Meteor Woman, Issue #10 (Man to Hot Superheroine TG) (Patreon)
By FoxFaceStories
Burt may live in a world of superheroes and supervillains, but he’s just a regular burglar trying to support his sickly mother and teenage sister with ill-gotten gains. But when he is hired to help break into a superhero vault facility, Burt accidentally triggers an artefact that gives him the power to turn into Meteor Woman, the superstrong and incredibly busty heroine. Now juggling two lives, Burt tries to stay under the radar even as his super person becomes an increasingly huge sensation.
Issue 10: Starcrossed
Meteor Woman didn’t return home. It was too risky to be constantly changing back. This would be her last time as the superheroine, and so she refused to risk it. Besides, she wanted to leave a good impression before she fucked over her entire reputation and betrayed her allies, her friends, her lover, and her sister. So she spent the next twenty four hours using her superheroic energy to do everything she could to make the city a better place. She teamed up with Lightning Lass to stop some crooks, even if it meant that the other - still impressively busty - heroine had to be let down lightly.
“Oh, I know,” she said morosely, flicking a rock with lightning after they’d handed the criminals over to the police. “I could tell from the way you were looking at Blue Trident that you weren’t batting for my team. It was just fun to imagine. I’m super embarrassed.”
“Hey,” Meteor Woman said, “I promise you, I do bat for both teams, and you are sexy as fuck, Lightning Lass. Seriously, your costume is amazing.”
She brightened. “Really? You think so?”
“Damn well so. You rock it, and I’ve given the occasional look your way.” She tapped her temple. “Super sight as well.”
Lightning Lass’s amazed grin could have powered the sun. “Ohmigod, ohmigod.”
“It’s just that I’m already sort of taken.”
“You - you and Blue Trident?”
Meteor Woman laughed. “Oh God, no. Look, he is hot, I won’t lie. And really nice. But he’s not really my type, even if I’m his. No, someone else.”
“Oh, thank God! So . . . there’s a chance . . ?”
Meteor Woman grinned. “Don’t count yourself out, but in the meantime, plenty of fish in the sea would be lucky to have you, hotstuff.”
She took off as Signet Lance arrived on scene.
“Lance, she thinks I’m hot. Did you hear that? I told you!”
“By the Codes, does this mean I have to put up with you dating?”
“Does it look like I’m drowning in tears of joy? But there’s a chance! And if not, I bet she has a ton of hot girlfriends!”
“Ahh, it never ends.”
It was an amusing end to that particular tale, but there was also more serious business to attend to. She sent texts to Alexis apologising, explaining that as Burt she would have to work some longer shifts, and to alert ‘him’ if anything happened with their Ma. It seemed to work, and so Meteor Woman could focus on doing all she could to help the boroughs and neighbourhoods she loved, be it getting old Mrs Cally across the street or helping Mr Fitch find his missing cocker spaniel. Again. She put out fires, stopped two kidnappings, and saved several women from a vicious pimp and got rescue services on the scene as soon as possible. She refused all media interviews, but did at least sign a few things for fans, and even took a few photos with some groups that cheered her on. They weren’t even trying to put her breasts in the main frame (though they were hard not to include in the picture, of course), because they really were just fans, and mostly female ones at that. She had to fly off before she started crying again, though, especially when one young woman called her “our hero,” like she was part of their neighbourhood. Like she was part of their home.
But then she left that home, and headed to the Hero Dome. She played the part, going out on a patrol with Blue Trident, who was kind and mentoring and gentlemanly and quite hokey, and Flame Dancer, who was lovely and professional but just a little inquisitive beyond Kara’s comfort.
And then it happened. The break that Meteor Woman had assumed would never come actually came, and it was a blessing and a bane both. Gadgets on the wrists of Flame Dancer and Blue Trident lit up, and she caught the message.
‘Hyperion has escaped from prison along with half the prisoners! Maximum Red Alert. I repeat, Maximum Red Alert. Polymorph and Argent are already down. They’re being transported back in stable condition, but it was a close one. Hyperion had his followers assemble some device that’s counteracting powers. All hands on deck for this one, Hero Society!’
Blue Trident immediately let out a response, coordinating various groups and squads. It was actually amazing to see. He even sent out several watery creations to search the city and direct people nearest to the prison to safety, all while barking out orders and getting further information. Then, he turned to Meteor Woman.
“You don’t have to come, but your help would be mightily appreciated. I know he wants something from you, though. So if there’s a risk-”
She leapt on that. “There is!” she said. “You need to keep him as far from me as possible. If he gets his hands on the power of the Meteor, Hyperion will be unstoppable.”
“Hm. I don’t pretend to understand your power, but I respect it. Get to the Hero Dome. Here, take my Beta-Override. It’s not Alpha-access, but you can hide in the armoury, not that I imagine you’ll hide. Tacticon will be in the Recon Room helping manage the heroes. Talk to him and he’ll help find something for you to help. I know you want to help.”
God, I’m being given everything on a platter. And I do want to help. How can he be so naively, wonderfully optimistic and so easy to fool at the same time?
But she just took a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll do that. I’m sorry I can’t help.”
“Don’t be,” Flame Dancer said. “Just be careful.”
She took off to the Hero Dome, Beta-Access now available to her.
Meteor Woman didn’t see Tacticon. Instead, she went straight for the armoury. It was like a repeat of her original burglary attempt, back when Hyperion had just been some anonymous employer. Only she had changed so much, and not just in the ‘growing tits and a vagina and some genuinely amazing blonde hair’ department either. So many of the devices from the secret storehouses had been moved here. She recognised several of the artefacts, some of them quite dangerous, such as Obelisk’s teleporter and Black Ice’s freeze ray. The base was not on red alert, but it was nearly empty. And it was definitely on lockdown: a number of civilians were stuck inside in the meantime, for their own safety. Most were herded to the cafeteria. Several news screens located even in the armoury showed heroes battling a number of escaped criminals. She had little doubt that Ralph was on the scene.
“Be safe, Ralph,” she said. “I might be able to help. Just briefly, after this. But I need to do this first.”
Her upgraded card had easily allowed her through the phase walls, but it would not let her take items from the shelf. She reached into her cleavage and pulled out a large sack of thin fabric. The lack of pockets was a real problem. Her heart beat heavily and quickly in her chest as she picked out a number of items mentally. She’d need to use superspeed, of course. Smash the glass, take out any traps, quickly grab what items she could, stuff them, then soar away. By the time she was gone she could figure out if there were any trackers inside the items and ditch them. She’d always been not-bad, tech-wise.
“Okay, freeze ray, obelisk, orb transporter, knife array, satellite merge, and the collection of crystal-growth armour shards. They should all fit. C’mon, you can do this, Meteor Woman.”
She raised her first, readied to punch through the glass. The power of the Meteor hummed in her ears.
“This is not right, Kara. This is not right. You are Meteor Woman. This is unworthy of you. Stop before it is too late. You must be the hero!”
She ignored it, blinking back tears. “I’m sorry. You picked the wrong man for the job.”
And then another voice.
“I knew you were hiding something, but I didn’t expect this, criminal.”
She turned, and to her horror saw that Flame Dancer had just entered the armoury silently, her Omega-clearance activated. Her hands were on her hips, but fire stirred behind her like a wall of living flame, ready to be unleashed.
“It’s not what it looks like-”
“It’s exactly what it looks like, Meteor Woman, if we should even call you that. Come with me. You are under arrest, and as a founding member of this society I am fully authorised to place you in lockdown using Platinum seals that not even your strength can counteract.”
It was all going wrong. So wrong. “I can’t do that. Look, you don’t understand-”
“Would you tell me the full truth if I gave you the chance?”
The silence that followed must have told her everything, because Flame Dancer raised her hands, and the room filled with scorching heat.
“Last chance, surrender.”
“I can’t do that. I have to do this. Just . . . look the other way.”
The flame-haired heroine’s expression turned dark, possibly even sorrowful.
“Heroes don’t look the other way, Meteor Woman. I’d have hoped you would know that.”
And then everything happened at once. Flame Dancer launched several winding tendrils of flame at Meteor Woman, even as the latter smashed the glass and grabbed as many items as she could. She was blown backwards, losing half of them, and there was a terrifically hot roar of flame that singed even her super skin. The entire room was bathed in red light as the alarms sounded. She flew backwards, grabbing as much as she could even as she ducked and weaved around Flame Dancer’s strikes. One connected, batting her aside from the exit.
“I can’t do that. We don’t have to fight!”
But there was no option. Meteor Woman smashed into the other heroine, knocking her through the exit. There was a terrific pain as flames separated the pair of them. Meteor Woman tried to get away, but the other woman was more practised, and whips of flame caught her leg as she tried to fly away. She separated them with her laser vision, but Flame Dancer was closing the distance. She connected, and the two soared across the building, smashing through walls and crashing through the other side as great blocks of concrete flew apart.
“Stop, Kara! I gave you the power of the Meteor because I sensed you were capable of great change! I still believe in you, but you must prove it. Do not fight this woman.”
“I HAVE TO!” she roared, and her sonic scream rocketed Flame Dancer backwards, crashing her through the cafeteria. A coil of flame pulled Meteor Woman with her, unfortunately, and she barely managed to keep hold of the sack of goods. They crashed into a table as a group of civilians separated just in time.
Shit, this is where they funnelled the civilians, to keep them fed and well-cared for.
Flame Dancer pulled her away, and the two flew through the air.
“What’s happening?” someone screamed.
“Everyone get out of here!” Flame Dancer called. “Meteor Woman is a rogue agent. A thief! She came to undermine our security. I don’t know how dangerous she is.”
“I’m only dangerous SO LONG AS YOU’RE AGAINST ME!” she cried, sending another sonic scream. This one missed, and once again the highly mobile heroine closed the gap. She went toe to toe with her flames, fighting as the cafeteria emptied, people screaming in horror. The walls shook as punches connected, as flames scorched the sides, and Meteor Woman realised that for all her own power, Flame Dancer was able to manage her and keep any collateral damage from happening at the same time. She had to let loose.
So she did.
Flame Dancer had some super speed, but nothing on Meteor Woman unleashed. She rocketed around her fire, grabbed her by the scorching hot hair, and threw her at the wall. The cafeteria was a huge, vaulting space, and Flame Dancer barely had impacted against the wall when another sonic scream buried her within it. The now-maddened Kara lasered the wall, causing a massive section of it to collapse with Flame Dancer still in it. She fell over thirty feet to the ground after that pummelling. She didn’t get back up.
I did it. I can still do it.
There were heroes inbound, no doubt. Tacticon would be calling them in. But this was her chance to escape. She flew to the bag, still in the centre of the empty cafeteria.
That was when she realised that there were two heartbeats in the room other than her own. The first belonged to the now-unconscious Flame Dancer. The other was smaller, faster, and filled with dawning terror. Slow as a mountain’s rise, Meteor Woman turned to look behind her, already filled with dread. She knew that heartbeat without even quite realising it.
Standing there, covered in plaster dust, curly hair a mess, her eyes filled with tears, was Alexis in her school uniform.
No. No no no no. It was today? Her school trip was today? Why didn’t she run?
“Meteor Woman, why?” she said, and the sadness and fear in her voice made Kara want to die right there.
The bag of valuable armoury items was between them on the ground. The alarm continued to sound. Hyperion was on the loose, and heroes were coming to arrest her. And worst of all, she’d put her sister at risk in a way she’d never imagined.
“I’m sorry, Burt. I guess I was wrong about you.”
The power of the Meteor began to fade.
To Be Continued . . .