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I officially don’t know how to feel. What an incredible story that built to a gut twisting conclusion. What happens next? I can’t wait to find out!

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/6ZsOGvKuH8A

Due to the scheduling of Torchwood Series 3 and ensuring I make it far enough in Sarah Jane the next episodes of Doctor who will be released September 19th & 20th with Series 5 starting with two episodes (and a minisode) the following week. 




Such a good episode. Stefi watching the video from her family as the water pours onto her has really stuck with me as a visual from this one. I also really enjoyed your journey from laughing and fully supporting the Doctor to the nervous "Is this his villain origin story!?!?"


This episode broke me.


Not me watching this at 10pm, then remembering my apartment windows are being powerwashed first thing in the morning. Actually, I'm kinda glad I remembered, that would have been terrifying otherwise. Time Lord Victorious! All I keep hearing in the back of my mind is Donna from the end of The Runaway Bride saying to the Doctor "..because I think you need someone to tell you when to stop!"


The Time Lord Victorious is a perfect example of why the 10th Doctor is my least favorite of the first 4 New Who Doctors. (Not saying I don't like him. I do.) My Doctor was the 9th Doctor for so many reasons. And because of him, things like this break my heart to see. The first time I watched this special, my blood ran cold at the Time Lord Victorious line. To me it's an insight into who the Doctor becomes without his companions...and it's not too far away from a version of the Master. And because I love the Doctor so much, it hurts my heart to see him become less than. Especially when it's driven by a broken heart.


I hope you got plenty of sleep lol. Donna's quote is the perfect thing to remember here, and why I'm HOPING the next episode is him realizing he needs help and not going full villain for spell. We'll see!


I recommend going back and pausing on the News articles and reading them. :-) Just kinda cool. No spoilers. Just a little more info. :-) Here's a reddit showing all the articles ya can click through the pics(to make it simpler). https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorwho/comments/18znjnh/the_waters_of_mars_news_articles/?rdt=35937