Top choices will be available for the Deluxe Tier this coming month! Looking forward to what you choose!
Epilogue Choices:
Glass Ceiling: Its a year or two later, and Charlie's team has made excellent progress on the pill research. She presents her findings to the board, but as a 'demonstration' has drugged their water with a faster acting, less painful version of what happened to her. She promises them a reversal pill (which she demonstrates on a transformed Pete to prove her claim) but only to those that vote to reinstate her to her old position.
Crypto-Gal: How goes our new E-Girl investor? A year onwards, she is invited to a pool party. To her shock, a number of her former crypto-bro friends are there.
Going Caving: Years later, another male cave diver finds himself touching a magic crystal, only for the full magic force to send him back to Ulka's tribe in a gorgeous cave woman body. The now-experienced former male now has to tutor this new woman in what it's like to be a cave woman.
Guardians of the Labyrinth: Focused on Alex and Sylvia’s child (or maybe one of) wanting to experience life outside the labyrinth, leading to them and any friends who follow to become human.
Infernal Maid: Marelis and Allyria go on a date together as a cute succubi couple, and the former man finds that he might just enjoy being a big-boobed demoness, even if it means having to work as a nursemaid for a while.
Pregnancy Curse: Lace is now 60 but looks like a hot 40 year old and looks back on her life of a truly massive amount of pregnancies. Also her breast grew during the years further and further caused by the pregnancies.
Trailer Hotties: After not hearing from his sons for a while, and under threat of divorce and scandal from his wife, Mr. Hawker and private investigator track them to the trailer park they were forced to live in and discover the titular hotties instead. (The result ends up turning Mr. Hawker and the PI into a teenaged daughter for each sister, or however else you’d want to run with it if it wins)
Wholesome Family: Huge time skip with Dorothy’s college experience, her first serious boyfriend she decides to lose her virginity to, and her reflecting on how strange her new life has been growing up as a girl having been a man already.
Alternative Ending Choices:
Alien Assumptions (Woman to Cow TF): Monica is turned last second into an anthro cow instead of a regular cow. How does her life turn out like that?
Henry 2 Haruko: Henry doesn't regain his personality, & Haruko remains in charge.
Nerd Alert (Bully to Hot Nerdy Girl TFTG): What if Todd brought the book to Will just after reading it looking for help instead of leaving? When Will reads from it as well and starts becoming Todd's fantasy woman as well they both become increasingly desperate to stop the changes, hoping another passage in the book will reverse the changes they instead make them worse. (Nerdy girl, cheerleader, lesbians, bimbos, onlyfans)
Queen B (Sweet Girl to Mean Partygirl): Max also feeling self conscious takes some of the pills and gets addicted, he tgs into a blonde bombshell and her and Jean become the rival Queen bees of the campus
Subject: Bimbofied Bully: As Colby begins changing more and more into a woman, Doug realizes that his taunts about the jock's appearance and behavior have some influence over his transformation. He hatches a plan to manipulate Colby into becoming a buxom, sexy nerd girl as revenge for making fun of Brie, and eventually lands both her and a transformed Brie as his two beautiful girlfriends.
Turning into my Girlfriend's Mom: A mid-quel that summarises Zeynep's series of events after she flees with Peter's DNA in her system and how she slowly becomes the new-Peter, and what that transformation process was like for her and the type of mischief she got herself into before she finds herself meeting back with her daughter and the new-Zeynep (where she gets captured, lol).
BONUS OPTION: Misplaced Revenge: Had an idea haha, so feel free to vote for it if you like it! Two guys who have recently met pool their resoures so they can share a nice apartment. But not long after they recieve a package in the mail, one that curses one of the men to become a deeply attractive and incredibly submissive woman, and curses the other man by connection to be her dominating boyfriend and future husband and father of her children. Unfortunately for them, the curse was intended for the ratbag cheater who USED to occupy the apartment.
BONUS OPTION: Changed Magazine: A series of profiles, interviews, and top-ten lists of TG and TF changes, including dating columns for those who have been TG'd and products for those who have suddenly changed gender or even species. The theme of the first special can be proposed in the comments!