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For sake of more transparency and to put extra pressure on myself so I can have more discipline, I'm going to start doing these posts monthly.

Here is the basic outline for my August plans and priorities

  • Finish the July poll winner picture (Top priority)
  • Get the July Colossal Fan rewards done (Second to top priority)
  • Get at least two commissions done (One which is already queued)
  • Begin working on the next animation (Might not be finished in August)
  • Get August rewards done ASAP to avoid being late again
  • Picture for the monthly poll's winner as always
  • Do 2 freebies
  • Second raffle winner picture

IMPORTANT: There were a few changes done to how I handle patreon and art content distribution too:

  • I'm no longer giving a recurring set deadline for anything other than poll winner pictures and monthly rewards.
  • Freebies will go public the month after the month they were available for patrons. Massive Fans get them 2 weeks before Big Fans.
  • Exclusive alts and monthly exclusives will mostly be exclusive forever. Only a select few will be shared outside of patreon after a long period of time.

I'm also aware I need a better way of sharing the bulk of my pictures. Through something like Mega like I did for my first animation test. I'm open for suggestions on how to do this.


On other updates I'm going to have to separate one or two fewer hours daily for drawing.

I really want to be able to just focus on art for my living income, but in the foreseeable future that isn't looking possible.

Just to give you an idea, with Brazil's cost of living in big cities (I live in one), I would need to be making at least 900 USD a month to live by myself in some apartment in a safe neighborhood thanks to how fast the USD is dropping compared to BRL.

My dad became 63 years old this year. The thought he could become unable to continue working anytime is really frightening me. It's a constant ticking clock ringing in my head. So I need to face reality here. I need to study more and get qualifications for stable HO jobs... If I keep waiting for more people to support my work while I spend years polishing my skills, it could be too late. Or it could simply never happen. I can't say.

So I'm going to need these first 1 or 2 hours of the day to study.

I don't think this will affect my art output much. Still, I figured I should let you all know just in case you notice anything.

As always thank you very much for the support. My living situation would have been devastating if it wasn't for you.

Anyway I'm going back to work. Have a great August!


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