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Hey mates, hope you all are doing well. Been dealing with the flu recently but it's getting better. Since Thanksgiving is coming up and with me still recovering things might be slow. I do plan on having some content posted for this week and next and will try my best to keep it going.  But I do apologize in advance on the delay of artwork.

Still I hope that the rest of you a happy thanksgiving and happy holidays for those that don't celebrate. Please be safe on your travels, enjoy your family, friends and eat good food. Once again I want to say a great thank you to everyone for the kindness and support.


Nick Nub

Glad to hear you are doing better Cold! Hope you have a great holiday season as well!

Laughing Jester

Thanks cold same to you and i hope you have an epic time doing your thing!


Happy holidays and have a nice recovery having the flu suck especially when it interferes With work Keep the good work dude