SUK GESTE (Patreon)
I have a lazy comic page done but I don't know if I should post it now or wait til I have a second, better one to go along with it cos it looks so effort it makes me feel bad to post it on its own.
Fuck it. I guess I'll post it anyway. Hopefully I can draw anothe page this week that compensate.
Anyway it's time to suggest ! Last week winner which I've not yet drawn and I gotta remember to do even earlier than usual cos it's february is Larsen gets brat tamed by Zee ! But the problem is I had a short comic idea that was basically that so I dunnow what to do. Plot was Larsen gets spanked. I might just do one random page of it for the monthly pic then spruce up the comic later
HERE'S HOW IT WORKS (don't worry, it's simple) :
Comment below whatever you want to see, as long as it only involves at most two characters. What would you want me to draw ?
SFW or NSFW ! Up to you !
In around a week, I'll compile all the requests in a poll and all current donators get one week to vote on what they want me to draw !
I might modify a request for whatever reasons, like accomodating multiple similar requests or accomodate my tastes better. I might also just refuse to draw some things outright, in which case : sorry !
I'll only take one request per person, but you can vote for multiple ideas.
It would be a single but completely lined and colored pic of whatever wins.
You absolutely can re-submit the same thing you proposed last time ! Hell, you can re-submit whatever won last month too if that's what you want to see again. It's all up to you.
So that's it ! Suggest away ~~