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Death. Miracles. Songs. An incredible second installment of Midnight Mass. I hope we get more scenes of Riley and Father Paul together!

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/NuHKmf0aDsw




Ok, I confess I haven't read through all the edited comments but, just in case OH! And to preface: THIS IS NOT A SPOILER lol (I've been shouted at for this one before.) A sharp-eyed watcher will know what happened to Pike. In fact, you may have caught it in editing! You'll see, shortly before the sad scene of Pike's death, someone in very recognizable clothes drop off a hotdog for him to eat...someone who wouldn't be likely to offer him a treat out of the goodness of their heart... LOVING how you're loving the show. The cinematography, the acting, the monologues...all peak Flanagan stuff! (there's a reason why he reuses actors...they're all so good!)