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Sometimes people have the impression that in my life everything is easy and fun. The most beautiful and hot girls walk into my flat, undress, get excited, and I take the photos.

Well, it's true, my life was, is and hopefully continues to be full of marvelous young women, some of them even really hot (and excited), but not every time one of those surprises enters my door it leads to a success.

I use to explain to new models very clearly my style of photos - and that I only want to work with woman who really want to show themselves in this way. You can imagine that some kindly say: that's all very nice, but it's not for me... And in some of such cases I think: damn, why can't I have everything I want?

Then there are others, in fact the most complicated, where I have to say, sorry, but no. Even worse, when this happens when she already undressed and I only then see that I don't want... Because such moments have already occurred several times I do have some excuses ready, trying not to hurt her, but still, these are really my most uncomfortable moments.

Then there are the cases as the one of which I show you a session today.

There's a nice young girl. After showing her examples of my work and explaining everything, she says, she's really interested. She undresses and I see a nice young body, beautiful girlish breasts, a nice round butt, slim legs, even some pubic hair... and we start a photo session.

But it turns out that I am not able to make her feel really comfortable and sexy. I try to relax her, asking for very comfortable poses, making her change position several times... but she remains insecure, looks at me with skeptical eyes, and except of some moments, no happiness shines through. I see a beautiful young girl with a beautiful young body, but no sensual spark - nothing seductive apart of the pure physical properties...

Finally I move from the guest room with the bed to the living room in the hope that while talking she would defrost more. But no...

Obviously both her and me tried our best. She was willing to show me what I wanted to see, and actually a few nice photos arose, but in the end obviously there was no chemistry between her and me. Not that we felt bad, but we certainly didn't really feel good.

So today I show my patrons of Power-level and up the results of a mostly unsuccessful singular photo session that never lead to a second one, as a kind of back-stage-view about hat happens apart of the other series you see here.

As the girl has a nice face and a beautiful body, maybe another photographer was/is able to reach a much better result, on the other hand, maybe she simply doesn't have this sparkling sensuality that makes the difference between a physically nice girl and a girl that drives you crazy with her natural eroticism?

Or maybe she was just too young and too inexperienced and I should have given it some more tries, as I do, for example, with Susi?

As I have never approached her for another session, we will never know...

Here's a preview from the series.



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