January Preview - What's Coming This Month? (Patreon)
Hey everyone, hope you have enjoyed December. It was a crazy month, but I think I got almost everything off of my previous list checked - checked it twice, in fact! Just a couple of stories delayed to this month instead.
Keep in mind that this is only a rough sketch of what to expect - sometimes an exciting commission gets unexpectedly cancelled, or a story gets delayed, or life happens and a story might come in a later month instead. Still, without further ado, here's what will likely be on the plate this month:
- No decision on this yet, but I'll likely choose one of my oldest stories from the subscriber tier and post it publicly to generate interest in my work.
Suscriber Tier:
- Meteor Woman, Parts 9 & 10
- The next ongoing TF story (VOTE HERE at Premium tier and above to decide it! God Particle is closing in on Programmed for Love, and there's 3 days of voting left!)
- When a Warlock Wants Your Wife (a short, dark TF tale)
- South of the Border, Part 7, 8, and 9 (yes, you read that right! The lovely anonymous story prompt tier member commissioned additional parts for you to enjoy!
- Perception Shift, Part 5
- 4 Mini-Stories (Deluxe Tier patrons can vote on them here)
Premium Tier:
- An 8k bimbo TG story - likely Lumin's related, currently untitled.
- Alien Life, Parts 2 & 3 (TG Alien Impregnation)
- New Mermaid (Mermaid TG)
- Madame Maternity (a fun, silly superhero story in which a new hero is faced with a strange new threat; a supervillainess whose power is to transform women AND men into pregnant women, all for the chaos. Can she be stopped, and how many heroes will become supermoms in the process?)
- Along with another story being commissioned, as well as a Viking Epilogue.
Deluxe Tier:
- Harem Hijinks, Part 2 & 3 (multi TFTG)
- Turning into my Girlfriend's Mom (delayed from last month, but a whopping 32k story with TG, Age Progression, MILF and Race Change elements)
- Transformation Convention, Part 2, & one Epilogue/Alternate Ending (Deluxe Tier Patrons can decide upon them here)
- Along with several other stories that are being commissioned.
And likely more than this, but we'll see how I go!
ONE FINAL NOTICE REGARDING COMMISSIONS: They're back open again! There'll be a minor queue forming, and I'll be messaging people who already showed interest first, but with the craziness of December behind me I can take on a bit more this month.