: Breaking the Law
Polly hated her name. It was too sweet, too gentle, too kind. Her mom had wanted her to be the kind of prissy girl who would dress cute, act submissive and docile, and marry a cute boy to be his perfect wife. It was how women in her family had acted for generations.
Well, fuck that.
She had the heart of a rebel, and she wasn’t going to let society and the Man define her. No matter how many times she got in trouble for ripping her dresses, breaking the rules, and sneaking out of her room beyond curfew, she never hesitated on her path to being an a future anti-authoritarian who didn’t give a shit what the government and society wanted her to be. As soon as she was able, Polly moved out to live with her two friends Kaleb and Tin, the latter of which was their ‘adopted’ name, since they too hated all labels, including gendered ones. Together, the trio lived lawlessly, making money off of their musical skills and more than a little light-fingered work against places they felt deserved it. They’d all had more than a couple of run-ins with the police, but given what a huge fat pig Officer Prisket was, they were never behind bars long.
Now, at just twenty two years old, Polly had taken her once-sweet name and made it an ironic moniker. She’d had piercings all over her body and face: her bellybutton, her nipples, her eyebrow, ears, lip and tongue, and had a dark goth-rebel aesthetic to go along with it. This included the black-dyed spiky hair, the dark leather jacket, the ripped jeans and the dark eyeliner. She had an impressive rap sheet already, though she was rarely nabbed on anything too serious, again because of Officer Prisket’s incompetence. Most people in the town saw her and Kaleb and Tin as a trio of nuisances that should be packed up and out of their quaint slice of Americana as soon as possible. But the three of them preferred to let the small town know exactly what they thought of that proposal.
So on the morning that the Stranger came to town, having already changed Officer Prisket into a very real, very pregnant pig-woman, and transformed Barrett the garbageman into Da-Eun the garbagewoman wife, Polly and her friends were enjoying an early morning graffiti of the police station. It wasn’t really a station, of course. More of an office that had parking space for a police car and small set of jail cells. It wasn’t like the town had a police force to speak of beyond Prisket and a couple of aides. Still, with the pig out, it was high time to show a bit of anti-authority to the town.
“This is gonna be our, like, magnum opus,” Tin said in that androgynous voice of theirs. “They’ll be talking about this for ages.”
“Prisket will blow a fuse,” Kaleb added, chuckling.
Polly just grinned. She was the artist of the three of them, their natural leader in chaos and opposition to the status quo. She normally used black, but today she had a can of bright pink. On the side wall of the police station, on the corner of Brixx Street and Alborn Street where much of the town traffic flowed, she was creating a giant graffiti that would perfectly show her view of Prisket: that of a giant pig with dull eyes, a fat gut, and a cowardly little curly tail. He was even holding a donut, which was Kaleb’s idea. He was keeping a lookout while Tin helped her with the outlines and applied the stencil that said ‘FUCK THE POLICE.’
“Hey, heads up! Big dude coming!” Kaleb said. “From around the corner.”
“Is he a fed?”
“Sure looks like a fed. He’s enormous. And he’s got a big long coat. But his hat is weird. Real old school.”
“From around here?”
“No way,” Tin added, who’d ducked their head around to see. “He’s weird. Like, out of this planet weird. Check out those eyes, too.”
“You can see his eyes?”
“I think. Mysterious fucker.”
Polly rolled her eyes and groaned. The big pig was nearly finished. All that remained was to put the big crosses in black over the eyes and then give an underscore of red, all the better to show that the best kind of police piggy was a dead one. And now this distraction. Who else would be up this early in the morning!? She strode around the corner, only to halt in shock at the Stranger’s appearance. Instantly, she was captured by his mythic appearance, the way his dark clothing offset his strangely pale skin and dead-eyed stare. She’d been a rebel all of her life, a figure trying to be free of the constraints of society.
For the first time, she felt like a total amateur. This guy looked like the real deal.
“Good morning,” he said, voice somehow guttural and smooth at once.
“G-Good morning,” they each said, like submissive children. Polly caught herself and folded her arms. She needed to assert her authority against this stranger.
“And who might be you be, stranger?” she added.
“Just that,” he replied softly. “A stranger. I am just passing through your town of Lovely Oaks.”
“Oh yeah. Are you a crim?”
He smirked. “Of a sort, though I have been caught. Is one truly a criminal unless one has been formally arraigned?”
She narrowed her eyes, looking for the joke. The mockery. But he just seemed . . . meditative. “Well, stranger, welcome to Friendly Oaks. You’d best keep walking if you want to have a life that isn’t full of bullshit faux-joyful American propaganda. Because you’re in the land of fake smiles and middle-class greed right now, big man.”
The figure was still, looming over them. Kaleb looked nervous. Tin as well, though they had a curiosity to them.
“Interesting. Fake, you say? And you are rebelling against this fakeness?”
“You could say that.”
“Hmm.” He strode forth to round the corner of the building, and took in the sight of the large pig portrait they’d just made in graffiti. He gave a low chuckle, and the sound of it was unnatural, like a creature that had only heard of laughter imitating its sound. “This is very close to Officer Prisket’s likeness,” he remarked.
Polly screwed up her face, again suspicious of the stranger’s sincerity. “I thought you’d just arrived in town, stranger. How come you know the piggy in chief?”
“He was the first man I met. He did not like me. Preferred that I leave town.”
“Oh yeah, and what did you do so you could stay? Bribe him? Give him a donut?”
The stranger looked up at the graffiti, looking at it with quiet amusement. “I made him a piggy, of course. Which also means, I suppose, that the ‘police force’ of this city is absent its officer. A most difficult conundrum. Perhaps you can help me solve it.”
Polly cackled, and then her two compatriots laughed too.
“Oh, sure! Yeah, I’ll help you tear the building to pieces, if needed! But fuck the police, man. Didn’t you see the stencil?”
The Stranger regarded it.
“Ah. Yes. ‘Fuck the Police.’ I suppose that could also be part of your new job, if you wished to enforce the law.”
“Ha! The only ‘law’ I wish to enforce is the law of popular will.”
Tin and Kaleb cheered this sentiment.
“If you so understand the problems of this town, then perhaps you are the most appropriate replacement. Thought it would require some . . . adjustment, so that the law remains popular, as you put it. Quite popular.”
Polly cracked up laughing. “Look dude, you must have your brain fried from travelling under the sun. There’s no way I’d ever work for the Man. That’d make me the Man too, and no fucking way would I ever want to be the Man.”
But the Stranger just smirked. “But you wouldn’t be any kind of Man, Polly.”
The young rebel realised something. She furrowed her brow. “Wait, how do you know my name? I didn’t tell you my fuckin’ name. Did Piggy Prisket say something about me?”
“Like I said, he is indisposed. In fact, he is quite the piggy now indeed, and with more piglets to come. But I sense in you, Polly Jenkins, a chance to serve as the new law enforcement official in Friendly Oaks. And you need worry not. You won’t be a Man at all. Quite the opposite. And you will be quite popular, as they say.”
Polly was about to throw the graffiti can at this mysterious weirdo who seemed to be making fun of her, but then she felt the gaze of his eyes upon her. They were strange, gleaming like galaxies, like black holes. They seemed to be slate grey, and yet also have no definable colour she could ever express in words. It was like looking into the eyes of the universe itself.
Tin tugged her sleeve. “Polly! What the hell are you doing?”
“Yeah. Leave her alone!” added Kaleb. “I’ll fucking glass you if you - you . . . what the fuck?”
Tin gasped as well. “Polly! You’re - you’re changing!”
Polly managed to look away from the Stranger, only to be overcome by the strangest sensations running across her body. It was like she was being infused with energy, overwhelmed by it in fact. She was growing taller, and her body was altering in proportion to match. Muscles in her legs expanded as they grew longer, and her arms matched too. Her spine clicked audibly as several vertebrae added and extended, and even her neck grew a little to keep pace with the rest of her.
“Wh-what are you d-doing to me!? What the fuck is h-happening!?”
Her breathing came quick and fast, as her clothing stretched, but soon that too was altering. Her leather jacket closed in, and her torn jeans automatically repaired before becoming blue cotton trousers. She had always been a short, wiry little thing, but now she was becoming positively statuesque as her height rose from a meagre 5’3 to 5’7, then 5’9, and finally onto an incredibly impressive 6’1. She loomed over her friends, who both took a step back, and she realised that she was only a couple of inches shorter than the mysterious Stranger himself.
“Stop this! Fuck you, G-Man! Stop this now!”
But the supposed ‘G-Man’ didn’t, and simply smiled. “Don’t be afraid, Polly, I am simply ensuring that you can make the changes to this town’s law enforcement so that your anti-authority creeds are no longer even needed. But of course, you did wish to be popular, and what is more popular than a woman in uniform?”
Her fitness increased, leaving her frame more athletic, but her curves also filled in too. She moaned in unwanted pleasure as her hips spread wider and her ass became peachy and perfect. Her legs became long and shapely, while her skin softened, losing all imperfection. Her makeup rearranged on her face, losing its dark eyeshadow and tattoos to instead give her glossy lips and perfect foundation, her eyebrows arched and sexy. Her beak-like nose became button cute, and the lips that had just become glossy swelled to become full and beautiful. She hated the sensation of it all, but even more so when her hair spilled down her shoulders, no longer spikey and dark but a set of gorgeous blonde curls that were utterly enticing.
“A fucking blonde!? I’m not blonde! I’ll fuck you up!”
“Yeah, stop it!” he compatriots added, though neither approached the terrifying stranger.
“I don’t think that’s the attitude of a gorgeous woman in blue.”
“I’m not a copper, damn it! I’m a police woman! I mean, I’m an officer of the law! Shit, what are you doing to my mind?”
“Making the right arrangements. The same with your clothing.”
It too altered further, leaving her in a police woman’s uniform that fit her figure very, very well. The only place it was loose was around the bust, and she soon realised why: a pressure on both sides of her chest was accompanied by a swelling growth.
“No! No, I’m not some big-titted slut!”
“But you wanted to be popular. And also not to be The Man, as I recall. Now you will be very popular, and no one will mistake you for a man. And just like your graffiti, well, can we say ‘Fuck the Police’?”
Her eyes went wide in realisation of what he’d said, but it was too late to stop him. Instead, her A-cup flat-as-a-board chest expanded rapidly, become large heaving droplet-shapes tits that were damn perfect, easily a wonderful pair of DD’s that bounced slightly in her top as she writhed from the unasked for pleasure. Her top two buttons were undone to tease this flesh, but her policewoman’s shirt clung tight as well, revealing her supply, sultry form. As if to finish the effect, her hair wound itself into a professional - if cute - ponytail, and a police officer’s hat appeared out of thin air upon her head, and a baton on her side.
“What the fuck,” Tin said, more of a statement than a question.
Polly boiled in fury. She was now tall, statuesque stunner of a police officer, wearing cute heels and an impractical outfit that teased her newly sexified form. She went to lash out at the Stranger, but simply couldn’t. He’d broken no laws, and so she could not arrest him.
“Why am I th-thinking this w-way?”
“Because you are now Officer Polly Jenkins,” the Stranger said, appearing satisfied with his work. “From now on, you will be the town’s main police officer, and a very popular woman at that. And just because of that graffiti, I’m sure you’ll find ways to help others ‘fuck the police.’ Isn’t that right, Polly?”
He moved past her, and she reached for her baton. But instead of levelling at him, her body moved by autopilot and extended it out at her friends instead.
“Right, you lot! You shouldn’t be making graffiti. Clean this up, pronto!”
“P-Polly, what are you doing?” Kaleb said, unbelieving what he was seeing, or how hot his friend now was.
“I said you have to clean this up, mister! There’s a new woman in town, and she’s bringing the law with her.” She blinked. “What the hell!? Kaleb, I couldn’t help myself. I had this crazy urge to get you to behave and follow the law. You too, Tin.”
Tin gulped. “But . . . we’re rebels.”
“Not anymore, citizen,” she said automatically, before catching herself. “Shit, I just want to talk like some do-gooder bimbo of a policewoman. Even swearing is hard! We have to turn me back!”
“We’ll nab him!”
But the Stranger was gone, and around the corner he couldn’t be seen. And when Tin and Kaleb went to run in search of him, she grabbed them easily and held them back.
“Where do you think you’re going? You’ve got to answer for your crimes!”
“Polly, it’s us!”
She swallowed, looking down at her beautified, busty blonde form. “I know!” she whined. “I don’t want to be doing this. But . . . I have these urges. Oh f-shoot. They’re getting stronger.”
She leaned over suddenly, allowing her large breasts to dangle in her top, their perfect shapes right in the view of Kaleb and Tin, who looked utterly entranced. She smiled sweetly at them, finding herself incredibly aroused by their own obvious arousal. A rush of desire ran through her, a need to show off her new form, to demonstrate her authority not just with the baton, but with her body too.
“How about this, you sexy pair. You wash that graffiti off and say you’re sorry, and I’ll take you both into the station and show you how much I really appreciate a pair of law-abiding citizens. How about that?”
They both looked to one another. “Polly, but - rebellion, remember?”
“I know. I know! I can’t help it. I just have to keep the law here, and I really appreciate those that follow the law.”
She moaned softly, biting her lip in a manner that was openly, astonishingly sensual. With her hands on her hips and her tits thrust out, she was a sight to see. To her frustration, and yet total understanding, her two friends exchanged a look, grabbed their bucket, and immediately set to work on cleaning away the graffiti. The new policewoman towered over them, instructing them to clean every single spot. Much as she wanted to stay a rebel, the Stranger’s magic had left Polly Jenkins as a deeply devoted officer in instinct, and those instincts were getting hornier and hornier by the second.
“Mhmmm, hurry up, you two, or I’ll get the handcuffs.” She shivered a little bit in excitement in saying that, running a hand down her perfect form. “Actually, I think I might just use them anyway. Oh God, I really want to fuck the crime out of you!”
Kaleb and Tin began scrubbing away the paint even faster.
Officer Polly Jenkins couldn’t help herself. There was a new officer in town, and as much as she liked rebelling, her new instincts were giving her the sense that reforming was going to be a lot more fun. And a lot more frequent, if she could convince the town to hire a couple more hunky boys in blue.
By the time Tin and Kaleb were finished, she was practically bursting with arousal, and a need to get the cuffs on these sexy perps. They stood expectantly before her, awaiting orders, and a rush of authoritarian power ran through her, just as her instincts had minutes ago. She stepped forward saucily, and placed a hand under each of their chins, biting her lips once again.
“Ohhhhh, fuck the police already,” she moaned, directing them to the station.
And they did. Several times.
It was to be the new criminal reform initiative.
To Be Continued . . .