Deepest Daydreams - F4A (Patreon)
Hello, daydreamers.
Give into your own unconscious mind and become its bitch just as you’ve become mine.
There are four different versions, two for passive and two for trance:
-Passive Loops-
Deepest Daydreams - Passive: This is the full passive loop which can be listened to anywhere at anytime. It has music and fancy SFX.
Deepest Daydreams - No Music/SFX: Just as the above, but with no music and only voice effects.
-Trance Loops-
Deepest Daydreams - Trance - MindFuckLite: Similar to the passive version, but with many suggestions to drop and keep dropping throughout the file. No snaps. It’s a MindFuck file in that there are always two different tracks playing in each ear, binaurally. Never a second to collect your thoughts.
Deepest Daydreams - Deep Trance: Much like the above, but cleaner, with mostly only one track, binaural tones, and individuals segments dedicated to dropping you deeper each loop.
You can find all the different versions here, along with all the tags, description, spoilers, and the full script!