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It's time to visit the 1920s to discover, ok it still feels like more of a hint of what's really going on. We were given some puzzle pieces while Gwen tries to save her family.

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/Yl98MQLNmWw`




There is more Torchwood! Big Finish has been doing loads of stories in audio, When we finish these last few episodes I'll chat to you about it. It's not really reaction content but it's more Torchwood for you


I have mixed feelings about Angelo. I loved the romance story for Jack. Because he has so many loves and heart break. But I am such an Ianto fan girl hahahaha Ianto was the best Jack ever had. I was invested in both storylines haha


I have a hard time connecting to Jack's love stories, he's just such a playboy in general I never feel like I can take any of it seriously. I suppose the other route is to take all of it seriously. It's a well told story though! I appreciated the whole episode a touch more after editing it.


I totally get that. Extended universe has made it clear Ianto was a very important love for him. But I can see how easy it is to write Jack off. Particularly with all his weird Gwen flirting in season 1 and 2