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I absolutely love this show. A masterful Christmas special full of the perfect mix of joy and heartache.

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DarkStar 57

Loving the glasses btw! They suit you!

Elisa H.

This might be my favorite Christmas special. ❤️


One of my favourite and most underrated lines in this episode: "Look at my tie, I wear it and I don't care. That's why it's cool." this is genuinely one of the most wonderful and lovely episodes of anything put to TV <3

Stu Kay

I'm not sure how true it is, but here's a nice little bit of apocrypha on this episode. Stephen Moffatt wrote it for one of the previous Xmas specials (I've forgotten which year), with the late Michael Gambon in mind for the role of Kazran/Elliot, but his management turned it down given filming commitments on Harry Potter. The role was then offered to Johnathan Pryce, but he couldn't take the role because of his own filming commitments. Michael Gambon was approached again in 2010 and he said yes.


Thanks! The combination of contacts and lights were straining my eyes on long recording days, so I wanted to switch, but the glare from the lights was too much for my old glasses. So I got new frames and changed my lighting 😅.


True or not, I am glad this episode got made with the right person in the role! I'm sure Johnathan Pryce would have done a fine job, but it is extra special with Michael Gambon.


My absolute favourite christmas special of the series, it makes me weep like a baby every time.


I like the B&W photo of the Doctor and Kazran next to the Giza pyramids, and they're both wearing fezzes, because fezzes are cool.

Charity Konusser (the chonus)

Not just a great Christmas episode, but brought us this quintessential line from the Doctor - "In 900 years, I've never met someone who wasn't important."

Alfred Höttl

Of all the "Doctor Who" Christmas episodes there are only two that give me a lovely Christmas-y feeling. This is by far the better one of the two Christmas episodes I love, but the other one is a few seasons later. Be sure i'll say which one it is when you get there, as I plan to be watching your early access reactions for quite a while. Love the look of the glasses btw. :)


I love how the doctor simultaneously has the deepest respect for humanity, but also is so acutely aware of our limited intelligence 😅