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The new character poll has gotten tons of votes! Thanks everyone for the feedback!~

So here's the game plan. I've started work on a new Krystal model, as seen above. I've already got almost all of the actual geometry finished. Just need to get the inside of the mouth, finish the hair, then make any remaining tweaks. After that I can start texturing and rigging. I've been using this opportunity to improve a few things and I'm so far really excited with how it's coming along!

After Krystal is done, I'm planning to make a Tails model in the near-ish future. I'm really surprised how much people want to see Tails, and super excited to make a model for her! She also gets bumped to the front of the list because her and Krystal are both foxes with very similar bodies, so I'll be able to slap her together very quickly using my new Krystal model. The updated Renamon model is also on the table still, but I'm going to wait and see how things are going after Krystal and Tails are finished before I decide if/when to do a new Renamon.

But for now, I think I'll crank out some new content for you all real quick. After almost 2 weeks of doing nothing but working on Krystal, I feel like I'm overdo for giving you all some fresh JPGs. Thanks for sticking with me as I indulge in my new character model, I'll be sure to reward you with new content soon!~




Wow this Krysta is amazing! Really shows the work you've put into her. Can't wait to see what's in store for her


I can't wait to see what you plan when she's finished, lol. 😁


do you plan to make a 3d printable version.


I do not yet have any plans for doing anything with 3D printing, since I don't have a printer and don't have any experience with it. 3D printing is still in the far off "maybe some day" camp.