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How is EVERY story line this compelling? This is gonna be a great season! I loved Bobbie’s story in particular, but I can’t not be thrilled to see what happens next on Ilus

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/9SCr-wf6I_M




And now you’ve seen the major issue fans had with this season, which still isn’t really that big a deal and is no one’s fault, just an unfortunate production reality. Brian George was too busy to come back as Arjun, so we get this new actor who I’m sure is doing his best but simply doesn’t have anywhere near the screen presence. A lot of people even said they didn’t realize he was supposed to be the same guy and just assumed Avasarala had remarried offscreen for some reason.


oh yea, I think I commented on it in the next one, but that's NOT her husband 🤣 It's pretty minor, really, but that's not her husband!

T. Arnold Ferguson

During the two-week period when The Expanse was canceled by SyFy, and before it was picked up by Amazon, the cast and crew were released from their contracts. Brian George is such a popular actor, he was immediately offered another job, and was no logger available. On a positive note, about 95% of the cast and crew were able to remain.


I don't know if I would say that was the major issue. I'm sure many of us didn't care about the re-casting.


I wouldn't expect you to see Owen in his portrayal of Murtry. He is, after all, playing a bad guy this time.


Only a small change in the opening this episode. We will see such small changes a few times this season. In the shot of the colony ships approaching the Ring, the Edward Israel and the Sojourner are no longer present. The Edward Israel is the ship carrying the Murtry and the research team to Illus. The Sojourner was the colony ship stranded at the Ring blockade for 13 weeks that was mentioned earlier in the episode as having fallen prey to pirates.


In season 1, when Mars captures Holden and company, a file for Naomi is shown briefly that shows she had some affiliation with Marco Inaros. I don't believe he is named again until this episode.


I know a lot of people just really don’t like the season very much overall. It seems pretty common for people not to think there’s a point in the Bobby subplot/that it feels like a distraction and out of character for her (I fully disagree), and just generally not to like the different structure/focus of the show while planetside. I think it’s still a very solid season, probably my least favorite but not at all because it’s bad.. the others are just so great and something has to be at the bottom!


Between Amos mis-naming him constantly, and the way he dealt with the.. issue.,. at the end of the episode, welcome to the character many Expanse fans “lovingly” call some variation of Murdery. There is a lot of colonialist entitlement and veiled/unconscious prejudice going on. It’s true that the belters in that last scene are making assumptions from their own prejudices… but we do also know that they are fully true of Murtry. Our introduction to him on the shuttle was him telling a story of ripping off belters for a valuable resource claim, extorting them with supplies they needed to force them to give up the claim for a fraction of its value. He was unhappy how little of the company profits from that he benefited from.

Tony Camas

Making blanket statements about this show's fan community (or any show's fan community, really) is always likely to get one in trouble, but I think it's safe to say that the recasting of Arjun was something substantially more fans disliked than liked. It's not that the show had the option to bring Brian George back; I think it's actually a small miracle that as many people from the original cast were able to come back as did. But for a show that ordinarily does such an incredible job with casting, this one choice seemed a rare misstep. Michael Benyaer's Arjun seems noticeably different than Brian George's Arjun -- colder and more analytical, and also sometimes angrier. Whether this is the actor, the direction, or the writing, or some combination of all three, I found it pretty jarring, unfortunately. I personally don't feel it ever worked. And there are many who agree, though I wouldn't say it's exactly a universal opinion. YMMV, as they say. It's also safe to say that there was a prominent contingent of fans who did not like this season, or at least did not like it as much as the others, and when the book this season was based on came out, there were similar comments from some readers about that book. But it's not clear to me whether this group of naysayers was large or merely loud. One thing I've noticed about The Expanse that sets it apart from many other shows is that, at least in most things, opinions of seasons, episodes, story arcs, etc. tend to vary quite a bit from viewer to viewer. There are still trends, certainly, but there is more dissent than with other shows (I believe). Put in statistical terms, there is certainly a "mean" opinion of each episode/season/arc, but the standard deviation seems quite a bit higher for The Expanse than other shows. I think this speaks to the show's overall quality in so many areas. Different people prioritize various elements of this story differently, and how you feel about any piece of that story probably depends on which of those elements you're most "here for." And, for what it's worth, I've never been as down on Season 4 as some others. There's a bit of reset in the pacing, but that's because the story is entering a new "act," if you will, and needs some new setup and world building before it can return to the breakneck speed of the back half of Season 3 (I'm not even sure that would be a good idea, in fact). Also, and this is something I've noticed especially during the rewatches I've done with the reactors I've followed, the slower pace of Season 4 allows a lot of the character interactions some room to breathe, resulting in, in my opinion, some of the best written and acted scenes between pairs of characters of the entire show. We haven't seen many of those yet, but they're coming.

Etta Eskridge

wow, maybe because I watch on a smaller screen, I have never noticed any of that!! Great little detail!

Etta Eskridge

Yes, I am kind of Over hearing all about the shortcomings of S4. I personally LOVE it for so many reasons which I cannot say just yet. But one of the big ones is: We are on an ALIEN Planet and how frickin cool is that?? And since I didn't see anyone mention it: Bobbie saw Leelee (David's "study buddy") leaving as Bobbie arrived on the docks for work in the beginning scene. That's why she turned and looked back as she was surprised to see her there.

Tony Camas

Very much agreed. I also meant to comment on the Bobbie thing, the suggestion by some that she does things this season that seem out of character for her. For anyone who believes that, I would respectfully suggest that they're assigning attributes to Bobbie that are not actually in evidence. I don't want to say too much at this point because it's a tad spoilery at this point, but I think it's already clear that Bobbie is more than a little adrift at this point in the story, still doing her duty but feeling more and more unsure of what exactly the "dream of Mars" really means. We begin to question some of this ourselves, in fact: While Mars is admirable in many respects for their "one planet, one goal" ethos, we're beginning to see that some of that seems to come with an unpleasantly ultranationalistic bent, and a rigidity that discourages dissent to an alarming degree. I wouldn't say Mars is fascist, exactly, but they do have some leanings in that direction. I think Bobbie is starting to see that too, and it makes her question a lot of the beliefs she was raised with. And that leads her down some paths that are unexpected, but not necessarily unwarranted. Bobbie grows a lot this season, but that growth takes a bit of crooked path, as growth often does.