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I've faced many challenges in my life, which has led me to prioritize health above everything else. After all, as the saying goes, 'You can't take it with you.' Always remember - Health is true wealth.

I will also share data - whether good, bad or scary! This is one we all need to see. 

Here are some shocking data points from the chart:

  • The life expectancy of Americans in the bottom 1% of the income distribution is 71.2 years, while the life expectancy of Britons in the bottom 1% of the income distribution is 76.5 years. This is a gap of more than five years.
  • The life expectancy of Americans in the top 1% of the income distribution is 85.2 years, while the life expectancy of Britons in the top 1% of the income distribution is 87.1 years. This is a gap of nearly two years.
  • The gap in life expectancy between the top and bottom 1% of the income distribution is wider in the United States than in England. In the United States, the gap is 14 years, while in England, the gap is 10.6 years.

The chart also shows that the life expectancy of Americans and Britons increases with income. This is because people with higher incomes have access to better healthcare, education, and other resources that can help them live longer and healthier lives.

The differences in life expectancy between the United States and England are likely due to a number of factors, including:

  • Access to healthcare: The United States has a more expensive and fragmented healthcare system than England. This means that some Americans may have difficulty accessing the healthcare they need, which can lead to lower life expectancy.
  • Social safety nets: England has a more generous social safety net than the United States. This means that English people are more likely to have access to basic necessities such as food and shelter, which can also lead to higher life expectancy.
  • Income inequality: The income inequality in the United States is greater than the income inequality in England. This means that a larger percentage of Americans are living in poverty, which can lead to lower life expectancy.

The chart is a reminder that there is a strong link between income and life expectancy. The UK vs US contrast is striking. 

H/t to Sanjay for the chart. 




Look at the actual death causes. England doesn't suffer the "unintentional" death rate like the U.S. does. That skews the numbers decently and when you look at what income class suffers it the most, it tends to be the lower income. I would suspect that is why there is such a gap.


You are what you eat


Fantastic info. Thanks so much!