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Our worlds are finally colliding, more literally than I expected!! This season has been nonstop action and I’m sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for what comes next.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/bFJqG_khMuE



Laura Dawson

I so enjoy the space battles in this show! So well done and never less than magnificent! I enjoyed your excitement when you realized the Roci had picked up Bobbie’s message - it’s so thrilling when the paths of our favourites finally cross! And Amos has some cat-quick reflexes, doesn’t he?


I could never do what Amos did lol, amazing. The Rocie picking up Bobbi'e message and the events that follow have been some of my favorite moments in the whole show so far!

Etta Eskridge

So I will explain a little about how torpedoes are used as a diversionary shield in battle. The Roci fired off two torpedoes and when they exploded, they diverted the UNN's torpedoes away from the Razorback and they exploded in the expanding fireball of the torpedo explosion. The Roci tasked 6 other torpedoes to "protect" the Razorback. In the books they explain how those protector missiles can be slaved to the ship itself and respond to commands from either the Roci or the Razorback for protection. Then when Holden came up with his risky maneuver, they released the 6 torpedoes to make a huge explosion which blinded both the Razorback's and the UNN ship's sensors for several seconds. That allowed the Roci (forget the Contorta, it will always be the Roci!!) to fly through the explosion field and fire at close range to disable the UNN ship. Pretty nifty!! The battle tactics used in the show are often based on real life tactical maneuvers which makes the show even more realistic! It took me many watches to figure all this stuff out, BTW. I hope it helps!

Lady Beyond The Wall

Glad you like Anna so far and picked up on the light/dark stuff going on when she's around the other politicians. I like that they added a perspective in the story of someone who's religious, and what they think of the protomolecule and what it's doing.


Anna is another character showing up early, having first appeared in the third book. And just like the others, they put a lot of thought into what she'd be doing at this point so that it feels totally natural.


I love how they do that! Especially with the seasons not perfectly lining up with the book at this point, adding new characters is a great way to still help it feel like a new season.