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Starship UK! We are once again thrown into a new part of human history with its own unique culture and mystery to unravel. This could hardly have been more compelling!

Plus a look at the bonus minisode "Meanwhile in the Tardis - Part 1"

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/crg087VI1EQ

*For Copyright reasons the YouTube version of this episode includes a watch a long version of the minisode .

Here is the YouTube copy I watched so you can watch along - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw6ovGPgwk4

A much better version I found later: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Uw3m3xdZSY




Moffat considers this one of his worst episodes, with multiple cases of putting the cart before the horse with scenes designed purely to provoke an emotional response in the moment, which don’t make sense at all once we find out what’s really going on. RTD really likes it, though. It’s also pretty fun seeing Matt Smith’s scenes with Liz 10 when his first big post-Who role was Prince Phillip (and Liz’s line about growing up on stories of him was already a reference to how the Queen was famously a huge fan of the show, to the point of refusing to knight the guy who cancelled it unlike literally everyone else who’s had his job).

Tony Holness

I suppose that just goes to show how much of a perfectionist Moffett can be, as this episode is probs better than most RTD penned ones. I thoroughly enjoy this one gives me classic who vibes, minus the pacing of course.


I obviously expect some incredible episodes coming up, but I can't imagine a world where I came to see this as one his worst. 😅


Yeah, like Ryan said, Moffat was hard on this one when looking back around the time of the 50th anniversary. He has, however, revised that opinion since then, saying he loved it when finally rewatching around 2020 (can't find the actual quote at the moment). And he's right to. Yeah, it's messy and illogical in many ways, but it's really not any worse than many a good episode in the previous 4 series. It's the first time in new Who that the show _really_ delves into full political allegory - it may not be entirely successful at that, but it's nice to see some allegory rather than the overt commentary we've gotten used to. This is where we first really get to see how brilliant Matt is at letting the old man peek out of his 20-something eyes and voice. 😁 Musically, here we get full renditions of "Amy's Theme" outside the TARDIS in the beginning (interestingly, it will barely even _be_ her theme 😂 - that's not really a spoiler - just that, I guess, Gold later on found other themes he preferred in most cases). And the wonderful strings+horns+choir hymn of "A Lonely Decision" at the end. The soundtrack version has choir throughout, while the episode fades the choir in when Amy and the Doctor hug and out again when Amy asks about running away outside the TARDIS.


I LOVE this episode. I cry so hard during it lol And I like cry from the moment Amy is voting. I'm with you, Karen Gillan is just so amazing. I think she might be my favourite full time companion.


The moment she is voting is the moment that the episode switches it up from a fun run-of-the-mill adventure (which I don't mind) to whoa this is amazing.


While Amy is probably my least favorite companion (nothing to do with Karen Gillan’s performance, which is great), I do love this episode. Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor (very, very closely followed by DT) and one of the reasons is his amazing ability to look both very young (understandable since he was only 28 at the time) and portray the Doctor in an almost childlike way, and then, using his eyes and the way he carries himself, switch to an almost completely different character that you can believe is much, much older and has seen some stuff. It’s just brilliant.


I really love this episode, it has everything I want from a Doctor Who episode. Liz 10 (despite her shortfalls by torturing the starwhale in the first place) is a really interesting character. I find that Moffat can write some really strong female characters that are pretty kick-ass.

Peter Powis

I'm a big fan of this episode, and your reaction to it too! Although I don't think the episode is thought of very highly by the majority! I love how Amy worked it out at the end and I love how cross the Doctor was when he thought he was going to have to brain kill the Star Whale. But my favourite part was the hug - that's why the 11th Dr is my favourite - his sweet and close friendship with his friends


I will occasionally read some reviews after watching an episode and I was shocked to see people less than favorable towards this. It is still one of my favorites from this season.