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http://sta.sh/253n2vsdqyb Okay. There once was a YCH comic auction that went nowhere leaving me with ten pages that I didn't know what to do with. But then patreon. So I decided to put you (yes, YOU !) in it. You either accept or you don't, in which case I would just replace your character with someone else. This is otherwise entirely wing-it. The only thing I'm willing to change are the dialogues, the rest is entirely up to me, and if something displeases you in the way I drew it or the spot that's been given to you... tough shit. If you see no problem with that, I'll post the next pages.




OMG Q_Q, thanks so much von! O_O best reward ever is happy <3


I wouldn't call it a reward for it's probably not something that'll happen again, and not everyone involved donated to my patreon.