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This might be a perfect episode. It was brilliantly constructed right down to the truly horrifying final moment. 

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Charity Konusser (the chonus)

I agree with you that this is a perfect episode of television. One of my all-time favorites. Erin's screaming and crying continues on through the credits. I have been trying since the first time I saw this series to put into words the question at the heart of it, and I come close but I never succeed. What do you do when presented with a miracle -- what is clearly as far as your scope of knowledge allows an *actual miracle* -- that comes with violence and blood and death? And what do you do, what do you believe, if passages from Scripture can support it? Miracles in the Bible do often come with violence, or blood, or death. How do you know if what you are seeing and believing are right? How can healing and resurrection be wrong, or evil? Paul believes he has been saved by an angel of the Lord, and is meant to save his congregation in turn. Regardless of how twisted we understand it to be from outside, we have to imagine it from his point of view. He was old, in poor health, his mind going, and the people in his ministry were ailing, their town run-down and half empty, and far fewer were coming to Mass than had been in years past. He wandered into the desert, like Jesus, where the angels *ministered* to him. And he was reborn! How could he see it otherwise? This is Mike Flanagan's exploration of his journey from alcoholism to sobriety, and from Catholicism to atheism, with Riley as his stand-in. And he was able to turn it into art.


I can 100% see things from Father Paul's POV. He was trying to make sense of it and had he had a better person than Bev around perhaps this would have been a different story. I was taught by people (who arguably failed to live this) that scripture must always be studied for meaning within the context of which it was written. Otherwise, you really can convince yourself of anything, even putting blood in communion knowing it results in turning people into bloodthirsty creatures of the night. The miracles beforehand were nice though.

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

I agree re: Bev. Put a different person in her place, and the story may have turned out very differently. Of course, a different person in her place and it's a different show. "The miracles beforehand were nice though." -- a fitting epitaph for the show and the message, perhaps.


Kate Siegel is *the* scream queen ❤️