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The poll has hit a 50/50 mark, however considering the DM's and comments I've received both here and DeviantArt, and the clear sign that many would like G8.1 alongside G9, I will also begin to port G8 models.

I intend to port all my existing models to G8.1, and I am also going to rework my G9 models as there is a lot I have learned since starting this page that I can do to improve my existing models. I have never ported to G8 before, so your patience is greatly appreciated. In the meantime, I will also be releasing new G9 models whilst I work on the G8.1 models. Currently I am working on Raphael G9 who I plan to release tomorrow.

Rest assured this I will continue to work on models every day to ensure I can provide the best quality I can in quick succession, and I thank you for your patience.


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