Stuck as his Best Friend’s Babymama, Part 13 (Bimbo Preg TG) (Patreon)
The final part! Hope you enjoyed this story!
By FoxFaceStories
A Commission for Dustin Chen
Chris has always been the dominant friend to Derek, often teasing his friend about his love life in good fun. But when a sorceress overhears their conversation and thinks Chris is a misogynistic bully, the young man is turned into a busty redhead forced to be utterly devoted to Derek, as a punishment and present to them respectively. Of course, it doesn’t take long for Chris to also get pregnant, starting a race for the two of them as they try to find the witch to undo this undeserved curse!
Part 13: Christina Gives Birth
It was a regular Sunday morning, and Christina was serving up breakfast. Part of his wife still resisted her current role as domestic housewife, Derek knew, but the reality was slowly sinking in. Or bulging out, in her case. Derek eyed her pregnant form as she continued to work in the kitchen, getting the eggs ready to go with the bacon. Her large belly dominated, sitting lower than it did even last month, and extending out far further than her already extremely ample chest. Christina had not been in a good mood the last few weeks; she was now past her due date, and had not yet gone into labour. She was over forty weeks into her pregnancy, and was becoming antsy. Fearful of having to give birth, but also wanting it to be over with already.
“How are you this morning babe?” Derek asked.
She shot him a look. “Still pregnant. This baby needs to hurry up. I’m sick of dragging all this weight around. I’m tired of not being able to see my toes.”
Derek chuckled.
“It’s just . . . every since Juliana transformed you, you haven’t been able to see your toes.” He placed his palms over his chest and gestured an imitation of a large rack.
She frowned, and it was an adorable frown. Her natural pout only enhanced her cuteness. “I’m sick of those too. Between them and this tummy I’m going to be dealing with some ridiculous back pain when I’m older. Though at least ‘older’ is going to be a lot easier for me now.”
“Easier for me too. I love that you’ll be so gorgeous for so much longer.”
She scoffed. “Oh yeah, I bet you do. You’ll be sucking on my tits for a good few decades yet, you pervert.”
They shared a friendly grin as she flipped the eggs, then waddled over to fetch them both a juice. This was a continuing part of the curse for her, stronger now that they were married. Derek would often find that after being woken with a blowjob and then going a second round with her, Christina would be forced to eventually leave their post-coital cuddle and start making breakfast. She was shaping up to be a perfect housewife and mother, whether she wanted it or not.
She loaded the last of the eggs onto the plates and brought them over. Derek stood and kissed her gently on the lips before helping her sit. Still, even after all these months, his friend remained slightly flushed and embarrassed at needing help with that.
“Think of it this way Christina,” he said as he helped her, “you’re only twenty four, and let’s face it, the new-you isn’t even that. The new you is only twenty.”
She began to eat her eggs and bacon, and gave him an eye roll and a shrug while she scoffed it down. Well, she was eating for two after all.
“I know, it’s so dumb,” she forced out after swallowing. “I’m a bloody housewife at twenty. A shotgun wedding and everything. “I’ve got like twenty five years until menopause, not that that will be a fun ride, from what I know of it.”
“I’m just saying you still have your whole life ahead of you. You won’t have to worry about back pain for a while yet, especially thanks to that last deal with Juliana. At least, other than the pregnancy kind of back pain.”
“Ugh, don’t even talk to me about that. I feel like I’m carrying a damn watermelon dude, only this watermelon kicks and makes me tired all the time.”
“At least you’re not carrying twins.”
She rolled her eyes as she swallowed more eggs and bacon. “Yeah, sure, like I’m not going to deal with that on the horizon. That witch has made me really fertile. I’ll be lucky if you don’t knock me up with triplets at some point down the line. I’m basically just a baby-making machine now that I . . .”
Derek looked up from his plate to her startled face. “You what?”
“I’m oohh . . . leaking.”
Sure enough there was the sound of dripping liquid sliding off her chair and onto the tile floor. They exchanged a look. Hers was of panic. Her face scrunched up in response to arriving pain as she clutched her stomach.
“Uugh. Oh fuck Derek, I think that was my water. I think I’m gonna have the baby!”
“Are you sure? It could be a false alarm.”
She gave him an angry glare as she clutched her rounded stomach. “I don’t know Derek, I haven’t given birth before, I never thought it would come up! But – eeeurrrgh! – this is definitely a contraction. Fuck! I still want to hate you a bit for this. Ughh - I’m going into labor!”
He stood and helped move her to the couch while she gasped. Her stomach was indeed very taut. And she was overdue . . .
A large part of him – the biggest, in fact – was thrilled to see his once-male friend, now-incredibly pregnant wife, give birth. It was the supreme feminine act, and one Christina could not recover any male dignity from. The last shred of maleness would have to go. There was no way to cling onto it while she was laying back with legs spread wide and being urged to push a child through her passage.
“We have to go to the hospital!” she cried as she tried to get into a comfortable position.
“Not yet, we have to time your contractions, remember?”
“You didn’t read the book I got from you?”
She shook her head, looking a bit panicked. “It started showing diagrams, Derek, I didn’t want to look at that shit. And there’s so much that can go wrong.”
“That’s what the book is for!”
“Fine! I’m pregnant! My mood is all over the place!”
He calmed himself. “We have to time between the contractions that come, or else we’ll just be turned back from the hospital, okay?”
She grabbed his arm as he moved to get his phone to time her. “Derek, I’m pretty fucking scared, man.”
He was instantly at her side, stroking her hair. “You’ll be fine, Chrissy. Do you think Juliana would allow for the chance of danger, to you or the baby? She wants you to give birth, remember?”
She nodded, seemingly unable to form words as she came to terms with what was happening. They stayed together for some minutes, him whispering encouragement until the contractions inevitably returned.
“Ooohhh - that one hurt right in my vag, there’s so much pressure,” she whined, before suffering in silence. She arched her back to compensate for the pain.
“Remember the breathing exercises, Chrsitina. In, out, in, out. She looked to him and began to imitate, her forehead starting to become slick with sweat, and both hands over her taut dome it rose and fell with each breath.
She nodded quickly. “A little. I need to get changed. I’m not going to the hospital with all this womb gunk in my underwear. Help me up.”
He did, and continued to aid her to their room where she had a brief shower, then struggled into a maternity dress and sandals. The last she needed a lot of help with as she continued to focus on her breathing, stopping intermittently to ride out some inner discomfort.
“Aaaah, oooh, ughhh! I can’t believe this is happening to me. I was a guy. I was gonna pick up chicks, not be one! I’m meant to be fucking hotties, not having a pair of t-tits myself! Maybe one day have a family way off. Now I’m giving birth to my best friend’s son.”
“Our son,” Derek corrected as he helped her waddle back down the stairs, carrying their various things. “You’ll be fine, love. Most women go through this, and you’re more than most women.”
“Yeah, there’s a guy in here as we-ooohhh!”
He helped her down as another contraction rippled through her body. The cycle repeated for another hour before finally her contractions were close enough to justify going to the hospital.
“I’ll help you into the car, love. Let’s go have this baby!”
“Yaaaaay,” she sighed sarcastically, wincing at another stab of pain in her gut. He helped get a heavy and overburdened Christina into the front passenger seat and made sure to carefully place the seat belt around her girth. She looked gorgeous: fertile, fragile, and so beautifully fecund as she suffered at the whims of her gravid womb. She cried out several times as they travelled to the hospital, sometimes urging him to drive faster, but mostly focusing upon her breathing exercises and readying herself for the coming pain.
“Oh God, why did I agree to have twins after thiiiissss!”
She moaned and writhed some more on the way to the hospital, and when they arrived a wheelchair was procured to take her to the delivery ward.
“Finally you can be of some use,” she said, as he stepped behind the wheelchair and pushed her along.
She was placed inside the maternity ward in a private birthing room. She was changed from her sleek maternity dress into a routine hospital gown, and when she was laid back on the bed a heartbeat monitor was attached over her stomach to monitor their child. Christina was flushed and sleek with sweat, and she looked to Derek with panic as she was instructed to raise her knees and spread her legs apart to provide access to her innermost parts. His former friend looked astonishingly humiliated she was forced to go through such a feminine event. Her body was astonishingly maternal and gravid, and she writhed on her back in response to the pains as the body she was now destined to experience for the rest of her life prepared to birth its first child. The delivery specialists found that she was dilated only six centimetres, and it would be hours before birth.
“You’re kidding me,” panted Christina, as she was rotated to her side to relax.
“We can give you an epidural to help manage the pain,” a nurse said.
Christina looked to her as if that would be the greatest relief in the world, only for her lips to state otherwise. “Thank you but no. We agreed to have a natural birth, didn’t we Derek?”
Derek nodded, instantly realising that Chrsitina’s curse was forcing this new unfolding of events.
“Are you sure?” the nurse continued. “There may come a time later when you want it and we will be unable to administer it due.”
“I’m sure,” Chriss responded, and the moment the nurse left the room to leave them together she slumped miserably and pressed at her distended womb.
“A natural birth. Just my luck I’ve got to push our baby out of my preggo body without any pain medication. These contractions are already hitting my hooch like a sledgehammer. What’s it going to be like when the baby’s actually sliding out of my pussy?”
Derek ignored the talk she was mandated to use when describing her own body.
“I’m sorry Christina, I didn’t know. You’ll get through this though.”
She shifted awkwardly, and he helped her sit up so that her legs dangled over the side of the bed. The hospital gown covered much of her form, but there was no denying the large bump in the middle that was the fruit of their lovemaking nine whole months ago. She looked like she’d been put through the ringer, with the worst yet to come. Derek kissed her forehead and began to massage her shoulders. At this point in the proceedings, she didn’t ask him to stop.
“Just think, at the end of this, you’ll get to meet the baby boy you’ve been carrying all these months.”
“Believe me,” she said, eyes clenched in response to another twinge, “I’m fucking aware of it, dude. It’s what’s helping me get through this craziness.” She poked her tummy and spoke in a high-pitched mommy voice. “I want to meet you, little one. You’ve been making me feel like I weigh two hundred pounds for far too long.” She turned back to Derek. “What do you think he’ll look like?”
“I guess we’ll find out soon. I hope he has my eyes.”
A snort in reply. “Well let’s hope he gets my hair then. Yours is a mess.”
“Mine is a mess? Have you seen yourself these past couple of hours?”
Christina stopped fussing over her cramping womb in time to hear that last comment and place her hands on her soon-to-be childbearing hips. “Well I’m sorry Derek, I’m only having to put up with giving birth here from a child you put into me, on account of a curse placed upon me because of a fucking misunderstanding.”
He touched her cheek. “You’re still beautiful.”
“What – eugh! – what great compensation.”
The hours passed as Chrissy’s labour continued. Several times she needed to change position, tired of lying back the same way and feeling the contractions roll over her. Derek helped hold her against him when she was wracked by a particularly painful contract. She rested her chin on his shoulder as he held her weight against him. After three hours of labour Christina bitterly requested to go to the toilet, which Derek helped her to. He heard her weeping within, but felt she wanted her privacy in this rather confronting stage of her pregnancy, and life in general. She emerged looking more red in the cheeks and eyes, but otherwise a bit more together.
“Help me get back before another one – ahhh – comes on. He’s kicking my bladder something fierce, dude.”
Derek held up his phone. “And here we are, at ten hours into labour. She’s nine centimetres dilated, nearly ready to give birth.” Christina swiped at his phone in response.
“What are you doing? Are you filming me? Are you serious? You’re gonna capture me giving birth? Dude, that’s fucking embarrassing as hell!”
Derek shrugged as he pulled his phone out of reach. “Sorry, I should have asked babe. I just figured we should start creating memories for our precious one.” He placed his hand over her very rounded middle, where her skin had become as tight as a drum. “Besides, it’s safe to say no one’s ever captured an ex-man give birth on video before.”
“You suck man. I can’t believe I’m married to you.”
Derek angled the camera low to her face. “See son, how much your mother loves me?”
She made a face. “You’re gonna let our kid know I used to be a dude?”
“Maybe,” Derek shrugged. “We’ll talk and decide. I can always edit that line out. Are there any thoughts you’d like to share for our little guy while I’m filming, babe?”
“YES,” she groaned, riding out another bout of pain coursing through her fertile form. “I hope you’re a big drinker kid! Because my big tits are sooo full of milk right now and they’re starting to ache!”
Derek stopped filming. “Well, that’s definitely not making the cut. Do you want me to empty you out, babe?”
She shook her head, smirked a little. “No, you’ve got competition now; I need to feed the little one when he comes. Fuck, that’s a weird image to imagine. I’m going to breastfeed. God, the things I say these days now I’m a woman.”
“Well, your husband will be at your side for every moment while you give birth.”
She sighed, and he could tell that was another sentence his old friend would never have thought he’d hear. “You’re gonna make me do this again,” she declared.
“I’ll do everything to be the perfect husband to you for all your pregnancies. Besides, they say the first time is the hardest.”
“It better be,” she said with an amused grin, “next time I’m having twins.”
Finally, after hours of labour, and waiting, and contractions, and complaining, and hormone-driven emotions heightened by the pain, Christina began to give birth in full. The staff and attendants were back, having confirmed that she was finally dilated to the fullest extent. Christinai looked absolutely overcome; her body sweating heavily even after her recent shower, her muscles taught as pain rippled through her form. Derek could tell that his once-male wife was also suffering the humiliation of becoming so feminised, instructed to breath, to push, to hold, as she was waited on by several members of staff.
“It’s not fair!” she cried to no one in particular. Perhaps him. Perhaps Juliana. Perhaps God. “Why did I have to be a woman!? OOOOHHhhgg!”
The birthing staff ignored that comment, even as Derek imagined a few smiles behind the masks. Clearly they were used to wild statements from women in labour. Chriss gripped his arm tighter.
“This is your fault! OOHHH! You – AAH – did this – MMHHM – to me!”
“You just need to get through this Christina. Keep pushing,” the staff said.
Derek echoed them. “You can do it, push Chrissy!”
“I am pushing, I’m trying! Goddamn it, this is what my life has become!” she screamed, spreading her legs even wider to allow the passage of their baby. Her hand clenched white into his as she gritted her teeth and moaned loudly. As she rode out the agony, so very pregnant and so very in labour with their first child, Derek was overcome with the realisation of how gorgeous his wife was. So beautifully fragile, now that her previous, athletic male form was gone. She was everything he ever wanted in a woman, and he had no more regrets that his friend was in there, struggling with her new place in the world and the fruit of her new biology.
“I can see the head!” the midwife declared.
“Push babe, you’re almost there! Soon you’ll have your baby boy in your arms.”
She looked to him with a sweat-soaked face, one he was currently mopping. Tears brimmed at the edge of her eyes from the ragged effort of twelve whole consecutive hours of labour.
Derek held her hand and kissed it. He whispered in her ear. “You can Chrissy. I know you can. You want to know why? Because you’re my fantasy woman, remember? And anyone who would fit the criteria of my fantasy woman would have to be able to birth my children. That’s why I know you can do this.”
“One last push Christina!” the midwife declared. “The shoulders are nearly out!”
Christina emitted a sound that was something between a rage-filled roar and a fearful scream. Her body clenched, her legs spread wide, and finally something was pushed out from her body into the nursing staff’s waiting hands. Christina immediately sagged, panting heavily and collecting herself as the pain lessened in her body.
“It’s a healthy boy!” the doctor declared. A nurse motioned for him to see his son, and he moved to see him as he was weighed. He was beautiful, particularly as he was brought to Christina, who was holding out her hands, incredibly eager to see him despite her own embarrassed state. She cried as he was placed on her chest for skin contact. He was purple, bruised from the birthing, and had a mop of uneven hair across his tiny face. He was the most beautiful thing Derek had ever seen, and he was filled with fatherly pride. The nurses cleaned their newborn son while Christina devoted the vestigial remains of her physical energies to pushing out the afterbirth.
She spoke almost deliriously. “Is he – is he okay? Is my baby alright?”
Her voice was so possessive, and it was another sign that whatever way he started out, whatever journey of acceptance she was still on, Christina would make a great mother.
“He’s fine, he’s perfectly helpful, Christina.”
She nodded, tears welling in her eyes as she pulled down more of her gown to give him more skin contact. He cried gently, making strange little baby sounds as he writhed a little, settling on her chest.
“He’s so . . . purple,” Christina said as she clutched him. Derek snorted, and the medical staff chuckled.
“That’s to be expected. He’ll come right. You did well, Christina.”
The small, squamous child wriggled adorably. Christina looked to Derek, then back to their child, and began to cry openly in great, feminine sobs as she held her baby boy.
“I did it,” she sobbed, “oh God, he’s beautiful Derek. We made this together.”
She kissed him, and he her as she was allowed some moments to hold her child before he was further cleaned.
“Oh my God, holy shit,” she panted, still somewhat hysterical from the birth, but now bathed in the post-labour glow of hormone rushes calming her system. Finally, she allowed him to go to be cleaned and returned in a towel. Derek stayed with her, and soon their son came back. Then they were given some private time in their room.
“How amazing was that?” Derek asked.
“SO amazing,” she said, and her response must’ve been genuine, as she gave a tell-tale bite of her lip when she realised what she had said. “It was so much pain, dude. So fucking much. Way, way worse than getting kicked in the balls. I’ve never felt anything like that.”
“I remember you used to say woman who had given birth were exaggerating,” Derek reminded her.
She arched an eyebrow. “Well I was wrong. A typical male, ha! I just did something superhuman. Something amazing.”
He brushed her hair. “How do you feel?”
“Sore. Sore and tired. But better. The pain is gone, and I have my baby.”
As if in response the baby began to wake and cry. Christina looked to him with confusion, clearly still settling into her role as mother. “W-what do I do?”
Derek smiled. “I think he’s hungry. Remember what you said before; I’ve got competition now.”
She rolled her eyes, then she sat up slightly with Derek’s help and adjusted their son over her dark nipple. “I was giving birth, dude. I’m lucky I remember my own name at the moment. And I did that shit natural. No drugs.”
“I’m proud of you.”
It took a few minutes of manoeuvring, during which Christina became quite frustrated and started to become emotional in the wake of birth, but eventually their baby boy began to suckle from her. She breathed a sigh of relief. “Oooohhhh, I needed that. So full at the moment. I hope he’s a hungry one.”
“Oh, you like breastfeeding now?” Derek chuckled, “I thought you were going to hate it. You said it was ‘super embarrassing.’”
Christina had her eyes closed, a mother at one with her newborn child. “Don’t body shame me Derek,” she said a little sarcastically. “Breastfeeding makes me feel calm. Like meditation or whatever.” She smiled, biting her lip a little. “I think I’m going to like it.”
“Good thing too. You’ll have two on you next time.”
“Ugh. Just give me a little time before you knock me up again with that big, thick cock of yours, Derek. Let me just have this.”
He did, getting on the bed to lie with her and gaze lovingly at his wife and child together.
“What shall we name him?” Derek asked.
They hadn’t discussed that part much. Christina had been more concerned with the pregnancy and birth than what came after. One step at a time for her. But she looked to him now with a knowing look.
“I want to call him James. It’s what my parents nearly called me, and it’s still my middle name. Well, it’s Jaimie now, but close enough. Something to remember the old me by.”
He kissed her deeply. “That’s perfect.”
Together, they shared another genuine moment of love. Not, of course, that Christina would admit it fully.
In the years that followed, Christina gradually grew into her role as woman, lover, wife, and mother. She slowly grew to accept the revealing clothing she wore – even if the constant reminders to men and women that she had ‘eyes up here’ were always a bit annoying. She became accustomed to her and Derek’s daily activities, particularly since her body healed so quickly after giving birth, almost as if by magic. Having a baby was tiring, and the constant cycle of breastfeeding and changing exhausted her, but true to his word, Derek was a kind and helpful father to their child, and did his best to help her adjust to her new life. To her surprise, Christina continued to find breastfeeding a relaxing, even cathartic experience. She had always imagined it would be a pain to women, but now that she was female herself, it gave her a bond to her child that Derek soon realised was pretty amazing. She often wondered aloud about how it was something he could never understand, but her smiles as she nursed their son James at her bountiful breast was more than enough to please him.
Of course, sex was still a constant fact of life. Even as she lost her pregnancy weight, Derek found her utterly intoxicating. And while taking care of a young child had many distractions and responsibilities, it didn’t prevent them from being able to fuck like rabbits. Increasingly, as the months passed, Derek found that his wife was revelling in her multiple orgasms, and no longer even trying to hide her ecstasy, or her clear attraction to him. Yes, Juliana had caused these, but now her voice wailed high and free, utterly female as he pumped his cock deep in her warm, wet depths. She loved it, and while it occasionally embarrassed her, even emasculated her sliver of male ego, she had long given up fighting it. That was even true of sucking his cock.
“What?” she said as she unbuckled his pants casually one morning while James woke. “This dumb curse makes me fucking crave your big tasty dick, so why bother fighting it? Besides, you know I’m addicted to your super salty cum, dude.” She rolled her eyes, trying to play off this as if it was totally casual, before taking him deep into her mouth, her perfect pouty lips locking on his thick member, and her tits lifted up to hug his shaft, working it up and down. And more and more, she moaned with him, locking her emerald eyes on his as she orgasmed purely at the taste of his climax.
Soon, her pregnancy weight was gone, and she was back to wearing all sorts of sexy dresses and crop tops and open shirts that revealed her enormous bustline. Her boobs were still large and full, and they had plenty of fun with them, but Derek even noticed she was relieved to have her figure back.
“Thank God,” she said as they went out on the beach together. “I actually have a bikini body again.”
“I thought you hated bikinis.”
“Yeah, I do. But you love them, so I’m going to wear them. And if that’s the case, I at least want to look fucking great in them, especially with these big, soft mommy titties you love to watch bounce.”
Derek just grabbed her tits and made them wobble, causing his formerly male friend turned wife to squeal in surprise.
“I certainly do, love!”
Even out with their child, her wardrobe was very much like a social media influencer, always showing off her body. To Derek’s joy, the costumes returned, ranging from the busty boob window of Power Girl to the naughty nurse play, from the bad, bad policewoman with her unzipped jacket and handcuffs to the green lycra suit of Poison Ivy seducing him back into the garden to fuck her among the flowers. They still found time to play in this way, though occasionally a little cry rang out, and she would scoff.
“Well, your fault for getting me knocked up a year ago dude. Now you can’t fuck this hot bod as much as you would like.”
“I still get to fuck you plenty, Chrissy,” he said, smooching her. “You go feed our baby.”
“Ugh, fine! You’re lucky I enjoy it, and that I’m super fucking engorged right now. God, the sentences I never expected to say . . .”
Of course, with all this fucking, it didn’t take long for the inevitable to happen. Just eight months after the birth of little James, who was already smiling and crawling and lighting up their lives in a way that Derek - and especially Christina - had never imagined, Christina found herself feeling nauseous again. Her boobs were tender, her stomach sore, and her energy flagged. For the last eight months she’d been getting accustomed to being a stay-at-home mom. After all, as she often bemoaned: “I literally can’t find work, thanks to the stupid magic. I have to be a stay-at-home mom and wife. Stupid curse.”
“That is a type of work, Christina,” Derek replied. “You take care of the house and our little one.”
She just blushed. “Yeah, I guess it is work, sort of. Just not the kind I ever imagined. It’s just . . . I’m finally making other female friends in these damn mommy groups, and most of them all work! It’s humiliating to be the girliest, most stereotypical homemaker in the group!”
Derek smirked, imagining that would be exactly the case. But then, before they could even talk more, she suddenly went wide-eyed, and ran to the bathroom. Moments later, the echoes of her throwing up her breakfast followed. It didn’t take a genius to realise what had happened.
“Fuck, pregnant again! I was hoping for, I don’t know, at least a year before you got me all big and full with your damn babies again! Ughh, I didn’t even get one year. And now thanks to that agreement with Juliana, I’m going to have fucking twins!”
He comforted her, but was not very secret about his absolute joy.
“It’ll be hard, Christina, I know. But you’re such an amazing mom to our little James, and I know you’re going to be just as great no matter how many babies we have.”
“Which is a lot, right?” she said, hands on her hips, one eyebrow arched.
“Uh, yeah actually,” he said, grinning sheepishly.
She exhaled heavily, resting one hand on her still-flat belly. “Welcome to my life.” Still, she did manage a small, embarrassed grin. “Hey, but at least the sex is pretty amazing.”
The End