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The final episode of Torchwood. Ok then.

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I still want to know what the hell anyone was thinking making a major character in this thing a child molester and murderer, whose entire story was always leading to nothing more than his intention to keep doing it to his victims in the afterlife. And casting a typically likable actor like Bill Pullman certainly gives the impression that we’re supposed to be rooting for him on some level. It’s so unforgivably grotesque even by the show’s own standards that it retroactively ruins quite a bit of the whole thing for me. At most, I feel pretty comfortable putting the blame more on Espenson given some of the very questionable moral views of some of her other work, even as recent as Once Upon a Time.


I really thought there would be some bigger payoff to his inclusion, but there wasn't. Dragging him along on the final mission and his final words were baffling to me.


I think this series as was only just OK. I wouldn't say it was BAD. But not good either.


Yeah this sure was the Torchwood Season 4 of all time. I think Miracle Day is a great concept, given like 4 too many episodes for the story it was telling, and a scope too big to exist within the greater Doctor Who universe (As in I dont think the Miracle existing for two and a half whole months with 0 crossover between factions is really feasible), with a conclusion that seems very reliant on another season to wrap up loose ends that shouldn't have been left there. (And it clearly seems to be treated that way by the writing teams, who have never followed up on any of this into later entries of Torchwood/Who/SJA beyond 1 audio episode and a book both released the same year, and the whole "Rex is immortal now" beat has no resolution even in those, same with the "Plan B" cliffhanger) It's truly a shame that with some tweaks you could really have made a truly polished high point to end things on, but alas, Torchwood ended on this note, and has been relegated to Audio only works from then on. Edit: I think part of it, is that if you look into the production side of things this season had, you can sorta tell they were making this also a soft pilot for an American version of Torchwood, with Rex as the lead Jack spot (Hence why he's immortal by the end of things to make them interchangable). Which meant leaving things that would've potentially spun off into that version of things, which just left the original story feeling odd. (Also side note, I feel they kept Oswald around purely because Bill Pullman was such a big name to draw viewers compared to the rest of the cast which is why he feels so tacked on by the end)


Some of the choices do make a lot more sense if you see it as setting up a spin-off. This whole season is a backdoor pilot 😅


I enjoy the series, but it does have some issues. It obviously needed some rewrites to the overall conclusion, but even so, i did enjoy it overall. I've watched it a few times. I mean obviously, series 3 was some of the best television ever made ever. Hard to follow it up. Series 3 is a 10 out of 10. Miracle day 6.5 out of 10, for me. I can overlook the flaws. :-)