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I've mentioned this a few times already but now it's official : I'm taking a break on september after more than two years of uninterrupted releases.

If you're still a patron on sept 1st, you will not be charged for that month. Billing will resume on october when I come back (officially I mean because I'll still be around).

Releases rate has been quite high for a few months with really heavy models that definitely took a toll on me. I need a breather so the release of Starfield is a perfect opportunity to forget about blender for a bit. I'm still playing Skyrim to this day so Bethesda games are like a second home for me.

That being said, knowing myself I might do some blender anyway so I might have some stuff in my pockets when I come back in october. I might also release a little something before the end of the month.

Hope to see you on the other side



Have a great break!


Have a good rest and thank you for your work!