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Too bad they will never respect him... smh

Hope you enjoy! x




Happy dance!


Yaaaay double episode drop! Thank you 🩷

Brittany Joy

Tyrion is really that guy


Not trying to pressure or anything but did you drop Attack on Titan? Just curious since I haven’t read anything about it, thank you!


Thank you for replying! ☺️ and letting me know


Yeah, I’m reacting to a lot of shows right now and on top of that I took a break last week. Just give me a second to get back on my feet again. Unless I say it officially I’m not really dropping anything. Just haven’t gotten back to it just yet. It’s coming tho.


Not pressuring at allll 🥹 just genuinely curious, take your time ✨ I know how hard you work and your efforts!


thank u for an episode!!!!

Utpala Shrestha

This was the first "battle episode" of GOT! More epic like EPICCC battles to come!!


Drunk Cersei is the best Cersei




As much as I hate Cersei, she definitely showed Sansa that it’s not all butterflies and rainbows. She is still so naive after everything she’s been through. What Cersei was going to do wasn’t great (with her kids) but it would save their suffering. It’s sad, but as a parent, you do anything to protect your children from the horrors of life. I hate wildfire…I will leave it at that. And the “The Rains of Castamere” is one of the most epic songs in the whole series.

Daniela V.

"Be careful on the stairs Grand Maester, there are so many." Why am I kinda loving Cersei lmaooo Sansa is playing the game so well so far. It's crazy to think of where she started. Cersei has definitely had an influence, the way she low-key told Tyrion to his face she'd be praying for his death. And Tyrions slight SMILE of admiration!!. I wish there were more scenes with her and Tyrion, I need someone to be nice to her I love them showing the reaction of everyone to the destruction of war. No one looks proud except Joffrey cause he's a dumbass Omg Cersei is the worst type of drunk. The one who won't shut up LMAO

Gina ODierno

Tyrion showing more and more of his character. Love it.


Your mom is so funny 😂 “put it in a baggie and call it a day”


I love the Lannister song, it’s so chilling. In the end too. "And who are you?" The proud Lord said "That I must bow so low" Only a cat of a different coat That's all the truth I know In a coat of gold or a coat of red A lion still has claws Mine are long and sharp, my lord As long and sharp as yours The story of Castamere (who also had a cat as their sigil) is just so cool to me, I’m sure you saw it in histories and lore. But Tywin really did that shiz.