UI Update with new features & water droplets node (Patreon)
Hello all,
I've got quite a few infos to share around that UI release :
1. UI now supports the upcoming water droplets node (see picture). A few options will be available to you once you click the water droplets controls button. The location allows to "simulate" droplets moving along the body (just an axis location vector for the textures, nothing fancy).
For now, there's no model with that node but it's coming.
Also the node is attached to this post if you wanna use it for something else. The example will show you how it should be used.
2. New section and feature for content creators.
I've been asked a few times if it was ok for creators to share blend files made by them using my models with their own patrons. My answer so far has been no because it would mean sharing models as well with the blend file.
However, I've developped a tool that makes it possible to share. Basically, with a click of a button, it applies all armatures and shapekeys and deletes vertex groups for my models (and only mine), making it impossible to use afterwards.
Only conditions for this to work : all collections must be visible before pressing the button (little checkbox). Once the script is done, you can deactivate collections again.
The button is located in the outfit library & tools section, under content creators tools. It might take a bit of time depending on how many objects are in your scene and your hardware.
If you wanna share a blend file, I also ask that :
1) the model isn't in basic rest pose
2) you make sure the armature is indeed gone and shapekeys applied before sharing. The code has been tested but it might be unsuccessful in some scenarios.
3) you only share the 2K version of the shared textures. To make it easier for you I've uploaded on gdrive a repackaged version of the shared textures. Basically, when you're done with your scene, go to file --> external data --> pack ressources, then file --> external data --> unpack ressources. It will create a textures folder with all required textures. Then you just extract the repackaged shared textures and replace everything when asked.
I'm willing to discuss other tools if there's a need and it's within my capabilities.
3. New UI comes with some bugfixes, notably the links which weren't working anymore and penile size for male models.
4. The code behind the "change armature" button, which is used for the outfit library, has been internalized in the UI script. It means this specific feature doesn't rely on the daz addon anymore. For you it should be invisible except it's not required to select "retarget drivers" anymore when using it, it does so by default. Also I've fixed a bug where it wouldn't work for objects parented to bones if bones didn't already exist in the character's armature. Let me know if you have some issues with it.
5. As far as models go, I'm still working on Laras. It's really a lot of work so progress isn't fast. I've got roughly 7 outfits done so far for the upcoming one so I'm about half way through...yeah that's 14 outfits for 1 model. I'm probably going to work on a side model to change my mind a little bit.