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Inflation is driven by the price of oil in the US! Simple.

Putin and Saudis and Xi are playing games and I think they have the US over a barrel excuse the Oil Pun.

USA just drained their strategic oil reserves and Saudis just cut production. Price of oil will rise.

Russia and India are in bed together and I don't even have to mention the Chinese

Anyway it is frustrating to see all this happening.





What does it means for the stock market?


That’s why buffet was buying up oil stocks. Tesla goes down tomorrow with everything else.


Couldn’t be more precisely explained


It’s well played by Putin. He tested his alliance with EU and now, he has India, Saudi, China and Africa. The whole colonisation dynamism has fallen apart. Is it the price for our Democracy?


World becoming more Partisanship and economic war preferred to real wars


Next stagflation.


True and when that fails or pushes one side to the brink, military wars begin.


Obama kept oil prices low for 2 terms by drilling here but our demented puppet president is too busy with naps and virtue signaling..


The trillion dollar question is: would this have happened under Trump? I'm not sure we could have avoided the inflation we just suffered and what's about to happen with the amount of money that got printed even under his watch. Maybe it would have been a lot less if that second wave of bailouts hadn't happened? I seriously doubt Russia would have invaded. Trump is too much of a renegade and Russia and China play the long game anyway,.


It’s our fault we put ourselves in this position- bullying the world with the petro dollar


The USA and the West have made it clear that they are moving away from oil and to electric, solar, and clean energy. Russia and Saudi Arabia need to align with countries like China and India that greatly need oil imports I don't blame them. A big misstep by letting these policies play out too soon and weaponizing the Swift system against policies that USA disagrees with.


Obama drained the SPR also. Why do democrats do this? Because it serves their DAVOS overlords plan to weaken America's ability to fight a war. No diesel fuel or Jet-A .. no war.


And what happens in the half-century the US still needs oil?


And Obama at least knew enough to not kill US oil production like the "big guy" drooling in the White House (drooling from dementia, not the bonus Xi will be paying him). These Saudi cuts would mean nothing if frackers were keeping pressure on the oil markets.


Anyone thinking about Sol and we’re it’s heading? 🧐 seen posts basically saying if it’s still towards the bottom of it’s all time high might struggle to get movement, who’s a believer?


DAVOS just got handed a black eye. The neo-cons will now have to fight a war in Ukraine with higher interest rates and higher oil prices. Cost push inflation will return here.


Printing money is the only thing that causes inflation.


Stop printing $$$$$... demand dries up. Oil comes down.


I'm still holding. I buy more on dips. A lot of the top alts are running in a channel right now. We probably won't see those prior ATH #s since that was part Alameda (FTX) pump. I forget what James' #s were on expected highs now. But there's still a lot of upside.


Full employment is not their mandate. 4% unemployment is the target. They don't want full employment.