A Stranger Comes to Town, Part 10 (Multi TFTG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
Friendly Oaks is just an ordinary rural town, full of common people and professions. But beneath that kind surface there are all manner of rivalries, tensions, hypocrisies, and love affairs. When a Stranger wanders into town, the people of Friendly Oaks find themselves changing - literally - after encountering him. Some transformations are small, others massive, some well-deserved, some not at all. But the town won’t be the same once the Stranger is done with it.
Part 10: Mayoral Duties
The reports were flowing in from across Friendly Oaks, and Mayor Wickham was trying to make sense of them all. He was an older man, balding, with a wide set face and large red nose. He was rarely seen without his business suit on, as he took the responsibilities of his office very seriously. More seriously, perhaps, than most of the residents of the town thought was ordinary. Still, the mayor was determined to fulfil his duties, which not only included running the town, but also maintaining its rustic aesthetic and dealing with any crises that emerged.
And a crisis had emerged, if the reports from his secretary Lillian Shorts was to be believed. She was a young thing of only twenty five or so, and the one informal perk of office he had was in seeing her dressed in a tight pencil skirt and professional blouse, a look that drove him wild. Not that she knew that; he hadn’t made a move yet. He couldn’t afford a second sex scandal in office. So instead he frowned as he read over the notes she’d handed him.
“Is this for real? John Prisket as some sort of pregnant pig woman? You’ve got to be joking.”
“It is likely a prank sir, but if it is, the photos are incredibly . . . realistic.”
She passed him several photos taken of the alleged transformee. Prisket was indeed a pig, and Todd Wickham could barely standard the bloated bastard, but to be turned into a pregnant pig woman with six gargantuan breasts and a litter in his belly? It defied comprehension! At least it would, if not for other strange reports that were also on his desk.
Gabe and Barrett, the garbagemen, had become a romantic couple that very morning. According to the cute Asian woman Da-Eun who was claiming to be Gabe, a mysterious stranger in an old southern preacher’s outfit had changed her from a man into Barrett’s devoted wife! Mayor Wickham thought the whole thing ridiculous, but that wasn’t the end of it.
A new police officer had turned up, a tall statuesque stunner who was literally fucking the crime out of the criminals.
The diner waitress Annabelle had grown an udder and tail and fur and horns and was now a lactating cowgirl serving coffees in an altgother ‘fresher’ way.
The old reclusive woman on Barker Avenue had become a nubile plant lady.
The jogger’s group were now a pack of centaurs, most of whom were female despite their recent mostly-male composition.
Even the biker’s gang wasn’t unaffected; word was they were now spider-creatures roaming across the freeway, scaring up a storm.
And this was to say nothing of that young nerdy lad Benjamin Lee now having a full harem of gorgeous women.
But the real clincher was the pool incident. That had cracked it all open wide. Call after call about young women becoming mermaids, men becoming mermen, and even crossgender varieties of each. Which was to say nothing of the people with shark features or crab features or octopus legs or so on. Some were even like immobile jellyfish! There was far too much of it to be a prank, and yet what was he to think?
“This is insane,” he muttered to himself. “Are we sure there isn’t a gas leak?”
“With total certainty,” Lillian responded professionally. She looked quite professional, with her black hair tied neatly back and her round-rimmed glasses. “As per your instructions, the pipe readings have been checked. However, we do have reports that some of the inspectors have since been turned into salamander people.”
“I’m sorry, salamander people?”
“Salamander girls, to be precise. Lesbians, actually. No, I’m not sure what warranted this. The so-called Stranger’s appearance there has not been confirmed but is most likely.”
The mayor sank his head in his hands. “I have to be living in a nightmare. This must be a mass panic of some kind, like that Orson Welles alien broadcast thing.”
“Perhaps sir, but with the amount of reports coming in, perhaps we should start some emergency procedures.”
Mayor Wickham was quiet for a moment in his office. It was an older building, and so the ceilings were tall and impressive, with many rich murals and architectural decorations that spoke to the town’s history. It allowed for a very reflective space, and being on the second floor - and the building on a natural hillside - it allowed for him also to turn, face the window, and look out over his town while he brooded.
Except even that view was ruined by the strangest sight he’d ever born witness to.
“Good God! Those can’t be - those aren’t birds!”
Lillian gasped, stepping up near him. “Those are people!” she said. “Feathered people!”
They each had large bird wings, and harpy-like claws for their feet. Some even griffon-like faces, complete with beaks. He thought he spotted an angelic justicar type in there as well as they flitted past. Most looked as terrified and shocked as he was.
“That was real,” he replied. “Very well.”
“It was, sir.”
“Okay, we start emergency procedures. I need everything ready for an emergency broadcast, radio and television. We’ll light up the evacuation zones; it’ll be dark in a little under an hour, so they’ll easily be seen. And once we’ve done that-”
The buzzer sounded for the door. Both paused, looking at it. It buzzed again.
“Do I have appointment?” he asked Lillian.
“No sir. I cleared your schedule as the emergency unfolded, sir.”
The buzzer sounded again, this time insistently. He hit it and responded.
“We don’t have time,” he replied, “I’m very sorry, but there’s an emergency. We’ll have to-”
‘I’m afraid my appointment cannot be rescheduled, Mr Mayor Todd Wickham. In fact, it must go ahead. I bring an important change to you.’
The mayor’s blood froze. The voice on the other end of the line had not been a familiar one, and Lillian’s own shocked expression told him she was thinking the same: this could well be the Stranger.
“Who are you?” the Mayor said, pressing on the buzzer.
‘I am just passing through,’ the Stranger said.
And then something impossible happened. Then the Stranger ‘just passed through’ the very door itself. He emerged on their side of the room casually, as if he hadn’t stepped through solid matter. Lillian stepped off to the side, holding her mouth in terror. The Mayor stood behind his desk as if it would protect him from this tall freak of un-nature.
“Who are you? What do you want?”
“I’m just a stranger passing through, like I said,” the man replied, his voice low and crackling unnaturally. His eyes were hidden from view. “And I just like to cause some change as I go.”
“You call turning my citizens into freaks a change?”
“It’s just in my nature, Mayor Wickham. I can be no other. But as you can see from the dying sun on the horizon, the day is nearly over. I’ve followed the auras in need of change here, whether for good or ill, and now I must be going.”
Mayor and secretary exchanged a quick look, both conveying the same thought process; maybe he won’t change us?
“So you did change Mayor Prisket into a pig woman?”
“Appropriate, wasn’t it?” the Stranger said, stepping closer to the desk. “I expect she will give birth in a month or two, and to quite a litter.”
“Good lord. Look, do you want money, or transport out of town?”
“I can find my own way. What I am here for is just to ensure that my work is not for nothing.”
Again, that pause and shared glance. Perhaps he wouldn’t change them. It was seeming more likely.
“What do you mean by that?” Mayor Wickham asked. “Do you need a statue? A memorial? Some kind of vow? Visitation rights for the changed individuals?”
The Stranger actually smirked, as if the Mayor was far off in understanding.
“No need. I won’t be coming here again. But this place is remote and isolated and quite unique. That uniqueness, that chaos, should remain. It needs a steward to keep the changes coming from time to time. And that, I have decided - or at least drifted towards in my own motions - will be you, Mayor Wickham.”
The Mayor gulped. He didn’t like where this was headed. “M-me? How do you mean?”
“I mean that this town needs someone to keep the changes coming, Mayor Wickham, and give your position of leadership, you seemed the appropriate choice. And given that you have a predilection for young, beautiful women, the change also has a karmic element.”
Mayor Wickham wordlessly looked to Lillian, who took a couple of steps away from him in apparent disgust.
“Lillian, don’t listen to this - this Stranger! Look sir, I don’t know what you intend to propose, but I still have the power to call in-”
But the Stranger had lifted his head by this point, and his eyes were like endless spirals of stars forming into galaxies before collapsing and imploding all over again. It was the most beautiful and strange and terrible sight Todd Wickham had ever seen, and he found himself drawn into those eyes, even as a new truth reflected out of them. He witnessed images of hot sands, of Arabian deserts, of camels in long processions over the great banks. He took in harem women dancing before an aging sultan, their figures nubile and scantily clad. He absorbed the sight of a golden lamp uncovered by a young explorer’s hands, and a deeply alluring woman of great magical power bursting from its end, trailing into existence from a smoky outline to grant her new master’s wishes. This last image remained, the woman in the Stranger’s eyes smiling at him, her movements fluid and soft and elegant. The Mayor couldn’t help but reach out as if to touch this woman in his vision, but instead the woman was to find him.
It happened quickly, though not so quickly that he didn’t recognise the odd truth of what was occurring. All at once the Mayor’s skin burned, singing into a gorgeous copper-olive colour. His body reversed in age, losing its many wrinkles, his white hair turning dark brown again, and then a shiny, raven-black. His pride and joy, his business suit, that is, burst off of his form, with only small strips remaining. These quickly turned to bright purple and golds that wrapped around selective parts of his body, and just in time too: his chest bloomed forth into a pair of impressively large E-cup breasts, while his hips widened and ass padded out impressively. The man groaned and grunted as his manhood retreated, replaced by a set of feminine lower lips and a womanly tunnel leading right to his - or her - new uterus.
“N-no! What are you d-doing to me!?”
“Making you a genie of the lamp, of course! You do work to serve the people, do you not? The public are your master, yes?”
“N-not like - ahhh! - that!”
But no amount of arguing could stop his feminisation. Soon his waist pinched in, while his limbs became dainty and soft. His gut pulled inwards to become soft and flat, while numerous bits of golden jewellery appeared around his wrists, ankles, neck, as well as on his earlobes. Makeup appeared on his face, which transformed to be that of a beautiful Arabian woman’s, while his clothing completed its change, leaving the man standing there in a harem woman’s outfit, a small trail of purple smoke flowing from her all the way to a golden lamp that now sat upon the desk.
“Oh God,” she muttered as the Stranger’s eyes ended their transformative effect. “You’ve made me a woman! You turned me into a bleeding woman!”
“A female genie, to be precise. Your new name shall be Taraena. It seems most appropriate. You are now bonded to the lamp, and have the power to grant wishes.”
“I wish you would change me back!”
Nothing happened. The Stranger smirked. “It only works for other people”
Lillian’s eyes widened as she took in the incredibly busty genie woman before her. She could barely believe that the too-serious Mayor was now this harem woman, her cleavage and midriff and legs so deeply on display. But with the talk about wishes . . .
“I wish to be a queen!” she declared.
Wickham rounded on her, breasts jiggling unfamiliarly in her tiny genie halter top. Well, she wasn’t Wickham anymore. She was Taraena now. Thanks to the Stranger’s earlier comment, it was like her internal thought process was struggling to even consider herself male. But it didn’t make her voluptuous and on-display body any less strange.
“What are you doing, master?” she asked, before catching herself. “No, this won’t stand, Lillian. You’re not my master. I’m your genie and you’re my master.”
Lillian smirked. “I think this change might be a good one, Mayor Pervert,” she said. “Or is it Taraena now? Either way, those are some impressive jugs, Mayor. And what a showy outfit! There’s more skin showing than cloth. Now grant me my wish: I wish to be a queen!”
The Stranger smirked, perhaps already knowing what was about to happen. He withdrew, opening the doors this time, and tipping his hat to the new genie Taraena. She looked to him with a panic, but was unable to stop herself from raising her hand to click her fingers.
“Your wish is my command, master!” she cried, her new voice accented and enticing. Power radiated from her core, and it made her truly realise that she was a magical being now, not just a sexually attractive Arabian woman. No, she was luminous with power, and it coursed through her and out from her fingers, enveloping her former secretary.
Lillian laughed. “That’s the stuff, sir! Oh, you have no idea how sick of calling you ‘sir’ I was, and feeling your gaze on my ass. I won’t have to worry about - eurgh! Wh-what did you d-do!?”
Taraena had no idea. The magic had been transformative, and flowed out of her without any of her own input as to what the results would be. But now she could see what was occurring as Lillian screamed. The secretary’s pencil skirt tore open as her ass swelled to gargantuan proportions, segmenting away from her and becoming the size of a large fridge. Yellow and black hairs erupted from it, while a second set of arms shot through her blouse, tearing it. The woman screamed as two antenna pushed from her head, and again as her body gained that same downy yellow and black fur. Her legs became hardened and chitinous, and her shirt finally burst open as her breasts grew out, even larger than Taraena’s own. A pair swelled below them too, and to both of their astonishment a thick, sap-like stream of honey began to leak from all four nipples.
In more moments, Lillian had become a queen alright. A giant, anthro-queen bee.
“What have you done!? Change me back! I w-wish to be changed back!”
But Taraena sensed that her wish was now done, and this woman no longer her master. She still felt humiliated and ridiculous, but at least she had some power back. Quite a lot of power, in fact.
“Lillian,” she said. “You’re fired.”
The other woman sobbed, and it was enough to set off another great pressure in her body, this one in her new ovipositor.
“No! You can’t! You - nngh!!”
A large ovoid egg pushed from her backside and plopped upon the ground, wet and shining. Silence filled the room for a moment, and the ever-opportunistic Lillian realised she had one last card to play.
“You c-can’t fire me! I’m t-taking maternity - nnghh! - leave! Ahhh, these s-stupid eggs! This better not b-be forever!”
The queen secretary had the genie mayor on that one. There was a maternity leave policy, and it was fairly generous. Almost as generous as Lillian’s new insectoid womb. She continued to push out more eggs as the nubile Arabian woman looked back out her window to the town that had changed so greatly in a day. She could feel them, her many masters, and so many wishes and changes to grant, and always in twisted ways, no matter how much she wanted otherwise. She was now cursed to be the young, sexually attractive genie mayor of the town, destined to change and warp her many citizens over the years and years to come, so long as they made a wish of some kind in her presence that she could misinterpret in some dastardly way, just like how the Stranger wanted it.
“I think Friendly Oaks is going to look quite different from now on,” she mumbled.
And somewhere out there, the Stranger was already hitting the road, readying to leave the town, and onto the next one, ready to bring more change and chaos.
“At least he made me young and good looking again,” the genie said while the queen bee continued to birth in the background. “Though the new attire will take some getting used to.”
The End . . . with an epilogue to come.