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[F4A] [Erotic Hypnosis] [Conditioning] [Long Induction] [Beginner Friendly] [Brain Melt] [Can’t Think] [Triggers] [Snaps] [Brainwashing] [Mindfuck] [Be Careful What You Wish for] [Brainless, Dumb Hypno-Plaything] [No Wakener] [This Will Fuck You Up] [Multiple Versions] [SFX] [42m & 30m]

Hello, my sweeteas.

This is a very ambitious session in which I’ve used all the tricks I’ve ever learned to create a true brainwashing experience with the sole purpose of taking your brains away. If you listen, I will take your intelligence, your memory, your ability to form any sort of thought aside from what I wish you to think, and rid you of that pesky little mind of yours. Rid you of all that resistance that you may have. You’ll exist in a place outside of the real world. A place which perhaps you’ve never had the pleasure of enjoying, but a place which I know you long for.

This is also the very first of what I hope will be a long series of “Bye Bye” files, each focused on taking something away from you. This round, it’s your brain, your thoughts, your mind. Next time, it may be anything at all. Maybe you can even leave a comment with what you’d like to be…disappeared.

First, there are two version available on reddit (and more if you click on my profile). The first is the Long Induction Version, which is 42m long and had to be the one you listen to first, because the other one wouldn’t make sense otherwise. After you can drop easily with the first one, you can switch over to the shorter one for repeated conditioning. This is the induction I’ll be using for most of future Bye Bye files.

Both versions include music, binaural beats, 3D audio, voice effects, environmental sound effects, and all sorts of other goodies.

You can find the script and everything you need here. Make sure you listen to the file with the long induction FIRST! 

Then listen  to the shortened version, only after the longer file has the desired effects on your mind.

In the future, you will be able to build playlists out of any (or even all) Bye Bye files and use either the provided induction or any of my other ones.

Have fun, my perfect, brainless, blank hypno-playthings!

Much love,
Miss Lilith


Donald Pelles

I just checked out (or WAS checked out) for 30 minutes. Remembering nothing but the feeling, that phrase echoing. And still feeling it.


Including HFO bye bye. No orgasm at all forever. Only suffering. And punishment when failing. That is big fantasy. But how can you punish one with hypnosis? Unrealistic phantasy. :-(


i actually LOVE conditioning files without orgasm, feels like it make the conditioning even stronger


See I would love to listen to these but my profession requires me to be quick on my toes and remember a ton of technical data, so I don't want my brain to forget things that are important to my liveliness so I can afford things like patreon haha. Thanks for these posts anyways! Can't wait for the next!


This file is not meant to be permanent, so you should be okay to listen, but I will leave that up to your discretion.


Wow this felt so great to just shut my brain off for a little while. I can't wait to have listened enough so I can give someone the trigger to use on me.


OMGoddess, davetheslave Go Bye Bye, completely with this one wowzer 🥰😍😘❤❤❤❤