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Another month has ended and its time to do a review of the works done ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

But, first of all I want to give some special greetings to the patrons who supported me during this month:

March was a moved month. As I told you in a previous post, last week has been a very special one since we celebrate the "holy week" or you can call it as "easter" with the difference that in the country I live the celebration goes for all the week and not just the weekend. Of course it has some repercutions in my work since I have to reorganize the time to attend all this events.

Generally the most devout people celebrate it more fervently praying, seeing all the bible tv shows, going to the church and achieving some traditions, for example: on holy friday people has tottally prohibited to do any kind of activity, it includes sports, playing any game, shopping, cooking, travelling, and a large etc. You ony can literally lay the bed and see tv shows all the day (Fortunately those traditions are a bit more flexible now and you can skip it).

Sorry for extending too much about this, I just want you to know a bit more about this week and the traditions that round me day by day 😅. Going back to the main theme. I really like the works I do this month, specially the Arlecchino image, I mean just look that 🍑, I feel proud of what I did there, that's why I got motivated and I did so many bonus versions of it. This is by far the work with more bonus versions (51 bonus versions). I can't be sure if I would do another work with the same or more bonus versions but I can tell you for sure that this quantity will not be surpased soon (I sayd the same with the last Furina image and well here we are🤣).

Next image will be about Acheron, she took all my attention after her teaser trailer and now it's not a possibility but a need to draw her.

Once again, thank you for reading so many text, if you did it... I love you ❤️

Review of March (2024) rewards:

- Sparkle: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116875092

- Arlecchino: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117263104

- Ubel: (TBP)

Here is what you can find on this month rewards:

$1 - KOUHAI:

Sparkle  -  Arlecchino  -  Ubel:

-  Sketches and source files (PSD)

-  Full Resolution Image

$5 -  SENPAI:

Sparkle  -  Arlecchino  -  Ubel:

-  All Kouhai Tier content

-  Full Process

-  Bonus Versions (X20~)

-  Images without background (PNG)

$10 -  SENSEI:

Sparkle  -  Arlecchino  -  Ubel:

-   All Kouhai and Senpai Tiers content

-  Bonus Versions (X102)

-  Source Files (PSD)



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