Reactions Masterpost (new links for past episodes!) (Patreon)
I had to move all my reactions to dropbox due to the whole onehub fiasco.. Special thank you to my absolutely amazing mods that know way more about tech than me and helped me move them over really quickly and also helping me figure out how to continue it for future reactions. You guys are the best <3
So here are links to all my past reactions (do not use any old onehub links):
Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Veronica Mars:
Season 2 being posted now
Percy Jackson & the Olympians:
Season 15 (ep14-20)
**note: if an episode has no subtitle/unsubbed version, there is not one available. every video available is in these folders, so if it is not there, check the other folder for the season (example: 4x01-03 ONLY has an unsubbed version)