New Tiers, Monthly Comics, Other Updates! (Patreon)
Hey y'all, I wanted to give some updates and share some info!
So I'm planning to start the weekly Pinup Polls back up in December, and those will be available to the Pinup Supporter and Universal Supporters.
In addition I'm going to start doing monthly fanart comics!
Currently the plan is for each comic story to be 12-20 pages, with chunks of 3-5 pages coming out every week.
The subjects of the comics will be decided by monthly polls, where Comic Supporters and Universal Supporters can vote similar to pinup polls.
If you're more interested in influencing what characters get drawn for the weekly pinups, stay as a Pinup Supporter! If you're more interested in deciding what characters the comics focus on then become a Comics Supporter, it costs the exact same!
If you can financially and want to influence both you can become a Universal Supporter (and also get a free commission after a year of patronage :P)
I'm so fucking grateful to all of you for supporting me on here, it genuinely means so much to me that there are people who enjoy my art enough to give me financial support.
It's people like y'all who make it possible for me to invest as much time as I do making art <3