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Kit what are you doing!?!!?!

Simon takin a stroll.

Unit 17 (not sure if I did a 17 or not) nearly ready to be decanted. 

A dorgron who needs mmmmoooree.




Look... if you can't be a dork in bed, what's even the point of living?


Wow... Kit and Simba did me in. Also it's been too long since I've seen Simon. 😍 Beautiful, man.


That Simba/Kit picture really is 10/10! Could you maybe do a version with snapchat lines that would contain Nala's commentary? Something like those AD account photos? I bet from looking at the last pic, that Simba can take more than she can :P Also, I was wondering, why Kit? I love the pairing, it presses all my buttons, but is seems kind of random? I myself haven't even heard of the character until you drew him in that shower pic.


Kit can do whatever he wants 😍


I love the Kit/Simba pairing! Great work on this. I go nuts for an eager hunky bottom who you can tell wants it and is having a good time getting it.


I hope this has something to do with said fanfiction Forge mentioned a while ago... that I so desperately want to read now, but probably will never get to lol